Search for date
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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
Date | class | core/ |
Basic sort handler for dates. |
Date | class | core/ |
A handler to provide proper displays for dates. |
Date | class | core/ |
Filter to handle dates stored as a timestamp. |
Date | class | core/ |
Argument handler for dates. |
Date | class | core/ |
Basic sort handler for datetime fields. |
Date | class | core/ |
Date/time views filter. |
Date | class | core/ |
Abstract argument handler for dates. |
Date | class | core/ |
Provides a form element for date or time selection. |
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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
DatetimeHooks.php | file | core/ |
DatetimeHooks::help | function | core/ |
Implements hook_help(). |
DateTimeInterface | interface | core/ |
Interface for dates, optionally including a time. |
DateTimeInterface.php | file | core/ |
DateTimeInterface::getDateTime | function | core/ |
Returns the date time object. |
DateTimeInterface::setDateTime | function | core/ |
Sets the date time object. |
DateTimeIso8601 | class | core/ |
A data type for ISO 8601 date strings. |
DateTimeIso8601.php | file | core/ |
DateTimeIso8601::getDateTime | function | core/ |
Returns the date time object. |
DateTimeIso8601::setDateTime | function | core/ |
Sets the date time object. |
DateTimeIso8601Normalizer | class | core/ |
Converts values for the DateTimeIso8601 data type to RFC3339. |
DateTimeIso8601Normalizer.php | file | core/ |
DateTimeIso8601Normalizer::$allowedFormats | property | core/ |
DateTimeIso8601Normalizer::denormalize | function | core/ |
DateTimeIso8601Normalizer::getSupportedTypes | function | core/ |
DateTimeIso8601Normalizer::normalize | function | core/ |
DateTimeIso8601NormalizerTest | class | core/ |
Unit test coverage for the "datetime_iso8601" @DataType. |
DateTimeIso8601NormalizerTest.php | file | core/ |
DateTimeIso8601NormalizerTest::$data | property | core/ |
The tested data type. |
DateTimeIso8601NormalizerTest::$normalizer | property | core/ |
The tested data type's normalizer. |
DateTimeIso8601NormalizerTest::jsonSchemaDataProvider | function | core/ |
Data provider for ::testNormalizedValuesAgainstJsonSchema. |
DateTimeIso8601NormalizerTest::providerTestDenormalizeValidFormats | function | core/ |
Data provider for testDenormalizeValidFormats. |
DateTimeIso8601NormalizerTest::providerTestNormalize | function | core/ |
Data provider for testNormalize. |
DateTimeIso8601NormalizerTest::setUp | function | core/ |
DateTimeIso8601NormalizerTest::testDenormalizeDateAndTimeException | function | core/ |
Tests the denormalize function with bad data for the date+time case. |
DateTimeIso8601NormalizerTest::testDenormalizeDateOnlyException | function | core/ |
Tests the denormalize function with bad data for the date-only case. |
DateTimeIso8601NormalizerTest::testDenormalizeNoTargetInstanceOrFieldDefinitionException | function | core/ |
Tests the denormalize function with incomplete serialization context. |
DateTimeIso8601NormalizerTest::testDenormalizeValidFormats | function | core/ |
Tests the denormalize function with good data. |
DateTimeIso8601NormalizerTest::testNormalize | function | core/ |
@covers ::normalize @dataProvider providerTestNormalize |
DateTimeIso8601NormalizerTest::testNormalizeWhenNull | function | core/ |
@covers ::normalize @dataProvider providerTestNormalize |
DateTimeIso8601NormalizerTest::testSupportsDenormalization | function | core/ |
@covers ::supportsDenormalization |
DateTimeIso8601NormalizerTest::testSupportsNormalization | function | core/ |
@covers ::supportsNormalization |
DateTimeIso8601NormalizerTestDrupalDateTime | class | core/ |
Provides a test class for testing DrupalDateTime. |
DateTimeIso8601NormalizerTestDrupalDateTime::setTimezone | function | core/ |
DateTimeItem | class | core/ |
Plugin implementation of the 'datetime' field type. |
DateTimeItem.php | file | core/ |
DateTimeItem::DATETIME_TYPE_DATE | constant | core/ |
Value for the 'datetime_type' setting: store only a date. |
DateTimeItem::DATETIME_TYPE_DATETIME | constant | core/ |
Value for the 'datetime_type' setting: store a date and time. |
DateTimeItem::defaultStorageSettings | function | core/ |
Defines the storage-level settings for this plugin. |
DateTimeItem::generateSampleValue | function | core/ |
Generates placeholder field values. |
DateTimeItem::isEmpty | function | core/ |
Determines whether the data structure is empty. |
DateTimeItem::onChange | function | core/ |
React to changes to a child property or item. |
DateTimeItem::propertyDefinitions | function | core/ |
Defines field item properties. |
DateTimeItem::schema | function | core/ |
Returns the schema for the field. |
DateTimeItem::storageSettingsForm | function | core/ |
Returns a form for the storage-level settings. |
DateTimeItemInterface | interface | core/ |
Interface definition for Datetime items. |
DateTimeItemInterface.php | file | core/ |
DateTimeItemInterface::DATETIME_STORAGE_FORMAT | constant | core/ |
Defines the format that date and time should be stored in. |
DateTimeItemInterface::DATE_STORAGE_FORMAT | constant | core/ |
Defines the format that dates should be stored in. |
DateTimeItemInterface::STORAGE_TIMEZONE | constant | core/ |
Defines the timezone that dates should be stored in. |
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