Search for date
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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
Date | class | core/ |
Basic sort handler for dates. |
Date | class | core/ |
A handler to provide proper displays for dates. |
Date | class | core/ |
Filter to handle dates stored as a timestamp. |
Date | class | core/ |
Argument handler for dates. |
Date | class | core/ |
Basic sort handler for datetime fields. |
Date | class | core/ |
Date/time views filter. |
Date | class | core/ |
Abstract argument handler for dates. |
Date | class | core/ |
Provides a form element for date or time selection. |
All search results
Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
ConfigSingleExportForm::updateExport | function | core/ |
Handles switching the export textarea. |
ConfigSingleImportForm::validateForm | function | core/ |
Form validation handler. |
ConfigStorageTestBase::update | function | core/ |
ConfigSubscriber::onConfigImporterValidate | function | core/ |
Checks that the Configuration module is not being uninstalled. |
ConfigSyncReadmeUpdateTest | class | core/ |
Tests update to readme inside the configuration synchronization directory. |
ConfigSyncReadmeUpdateTest.php | file | core/ |
ConfigSyncReadmeUpdateTest::$defaultTheme | property | core/ |
The theme to install as the default for testing. |
ConfigSyncReadmeUpdateTest::setDatabaseDumpFiles | function | core/ |
Set database dump files to be used. |
ConfigSyncReadmeUpdateTest::testConfigurationSynchronizationReadmeUpdate | function | core/ |
Tests configuration synchronization readme file update. |
ConfigTest::testValidateNameException | function | core/ |
@covers ::validateName @dataProvider validateNameProvider |
ConfigTest::validateNameProvider | function | core/ |
Provides data to test name validation. |
ConfigTestForm::updateSize | function | core/ |
Ajax callback for the size selection element. |
ConfigTestHooksHooks::configTestUpdate | function | core/ |
Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_update(). |
ConfigTestHooksHooks::updateIsSyncingStore | function | core/ |
Helper function for testing hooks during configuration sync. |
ConfigTestStorage::importUpdate | function | core/ |
Updates entities upon synchronizing configuration changes. |
ConfigTranslationDateFormatUiTest | class | core/ |
Tests the content translation behaviors on date formats. |
ConfigTranslationDateFormatUiTest.php | file | core/ |
ConfigTranslationDateFormatUiTest::$defaultTheme | property | core/ |
The theme to install as the default for testing. |
ConfigTranslationDateFormatUiTest::$modules | property | core/ |
Modules to install. |
ConfigTranslationDateFormatUiTest::setUp | function | core/ |
ConfigTranslationDateFormatUiTest::testDateFormatTranslation | function | core/ |
Tests date format translation. |
ConfigTranslationDateFormatUiTest::testDateFormatUI | function | core/ |
Tests date format translation behavior. |
ConfigTranslationListUiTest::doDateFormatListTest | function | core/ |
Tests the date format listing for the translate operation. |
ConfigurableActionBase::validateConfigurationForm | function | core/ |
Form validation handler. |
ConfigurableImageEffectBase::validateConfigurationForm | function | core/ |
ConfigurableLanguageManager::getFallbackCandidates | function | core/ |
Returns the language fallback candidates for a given context. |
ConfigurableLanguageManager::updateLockedLanguageWeights | function | core/ |
Updates locked system language weights. |
ConfigurableLanguageManagerInterface::updateLockedLanguageWeights | function | core/ |
Updates locked system language weights. |
ConfigurableSearchPluginBase::validateConfigurationForm | function | core/ |
Form validation handler. |
ConfigureBlockFormBase::validateForm | function | core/ |
Form validation handler. |
ConfigureSectionForm::$isUpdate | property | core/ |
Indicates whether the section is being added or updated. |
ConfigureSectionForm::validateForm | function | core/ |
Form validation handler. |
ConfigValidation::validateCatCount | function | core/ |
Validates a number. |
ConfigValidation::validateCats | function | core/ |
Validates cats. |
ConfigValidation::validateGiraffes | function | core/ |
Validates giraffes. |
ConfigValidation::validateLlama | function | core/ |
Validates a llama. |
ConfigValidation::validateMapping | function | core/ |
Validates a mapping. |
ConfigValidation::validateSequence | function | core/ |
Validates a sequence. |
ConfigValidationTest::testValidatableConfigIsValidated | function | core/ |
Tests that the recipe runner only validates config which is validatable. |
config_test_config_test_update | function | core/ |
Implements hook_config_test_update(). |
Connection::update | function | core/ |
Prepares and returns an UPDATE query object. |
Connection::update | function | core/ |
Prepares and returns an UPDATE query object. |
Connection::update | function | core/ |
Prepares and returns an UPDATE query object. |
Connection::update | function | core/ |
Prepares and returns an UPDATE query object. |
contact.post_update.php | file | core/ |
Post update functions for Contact. |
ContactFormEditForm::validateForm | function | core/ |
Form validation handler. |
ContactSitewideTest::updateContactForm | function | core/ |
Updates a form. |
contact_removed_post_updates | function | core/ |
Implements hook_removed_post_updates(). |
ContentEntityBase::$validated | property | core/ |
Whether entity validation was performed. |
ContentEntityBase::updateFieldLangcodes | function | core/ |
Updates language for already instantiated fields. |
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