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Title Object type File name Summary
CronRunTestCase::testTempFileCleanup function modules/system/system.test Ensure that temporary files are removed.
DatabaseConnection_mysql::$needsCleanup property includes/database/mysql/ Flag to indicate if the cleanup function in __destruct() should run.
DatabaseTransactionTestCase::cleanUp function modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.test Start over for a new test.
drupal_cron_cleanup function includes/ DEPRECATED: Shutdown function: Performs cron cleanup.
FloodFunctionalTest::testCleanUp function modules/system/system.test Test flood control mechanism clean-up.
TriggerContentTestCase::$_cleanup_roles property modules/trigger/trigger.test
TriggerContentTestCase::$_cleanup_users property modules/trigger/trigger.test
TriggerOtherTestCase::$_cleanup_roles property modules/trigger/trigger.test
TriggerOtherTestCase::$_cleanup_users property modules/trigger/trigger.test

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