Search for save
Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
ImageStyleEditForm::save | function | core/ |
Form submission handler for the 'save' action. |
ImageStyleFormBase::save | function | core/ |
Form submission handler for the 'save' action. |
ImageTest::testSave | function | core/ |
Tests \Drupal\Core\Image\Image::save(). |
ImageTest::testSaveFails | function | core/ |
Tests \Drupal\Core\Image\Image::save(). |
ImageToolkitInterface::save | function | core/ |
Writes an image resource to a destination file. |
ImmutableConfig::save | function | core/ |
Saves the configuration object. |
ImmutableConfigTest::testSave | function | core/ |
@covers ::save |
InlineBlock::saveBlockContent | function | core/ |
Saves the block_content entity for this plugin. |
InlineBlockEntityOperations::handlePreSave | function | core/ |
Handles saving a parent entity. |
InlineBlockEntityOperations::removeUnusedForEntityOnSave | function | core/ |
Remove all unused inline blocks on save. |
InlineBlockEntityOperations::saveInlineBlockComponent | function | core/ |
Saves an inline block component. |
InlineBlockEntityOperationsTest::testPreSaveWithSyncingEntity | function | core/ |
Tests calling handlePreSave() with an entity that is syncing. |
InlineBlockTest::layoutNoSaveProvider | function | core/ |
Provides test data for ::testNoLayoutSave(). |
InlineBlockTest::testNoLayoutSave | function | core/ |
Tests adding a new entity block and then not saving the layout. |
InlineBlockTestBase::assertSaveLayout | function | core/ |
Saves a layout and asserts the message is correct. |
InstallHelper::saveMediaImageId | function | core/ |
Saves a Media Image ID generated when saving a media image. |
InstallHelper::saveNodePath | function | core/ |
Saves a node CSV ID generated when saving content. |
InstallHelper::saveTermId | function | core/ |
Saves a Term ID generated when saving a taxonomy term. |
JsonapiTestNonCacheableMethodsHooks::entityPresave | function | core/ |
Implements hook_entity_presave(). |
jsonapi_test_non_cacheable_methods_entity_presave | function | core/ |
Implements hook_entity_presave(). |
KeyValueEntityStorage::doSave | function | core/ |
Performs storage-specific saving of the entity. |
KeyValueEntityStorage::save | function | core/ |
Saves the entity permanently. |
KeyValueEntityStorageTest::testSaveConfigEntity | function | core/ |
@covers ::save @covers ::doSave |
KeyValueEntityStorageTest::testSaveContentEntity | function | core/ |
@covers ::save @covers ::doSave |
KeyValueEntityStorageTest::testSaveDuplicate | function | core/ |
@covers ::save @covers ::doSave |
KeyValueEntityStorageTest::testSaveInsert | function | core/ |
@covers ::save @covers ::doSave |
KeyValueEntityStorageTest::testSaveInvalid | function | core/ |
@covers ::save @covers ::doSave |
KeyValueEntityStorageTest::testSaveRenameConfigEntity | function | core/ |
@covers ::save @covers ::doSave |
KeyValueEntityStorageTest::testSaveUpdate | function | core/ |
@covers ::save @covers ::doSave |
LanguageAddForm::save | function | core/ |
Form submission handler for the 'save' action. |
LanguageConfigFactoryOverride::onConfigSave | function | core/ |
Actions to be performed to configuration override on configuration save. |
LanguageConfigOverride::save | function | core/ |
Saves the configuration object. |
LanguageConfigOverrideEvents::SAVE_OVERRIDE | constant | core/ |
The name of the event fired when saving the configuration override. |
LanguageConfigOverrideTest::testSaveExisting | function | core/ |
@covers ::save |
LanguageConfigOverrideTest::testSaveNew | function | core/ |
@covers ::save |
LanguageEditForm::save | function | core/ |
Form submission handler for the 'save' action. |
LanguageNegotiator::saveConfiguration | function | core/ |
LanguageNegotiatorInterface::saveConfiguration | function | core/ |
Saves a list of language negotiation methods for a language type. |
LanguageSwitchingTest::saveNativeLanguageName | function | core/ |
Saves the native name of a language entity in configuration as a label. |
LayoutBuilderConfigSubscriber::onConfigSave | function | core/ |
Clears the block plugin cache when expose_all_field_blocks changes. |
LayoutBuilderEntityFormTrait::saveTasks | function | core/ |
Performs tasks that are needed during the save process. |
LayoutBuilderEntityViewDisplay::preSave | function | core/ |
Acts on an entity before the presave hook is invoked. |
LayoutBuilderEntityViewDisplay::save | function | core/ |
Saves an entity permanently. |
LayoutBuilderHooks::entityPresave | function | core/ |
Implements hook_entity_presave(). |
LayoutBuilderUiTest::testUnsavedChangesMessage | function | core/ |
Tests the message indicating unsaved changes. |
LayoutSectionItemList::preSave | function | core/ |
Defines custom presave behavior for field values. |
LegacyFileSystemTest::testSaveDataWithDeprecatedFileExists | function | core/ |
@covers ::saveData |
LocaleConfigManager::saveTranslationActive | function | core/ |
Saves translated configuration data. |
LocaleConfigManager::saveTranslationOverride | function | core/ |
Saves translated configuration override. |
LocaleConfigSubscriber::onConfigSave | function | core/ |
Updates the locale strings when a translated active configuration is saved. |
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