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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
MatcherDumperTest::testAddRoutes | function | core/ |
Confirms that we can add routes to the dumper. |
MediaCacheTagsTest::getAdditionalCacheContextsForEntity | function | core/ |
Returns the additional (non-standard) cache contexts for the tested entity. |
MediaCacheTagsTest::getAdditionalCacheTagsForEntity | function | core/ |
Returns the additional (non-standard) cache tags for the tested entity. |
MediaEmbedFilterConfigurationUiTest::testValidationWhenAdding | function | core/ |
@covers ::media_form_filter_format_add_form_alter @covers ::media_filter_format_edit_form_validate @dataProvider providerTestValidations |
MediaLibraryAddFormTest | class | core/ |
Tests the media library add form. |
MediaLibraryAddFormTest.php | file | core/ |
MediaLibraryAddFormTest::$modules | property | core/ |
Modules to enable. |
MediaLibraryAddFormTest::buildLibraryUi | function | core/ |
Build the media library UI for a selected type. |
MediaLibraryAddFormTest::setUp | function | core/ |
MediaLibraryAddFormTest::testDifferentAddForm | function | core/ |
Tests overwriting of the add form. |
MediaLibraryAddFormTest::testFormStateValidation | function | core/ |
Tests the validation of the library state in the media library add form. |
MediaLibraryAddFormTest::testMediaTypeAddForm | function | core/ |
Tests the media library add form. |
MediaLibraryAddFormTest::testSelectedTypeValidation | function | core/ |
Tests the validation of the selected type in the media library add form. |
MediaLibraryTestBase::addMediaFileToField | function | core/ |
Waits for a file field to exist before uploading. |
MediaLibraryTestBase::assertMediaAdded | function | core/ |
Asserts a media item was added, but not yet saved. |
MediaLibraryTestBase::assertNoMediaAdded | function | core/ |
Asserts that media was not added, i.e. due to a validation error. |
MediaLibraryUiBuilder::buildMediaTypeAddForm | function | core/ |
Get the add form for the selected media type. |
MediaLibraryUpdateCheckboxClassesTest::testAddNonPrefixedClasses | function | core/ |
Tests that non js prefixes are added to checkboxes in the media view. |
MediaLibraryWidget::addItems | function | core/ |
Updates the field state and flags the form for rebuild. |
media_form_field_ui_field_storage_add_form_alter | function | core/ |
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter(). |
media_form_filter_format_add_form_alter | function | core/ |
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter(). |
media_library_form_filter_format_add_form_alter | function | core/ |
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter(). |
media_library_post_update_add_buttons_to_page_view | function | core/ |
Add edit and delete button to media library view page display. |
media_library_post_update_add_langcode_filters | function | core/ |
Add langcode filters to media library view displays. |
media_library_post_update_add_media_library_image_style | function | core/ |
Create the 'media_library' image style if necessary. |
media_library_post_update_add_status_extra_filter | function | core/ |
Add a status extra filter to the media library view default display. |
media_post_update_add_status_extra_filter | function | core/ |
Add a status extra filter to the media view default display. |
MenuController::addLink | function | core/ |
Provides the menu link creation form. |
MenuLinkAdd | class | core/ |
Modifies the 'Add link' local action to add a destination. |
MenuLinkAdd.php | file | core/ |
MenuLinkAdd::$redirectDestination | property | core/ |
The redirect destination. |
MenuLinkAdd::create | function | core/ |
Creates an instance of the plugin. |
MenuLinkAdd::getOptions | function | core/ |
Returns options for rendering a link for the local action. |
MenuLinkAdd::__construct | function | core/ |
Constructs a MenuLinkAdd object. |
MenuLinkContentUpdateTest::testPublishedEntityKeyAddition | function | core/ |
Tests the addition of the publishing status entity key. |
MenuLinkManager::addDefinition | function | core/ |
MenuLinkManagerInterface::addDefinition | function | core/ |
Adds a new menu link definition to the menu tree storage. |
MenuTreeParameters::addCondition | function | core/ |
Adds a custom query condition. |
MenuTreeParameters::addExpandedParents | function | core/ |
Adds parent menu links IDs to restrict the tree. |
MenuTreeParametersTest::testAddCondition | function | core/ |
Tests addCondition(). |
MenuTreeParametersTest::testAddExpanded | function | core/ |
Tests addExpandedParents(). |
MenuTreeStorageTest::addMenuLink | function | core/ |
Adds a link with the given ID and supply defaults. |
MenuUiJavascriptTest::addCustomMenu | function | core/ |
Creates a custom menu. |
MenuUiJavascriptTest::addMenuLink | function | core/ |
Adds a menu link using the UI. |
MenuUiTest::addCustomMenu | function | core/ |
Creates a custom menu. |
MenuUiTest::addCustomMenuCRUD | function | core/ |
Adds a custom menu using CRUD functions. |
MenuUiTest::addInvalidMenuLink | function | core/ |
Attempts to add menu link with invalid path or no access permission. |
MenuUiTest::addMenuLink | function | core/ |
Adds a menu link using the UI. |
Messenger::addError | function | core/ |
Messenger::addMessage | function | core/ |
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