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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
EntityLoadTestCase::getInfo | function | modules/ |
EntityPropertiesTestCase::getInfo | function | modules/ |
entity_get_controller | function | includes/ |
Gets the entity controller for an entity type. |
entity_get_info | function | includes/ |
Get the entity info array of an entity type. |
ExampleTest::getInfo | function | modules/ |
ExampleTest::getInfo | function | modules/ |
FeedIconTest::getInfo | function | modules/ |
FeedParserTestCase::getInfo | function | modules/ |
Field Widget API | group | modules/ |
Define Field API widget types. |
FieldAttachOtherTestCase::getInfo | function | modules/ |
FieldAttachStorageTestCase | class | modules/ |
Unit test class for storage-related field_attach_* functions. |
FieldAttachStorageTestCase::getInfo | function | modules/ |
FieldAttachStorageTestCase::testFieldAttachCreateRenameBundle | function | modules/ |
Test field_attach_create_bundle() and field_attach_rename_bundle(). |
FieldAttachStorageTestCase::testFieldAttachDelete | function | modules/ |
Test field_attach_delete(). |
FieldAttachStorageTestCase::testFieldAttachDeleteBundle | function | modules/ |
Test field_attach_delete_bundle(). |
FieldAttachStorageTestCase::testFieldAttachLoadMultiple | function | modules/ |
Test the 'multiple' load feature. |
FieldAttachStorageTestCase::testFieldAttachSaveLoad | function | modules/ |
Check field values insert, update and load. |
FieldAttachStorageTestCase::testFieldAttachSaveLoadDifferentStorage | function | modules/ |
Test saving and loading fields using different storage backends. |
FieldAttachStorageTestCase::testFieldAttachSaveMissingData | function | modules/ |
Tests insert and update with missing or NULL fields. |
FieldAttachStorageTestCase::testFieldAttachSaveMissingDataDefaultValue | function | modules/ |
Test insert with missing or NULL fields, with default value. |
FieldAttachStorageTestCase::testFieldHasData | function | modules/ |
Test field_has_data(). |
FieldAttachStorageTestCase::testFieldStorageDetailsAlter | function | modules/ |
Test storage details alteration. |
FieldBulkDeleteTestCase::getInfo | function | modules/ |
FieldCrudTestCase::getInfo | function | modules/ |
FieldDisplayAPITestCase::getInfo | function | modules/ |
FieldFormTestCase::getInfo | function | modules/ |
FieldFormTestCase::testFieldFormMultipleWidget | function | modules/ |
Tests widgets handling multiple values. |
FieldInfo::getBundleExtraFields | function | modules/ |
Retrieves the "extra fields" for a bundle. |
FieldInfo::getBundleInstances | function | modules/ |
Retrieves the instances for a bundle. |
FieldInfo::getField | function | modules/ |
Returns a field definition from a field name. |
FieldInfo::getFieldById | function | modules/ |
Returns a field definition from a field ID. |
FieldInfo::getFieldMap | function | modules/ |
Collects a lightweight map of fields across bundles. |
FieldInfo::getFields | function | modules/ |
Returns all active fields, including deleted ones. |
FieldInfo::getInstances | function | modules/ |
Retrieves all active, non-deleted instances definitions. |
FieldInfo::prepareInstanceWidget | function | modules/ |
Prepares widget properties for the current run-time context. |
FieldInfoTestCase::getInfo | function | modules/ |
FieldInstanceCrudTestCase::getInfo | function | modules/ |
FieldSqlStorageTestCase | class | modules/ |
Tests field storage. |
FieldSqlStorageTestCase::$field | property | modules/ |
FieldSqlStorageTestCase::$field_name | property | modules/ |
FieldSqlStorageTestCase::$instance | property | modules/ |
FieldSqlStorageTestCase::$revision_table | property | modules/ |
FieldSqlStorageTestCase::$table | property | modules/ |
FieldSqlStorageTestCase::getInfo | function | modules/ |
FieldSqlStorageTestCase::setUp | function | modules/ |
Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests. |
FieldSqlStorageTestCase::testFieldAttachInsertAndUpdate | function | modules/ |
Reads mysql to verify correct data is written when using insert and update. |
FieldSqlStorageTestCase::testFieldAttachLoad | function | modules/ |
Uses the mysql tables and records to verify field_load_revision works correctly. |
FieldSqlStorageTestCase::testFieldAttachSaveMissingData | function | modules/ |
Tests insert and update with missing or NULL fields. |
FieldSqlStorageTestCase::testFieldCompareDataModification | function | modules/ |
Tests the expected return values of _field_sql_storage_write_compare(). |
FieldSqlStorageTestCase::testFieldSqlSchemaForEntityWithStringIdentifier | function | modules/ |
Tests adding a field with an entity ID type of string. |
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