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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
AccessPolicyProcessor | class | core/ |
Processes access policies into permissions for an account. |
AccessPolicyProcessor.php | file | core/ |
AccessPolicyProcessor::$accessPolicies | property | core/ |
The access policies. |
AccessPolicyProcessor::addAccessPolicy | function | core/ |
Adds an access policy. |
AccessPolicyProcessor::getPersistentCacheContexts | function | core/ |
Gets the persistent cache contexts of all policies within a given scope. |
AccessPolicyProcessor::needsPersistentCache | function | core/ |
Returns whether the persistent cache is necessary. |
AccessPolicyProcessor::processAccessPolicies | function | core/ |
Processes the access policies for an account within a given scope. |
AccessPolicyProcessor::validateScope | function | core/ |
Validates if calculated permissions all match a single scope. |
AccessPolicyProcessor::__construct | function | core/ |
AccessPolicyProcessorInterface | interface | core/ |
Processes all added access policies until the full permissions are built. |
AccessPolicyProcessorInterface.php | file | core/ |
AccessPolicyProcessorInterface::addAccessPolicy | function | core/ |
Adds an access policy. |
AccessPolicyProcessorInterface::processAccessPolicies | function | core/ |
Processes the access policies for an account within a given scope. |
AccessPolicyProcessorTest | class | core/ |
Tests the AccessPolicyProcessor service. |
AccessPolicyProcessorTest.php | file | core/ |
AccessPolicyProcessorTest::accountSwitcherProvider | function | core/ |
Data provider for testAccountSwitcher(). |
AccessPolicyProcessorTest::cachingProvider | function | core/ |
Data provider for testCaching(). |
AccessPolicyProcessorTest::setUp | function | core/ |
AccessPolicyProcessorTest::setUpAccessPolicyProcessor | function | core/ |
Sets up the access policy processor. |
AccessPolicyProcessorTest::testAccountSwitcher | function | core/ |
Tests if the account switcher switches properly when user cache context is present. |
AccessPolicyProcessorTest::testAlterPermissions | function | core/ |
Tests that access policies can alter the final result. |
AccessPolicyProcessorTest::testAlterPermissionsNoApply | function | core/ |
Tests that alters that do not apply are not processed. |
AccessPolicyProcessorTest::testCacheContextCaching | function | core/ |
Tests that the persistent cache contexts are added properly. |
AccessPolicyProcessorTest::testCacheContexts | function | core/ |
Tests that only the cache contexts for policies that apply are added. |
AccessPolicyProcessorTest::testCaching | function | core/ |
Tests if the caches are called correctly. |
AccessPolicyProcessorTest::testCalculatePermissions | function | core/ |
Tests that access policies are properly processed. |
AccessPolicyProcessorTest::testCalculatePermissionsNoApply | function | core/ |
Tests that access policies that do not apply are not processed. |
AccessPolicyProcessorTest::testEmptyCalculator | function | core/ |
Tests that access policies which do nothing are properly processed. |
AccessPolicyProcessorTest::testMultipleScopeAlterException | function | core/ |
Tests the multiple scopes exception. |
AccessPolicyProcessorTest::testMultipleScopeException | function | core/ |
Tests the multiple scopes exception. |
AccessPolicyProcessorTest::testNoCalculators | function | core/ |
Tests that everything works if no access policies are present. |
AccessPolicyProcessorTest::testWrongScopeException | function | core/ |
Tests the wrong scope exception. |
Actions::processActions | function | core/ |
Processes a form actions container element. |
AddFormBase::processInputValues | function | core/ |
Creates media items from source field input values. |
AjaxResponseAttachmentsProcessor | class | core/ |
Processes attachments of AJAX responses. |
AjaxResponseAttachmentsProcessor.php | file | core/ |
AjaxResponseAttachmentsProcessor::$config | property | core/ |
A config object for the system performance configuration. |
AjaxResponseAttachmentsProcessor::buildAttachmentsCommands | function | core/ |
Prepares the AJAX commands to attach assets. |
AjaxResponseAttachmentsProcessor::processAttachments | function | core/ |
Processes the attachments of a response that has attachments. |
AjaxResponseAttachmentsProcessor::__construct | function | core/ |
Constructs an AjaxResponseAttachmentsProcessor object. |
AliasPathProcessor | class | core/ |
Processes the inbound and outbound path using path alias lookups. |
AliasPathProcessor.php | file | core/ |
AliasPathProcessor::$aliasManager | property | core/ |
An alias manager for looking up the system path. |
AliasPathProcessor::processInbound | function | core/ |
Processes the inbound path. |
AliasPathProcessor::processOutbound | function | core/ |
Processes the outbound path. |
AliasPathProcessor::__construct | function | core/ |
Constructs a AliasPathProcessor object. |
AliasPathProcessorTest | class | core/ |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\path_alias\PathProcessor\AliasPathProcessor @group PathProcessor @group path_alias |
AliasPathProcessorTest.php | file | core/ |
AliasPathProcessorTest::$aliasManager | property | core/ |
The mocked alias manager. |
AliasPathProcessorTest::$pathProcessor | property | core/ |
The tested path processor. |
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