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Title Object type File name Summary file modules/aggregator/ Processor functions for the aggregator module.
aggregator_aggregator_process function modules/aggregator/ Implements hook_aggregator_process().
aggregator_aggregator_process_info function modules/aggregator/ Implements hook_aggregator_process_info().
ajax_process_form function includes/ Form element processing handler for the #ajax form property.
bartik_preprocess_block function themes/bartik/template.php Override or insert variables into the block template.
bartik_preprocess_html function themes/bartik/template.php Add body classes if certain regions have content.
bartik_preprocess_maintenance_page function themes/bartik/template.php Implements hook_preprocess_maintenance_page().
bartik_preprocess_node function themes/bartik/template.php Override or insert variables into the node template.
bartik_process_html function themes/bartik/template.php Override or insert variables into the page template for HTML output.
bartik_process_maintenance_page function themes/bartik/template.php Override or insert variables into the maintenance page template.
bartik_process_page function themes/bartik/template.php Override or insert variables into the page template.
BatchProcessingTestCase class modules/simpletest/tests/batch.test Tests for the Batch API.
BatchProcessingTestCase::assertBatchMessages function modules/simpletest/tests/batch.test Will trigger a pass if the texts were found in order in the raw content.
BatchProcessingTestCase::getInfo function modules/simpletest/tests/batch.test
BatchProcessingTestCase::setUp function modules/simpletest/tests/batch.test Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
BatchProcessingTestCase::testBatchForm function modules/simpletest/tests/batch.test Test batches defined in a form submit handler.
BatchProcessingTestCase::testBatchFormMultipleBatches function modules/simpletest/tests/batch.test Test batches defined in different submit handlers on the same form.
BatchProcessingTestCase::testBatchFormMultistep function modules/simpletest/tests/batch.test Test batches defined in a multistep form.
BatchProcessingTestCase::testBatchFormProgrammatic function modules/simpletest/tests/batch.test Test batches defined in a programmatically submitted form.
BatchProcessingTestCase::testBatchLargePercentage function modules/simpletest/tests/batch.test Test batches that return $context['finished'] > 1 do in fact complete.
BatchProcessingTestCase::testBatchNoForm function modules/simpletest/tests/batch.test Test batches triggered outside of form submission.
BatchProcessingTestCase::testDrupalFormSubmitInBatch function modules/simpletest/tests/batch.test Test that drupal_form_submit() can run within a batch operation.
BatchProcessingTestCase::_resultMessages function modules/simpletest/tests/batch.test Helper function: return expected result messages for the test batches.
BatchProcessingTestCase::_resultStack function modules/simpletest/tests/batch.test Helper function: return expected execution stacks for the test batches.
batch_process function includes/ Processes the batch.
callback_filter_process function modules/filter/filter.api.php Provide text filtered to conform to the supplied format.
CascadingStylesheetsTestCase::testRenderInlineNoPreprocess function modules/simpletest/tests/common.test Tests rendering inline stylesheets with preprocessing off.
CascadingStylesheetsTestCase::testRenderInlinePreprocess function modules/simpletest/tests/common.test Tests rendering inline stylesheets with preprocessing on.
CascadingStylesheetsTestCase::testRenderRemoveCharsetPreprocess function modules/simpletest/tests/common.test Tests removing charset when rendering stylesheets with preprocessing on.
contextual_preprocess function modules/contextual/contextual.module Implements hook_preprocess().
DatabaseSchema_mysql::processField function includes/database/mysql/ Set database-engine specific properties for a field.
DatabaseSchema_pgsql::processField function includes/database/pgsql/ Set database-engine specific properties for a field.
DatabaseSchema_sqlite::processField function includes/database/sqlite/ Set database-engine specific properties for a field.
drupal_get_schema_unprocessed function includes/ Returns the unprocessed and unaltered version of a module's schema.
drupal_process_attached function includes/ Adds attachments to a render() structure.
drupal_process_form function includes/ Processes a form submission.
drupal_process_states function includes/ Adds JavaScript to change the state of an element based on another element.
field_attach_preprocess function modules/field/ Populate the template variables with the field values available for rendering.
file_field_widget_process function modules/file/ An element #process callback for the file_generic field type.
file_field_widget_process_multiple function modules/file/ An element #process callback for a group of file_generic fields.
file_managed_file_process function modules/file/file.module Process function to expand the managed_file element type.
filter_process_format function modules/filter/filter.module Expands an element into a base element with text format selector attached.
FormsTestCase::testCheckboxProcessing function modules/simpletest/tests/form.test Test default value handling for checkboxes.
form_process_actions function includes/ Processes a form actions container element.
form_process_autocomplete function includes/ Process function to prepare autocomplete data.
form_process_button function includes/ Processes a form button element.
form_process_checkbox function includes/ Sets the #checked property of a checkbox element.
form_process_checkboxes function includes/ Processes a checkboxes form element.
form_process_container function includes/ Processes a container element.
form_process_date function includes/ Expands a date element into year, month, and day select elements.

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