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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
AdvisoriesConfigSubscriber::$securityAdvisoriesFetcher | property | core/ |
The security advisory fetcher service. |
AnnounceFetcher | class | core/ |
Service to fetch announcements from the external feed. |
AnnounceFetcher.php | file | core/ |
AnnounceFetcher::$config | property | core/ |
The configuration settings of this module. |
AnnounceFetcher::$tempStore | property | core/ |
The tempstore service. |
AnnounceFetcher::fetch | function | core/ |
Fetches the feed either from a local cache or fresh remotely. |
AnnounceFetcher::fetchIds | function | core/ |
Fetch ids of announcements. |
AnnounceFetcher::isRelevantItem | function | core/ |
Check whether the version given is relevant to the Drupal version used. |
AnnounceFetcher::validateUrl | function | core/ |
Check whether a link is controlled by D.O. |
AnnounceFetcher::__construct | function | core/ |
Construct an AnnounceFetcher service. |
AnnounceFetcherTest | class | core/ |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\announcements_feed\AnnounceFetcher |
AnnounceFetcherTest.php | file | core/ |
AnnounceFetcherTest::fetchFeedItems | function | core/ |
Gets the announcements from the 'announce.fetcher' service. |
AnnounceFetcherTest::providerShowAnnouncements | function | core/ |
Data provider for testShowAnnouncements(). |
AnnounceFetcherTest::setFeedItems | function | core/ |
Sets the feed items to be returned for the test. |
AnnounceFetcherTest::setUp | function | core/ |
AnnounceFetcherTest::testFeedFields | function | core/ |
Tests feed fields. |
AnnounceFetcherTest::testShowAnnouncements | function | core/ |
Tests announcement that should be displayed. |
AnnounceFetcherUnitTest | class | core/ |
Simple test to ensure that asserts pass. |
AnnounceFetcherUnitTest.php | file | core/ |
AnnounceFetcherUnitTest::$fetcher | property | core/ |
The Fetcher service object. |
AnnounceFetcherUnitTest::setUp | function | core/ |
AnnounceFetcherUnitTest::testValidateUrl | function | core/ |
Test the ValidateUrl() method. |
AnnounceFetcherUnitTest::urlProvider | function | core/ |
Data for the testValidateUrl. |
AnnounceFetcherUserTest | class | core/ |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\announcements_feed\AnnounceFetcher |
AnnounceFetcherUserTest.php | file | core/ |
AnnounceFetcherUserTest::$modules | property | core/ |
Modules to install. |
AnnounceFetcherUserTest::providerShowAnnouncements | function | core/ |
Data provider for testAllAnnouncements(). |
AnnounceFetcherUserTest::providerShowUpdatedAnnouncements | function | core/ |
Data provider for testAllAnnouncements(). |
AnnounceFetcherUserTest::setFeedItems | function | core/ |
Sets the feed items to be returned for the test. |
AnnounceFetcherUserTest::setUp | function | core/ |
AnnounceFetcherUserTest::testAllAnnouncementsFirst | function | core/ |
Tests testAllAnnouncements should get all announcements. |
announcements_feed.fetcher | service | core/ |
Drupal\announcements_feed\AnnounceFetcher |
ApcuFileCacheBackend::fetch | function | core/ |
Fetches data from the cache backend. |
CommentStatisticsUnitTest::$callsToFetch | property | core/ |
Counts calls to fetchAssoc(). |
CommentStatisticsUnitTest::fetchObjectCallback | function | core/ |
Return value callback for fetchObject() function on mocked object. |
ConnectionTest::providerSupportedFetchModes | function | core/ |
Provides data for testSupportedFetchModes. |
ConnectionTest::providerSupportedLegacyFetchModes | function | core/ |
Provides data for testSupportedFetchModes. |
ConnectionTest::providerUnsupportedFetchModes | function | core/ |
Provides data for testUnsupportedFetchModes. |
ConnectionTest::testSupportedFetchModes | function | core/ |
Tests supported fetch modes. |
ConnectionTest::testSupportedLegacyFetchModes | function | core/ |
Tests supported fetch modes. |
ConnectionTest::testUnsupportedFetchModes | function | core/ |
Tests unsupported legacy fetch modes. |
DerivativeDiscoveryDecoratorTest::testGetDerivativeFetcher | function | core/ |
Tests the getDerivativeFetcher method. |
DerivativeDiscoveryDecoratorTest::testGetDerivativeFetcherWithAnnotationObjects | function | core/ |
Tests the getDerivativeFetcher method with objects instead of arrays. |
DerivativeDiscoveryDecoratorTest::testInvalidDerivativeFetcher | function | core/ |
Tests the getDerivativeFetcher method with an invalid class. |
DerivativeDiscoveryDecoratorTest::testNonExistentDerivativeFetcher | function | core/ |
Tests the getDerivativeFetcher method with a non-existent class. |
DriverSpecificConnectionUnitTestBase::testOpenQueryPrefetchClose | function | core/ |
Tests Database::closeConnection() with a query and custom prefetch method. |
Drupal\announcements_feed\AnnounceFetcher | service | core/ |
Drupal\media\OEmbed\ResourceFetcherInterface | service | core/ |
Drupal\system\SecurityAdvisories\SecurityAdvisoriesFetcher | service | core/ |
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