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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
BlockInterface::getPlugin | function | core/ |
Returns the plugin instance. |
BlockInterface::getPluginId | function | core/ |
Returns the plugin ID. |
BlockInterface::getRegion | function | core/ |
Returns the region this block is placed in. |
BlockInterface::getTheme | function | core/ |
Returns the theme ID. |
BlockInterface::getVisibility | function | core/ |
Returns an array of visibility condition configurations. |
BlockInterface::getVisibilityCondition | function | core/ |
Gets a visibility condition plugin instance. |
BlockInterface::getVisibilityConditions | function | core/ |
Gets conditions for this block. |
BlockInterface::getWeight | function | core/ |
Returns the weight of this block (used for sorting). |
BlockInterface::setRegion | function | core/ |
Sets the region this block is placed in. |
BlockInterface::setVisibilityConfig | function | core/ |
Sets the visibility condition configuration. |
BlockInterface::setWeight | function | core/ |
Sets the block weight. |
BlockInterfaceTest | class | core/ |
Tests that the block plugin can work properly without a supporting entity. |
BlockInterfaceTest.php | file | core/ |
BlockInterfaceTest::$modules | property | core/ |
Modules to install. |
BlockInterfaceTest::testBlockInterface | function | core/ |
Tests configuration and subsequent form() and build() method calls. |
BlockManagerInterface | interface | core/ |
Provides an interface for the discovery and instantiation of block plugins. |
BlockManagerInterface.php | file | core/ |
BlockPluginInterface | interface | core/ |
Defines the required interface for all block plugins. |
BlockPluginInterface.php | file | core/ |
BlockPluginInterface::access | function | core/ |
Indicates whether the block should be shown. |
BlockPluginInterface::blockForm | function | core/ |
Returns the configuration form elements specific to this block plugin. |
BlockPluginInterface::blockSubmit | function | core/ |
Adds block type-specific submission handling for the block form. |
BlockPluginInterface::blockValidate | function | core/ |
Adds block type-specific validation for the block form. |
BlockPluginInterface::BLOCK_LABEL_VISIBLE | constant | core/ |
Indicates the block label (title) should be displayed to end users. |
BlockPluginInterface::build | function | core/ |
Builds and returns the renderable array for this block plugin. |
BlockPluginInterface::getMachineNameSuggestion | function | core/ |
Suggests a machine name to identify an instance of this block. |
BlockPluginInterface::label | function | core/ |
Returns the user-facing block label. |
BlockPluginInterface::setConfigurationValue | function | core/ |
Sets a particular value in the block settings. |
BlockRepositoryInterface | interface | core/ |
Provides an interface for the block repository. |
BlockRepositoryInterface.php | file | core/ |
BlockRepositoryInterface::getUniqueMachineName | function | core/ |
Based on a suggested string generates a unique machine name for a block. |
BlockRepositoryInterface::getVisibleBlocksPerRegion | function | core/ |
Returns an array of regions and their block entities. |
BlockRepositoryInterface::REGIONS_ALL | constant | core/ |
Return all regions. |
BlockRepositoryInterface::REGIONS_VISIBLE | constant | core/ |
Return only visible regions. |
BookManagerInterface | interface | core/ |
Provides an interface defining a book manager. |
BookManagerInterface.php | file | core/ |
BookManagerInterface::addFormElements | function | core/ |
Builds the common elements of the book form for the node and outline forms. |
BookManagerInterface::bookLinkTranslate | function | core/ |
Provides book loading, access control and translation. |
BookManagerInterface::bookSubtreeData | function | core/ |
Gets the data representing a subtree of the book hierarchy. |
BookManagerInterface::bookTreeAllData | function | core/ |
Gets the data structure representing a named menu tree. |
BookManagerInterface::bookTreeCheckAccess | function | core/ |
Checks access and performs dynamic operations for each link in the tree. |
BookManagerInterface::bookTreeCollectNodeLinks | function | core/ |
Collects node links from a given menu tree recursively. |
BookManagerInterface::bookTreeGetFlat | function | core/ |
Gets the book for a page and returns it as a linear array. |
BookManagerInterface::bookTreeOutput | function | core/ |
Returns a rendered menu tree. |
BookManagerInterface::checkNodeIsRemovable | function | core/ |
Determines if a node can be removed from the book. |
BookManagerInterface::deleteFromBook | function | core/ |
Deletes node's entry from book table. |
BookManagerInterface::getActiveTrailIds | function | core/ |
Gets the active trail IDs for the specified book at the provided path. |
BookManagerInterface::getAllBooks | function | core/ |
Returns an array of all books. |
BookManagerInterface::getBookParents | function | core/ |
BookManagerInterface::getLinkDefaults | function | core/ |
Returns an array with default values for a book page's menu link. |
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