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Title Object type File name Summary
DrupalAttributesUnitTest class modules/simpletest/tests/common.test Tests for the format_date() function.
DrupalAttributesUnitTest::getInfo function modules/simpletest/tests/common.test
DrupalAttributesUnitTest::testDrupalAttributes function modules/simpletest/tests/common.test Tests that drupal_html_class() cleans the class name properly.
drupal_attributes function includes/ Converts an associative array to an XML/HTML tag attribute string.
drupal_http_header_attributes function includes/ Formats an attribute string for an HTTP header.
element_set_attributes function includes/ Sets HTML attributes based on element properties.
ImageFieldDisplayTestCase::testImageFieldFormatterAttributes function modules/image/image.test Test passing attributes into the image field formatters.
RdfCommentAttributesTestCase class modules/rdf/rdf.test
RdfCommentAttributesTestCase::$node1 property modules/rdf/rdf.test
RdfCommentAttributesTestCase::$node2 property modules/rdf/rdf.test
RdfCommentAttributesTestCase::getInfo function modules/rdf/rdf.test
RdfCommentAttributesTestCase::setUp function modules/rdf/rdf.test Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
RdfCommentAttributesTestCase::testCommentRdfaMarkup function modules/rdf/rdf.test Tests the presence of the RDFa markup for the title, date and author and
homepage on registered users and anonymous comments.
RdfCommentAttributesTestCase::testCommentReplyOfRdfaMarkup function modules/rdf/rdf.test Test RDF comment replies.
RdfCommentAttributesTestCase::testNumberOfCommentsRdfaMarkup function modules/rdf/rdf.test Tests the presence of the RDFa markup for the number of comments.
RdfCommentAttributesTestCase::_testBasicCommentRdfaMarkup function modules/rdf/rdf.test Helper function for testCommentRdfaMarkup().
RdfMappingDefinitionTestCase::testAttributesInMarkup1 function modules/rdf/rdf.test Create a node of type blog and test whether the RDF mapping defined for
this node type in rdf_test.module is used in the node page.
RdfMappingDefinitionTestCase::testAttributesInMarkup2 function modules/rdf/rdf.test Create a content type and a node of type test_bundle_hook_install and test
whether the RDF mapping defined in rdf_test.install is used.
RdfMappingDefinitionTestCase::testAttributesInMarkup3 function modules/rdf/rdf.test Create a random content type and node and ensure the default mapping for
node is used.
RdfMappingDefinitionTestCase::testTaxonomyTermRdfaAttributes function modules/rdf/rdf.test Creates a random term and ensures the right RDFa markup is used.
RdfMappingDefinitionTestCase::testUserAttributesInMarkup function modules/rdf/rdf.test Create a random user and ensure the default mapping for user is used.
RdfRdfaMarkupTestCase::testAttributesInMarkupFile function modules/rdf/rdf.test Ensure that file fields have the correct resource as the object in RDFa
when displayed as a teaser.
RdfRdfaMarkupTestCase::testDrupalRdfaAttributes function modules/rdf/rdf.test Test rdf_rdfa_attributes().
RdfTrackerAttributesTestCase class modules/rdf/rdf.test
RdfTrackerAttributesTestCase::getInfo function modules/rdf/rdf.test
RdfTrackerAttributesTestCase::setUp function modules/rdf/rdf.test Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
RdfTrackerAttributesTestCase::testAttributesInTracker function modules/rdf/rdf.test Create nodes as both admin and anonymous user and test for correct RDFa
markup on the tracker page for those nodes and their comments.
RdfTrackerAttributesTestCase::_testBasicTrackerRdfaMarkup function modules/rdf/rdf.test Helper function for testAttributesInTracker().
rdf_rdfa_attributes function modules/rdf/rdf.module Builds an array of RDFa attributes for a given mapping. This array will
typically be passed through drupal_attributes() to create the attributes
variables that are available to template files. These include $attributes,
SanitizerTestRequest::$attributes property modules/simpletest/tests/request_sanitizer.test The request attributes.
SanitizerTestRequest::getAttributes function modules/simpletest/tests/request_sanitizer.test Getter for $attributes.
SessionTestCase::testSameSiteCookieAttributeStrict function modules/simpletest/tests/session.test Test SameSite attribute = Strict on session cookies.
_filter_xss_attributes function includes/ Processes a string of HTML attributes.

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