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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
Field | class | core/ |
Drupal 6 field source from database. |
Field | class | core/ |
Drupal 7 field source from database. |
Field | class | core/ |
A stub class to provide backward compatibility for EntityField. |
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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
EntityReferenceFieldTranslatedReferenceViewTest::$referrerEntity | property | core/ |
The referrer entity. |
EntityReferenceFieldTranslatedReferenceViewTest::$referrerType | property | core/ |
Entity type which have the entity reference field. |
EntityReferenceFieldTranslatedReferenceViewTest::$testEntityTypeName | property | core/ |
The test entity type name. |
EntityReferenceFieldTranslatedReferenceViewTest::$translatable | property | core/ |
Flag indicating whether the field is translatable. |
EntityReferenceFieldTranslatedReferenceViewTest::$translatedLabel | property | core/ |
The translated label of the referenced entity, used in assertions. |
EntityReferenceFieldTranslatedReferenceViewTest::$translateToLangcode | property | core/ |
Target langcode for translation. |
EntityReferenceFieldTranslatedReferenceViewTest::$webUser | property | core/ |
An user with permission to edit the referrer entity. |
EntityReferenceFieldTranslatedReferenceViewTest::assertEntityReferenceDisplay | function | core/ |
Assert entity reference display. |
EntityReferenceFieldTranslatedReferenceViewTest::assertEntityReferenceFormDisplay | function | core/ |
Assert entity reference form display. |
EntityReferenceFieldTranslatedReferenceViewTest::createContent | function | core/ |
Creates a test subject contents, with translation. |
EntityReferenceFieldTranslatedReferenceViewTest::createNotTranslatedReferencedEntity | function | core/ |
Create the referenced entity. |
EntityReferenceFieldTranslatedReferenceViewTest::createReferencedEntityWithTranslation | function | core/ |
Create a referenced entity with a translation. |
EntityReferenceFieldTranslatedReferenceViewTest::createReferrerEntity | function | core/ |
Create the referrer entity. |
EntityReferenceFieldTranslatedReferenceViewTest::enableTranslation | function | core/ |
Enables translations where it needed. |
EntityReferenceFieldTranslatedReferenceViewTest::setUp | function | core/ |
EntityReferenceFieldTranslatedReferenceViewTest::setUpContentTypes | function | core/ |
Create content types. |
EntityReferenceFieldTranslatedReferenceViewTest::setUpEntityReferenceField | function | core/ |
Adds term reference field for the article content type. |
EntityReferenceFieldTranslatedReferenceViewTest::setUpLanguages | function | core/ |
Adds additional languages. |
EntityReferenceFieldTranslatedReferenceViewTest::testEntityReferenceDisplay | function | core/ |
Tests if the entity is displayed in an entity reference field. |
EntityReferenceFormatterTest::$fieldName | property | core/ |
The name of the field used in this test. |
EntityReferenceHandlerSettingUpdateTest::testFieldPostUpdateERHandlerSetting | function | core/ |
Tests field_post_update_entity_reference_handler_setting(). |
EntityReferenceIntegrationTest::$fieldName | property | core/ |
The name of the field used in this test. |
EntityReferenceIntegrationTest::assertFieldValues | function | core/ |
Asserts that the reference field values are correct. |
EntityReferenceItem::defaultFieldSettings | function | core/ |
EntityReferenceItem::fieldSettingsAjaxProcess | function | core/ |
Render API callback: Processes the field settings form and allows access to the form state. |
EntityReferenceItem::fieldSettingsAjaxProcessElement | function | core/ |
Adds entity_reference specific properties to AJAX form elements from the field settings form. |
EntityReferenceItem::fieldSettingsForm | function | core/ |
EntityReferenceItem::fieldSettingsFormValidate | function | core/ |
Form element validation handler; Invokes selection plugin's validation. |
EntityReferenceItemNormalizer::normalizedFieldValues | function | core/ |
EntityReferenceItemNormalizer::targetEntityIsFieldable | function | core/ |
Checks whether the referenced entity is of a fieldable entity type. |
EntityReferenceRdfaTest::$fieldType | property | core/ |
The machine name of the field type to test. |
EntityReferenceRelationshipTest::testDataTableRelationshipWithLongFieldName | function | core/ |
Tests views data generated for relationship. |
EntityReferenceTestTrait::createEntityReferenceField | function | core/ |
Creates a field of an entity reference field storage on the specified bundle. |
EntityReferenceTranslationDeriver::$entityFieldManager | property | core/ |
The entity field manager. |
EntityResource::$fieldManager | property | core/ |
The field manager. |
EntityResource::$fieldResolver | property | core/ |
The JSON:API field resolver. |
EntityResource::checkPatchFieldAccess | function | core/ |
Checks whether the given field should be PATCHed. |
EntityResource::checkPatchFieldAccess | function | core/ |
Checks whether the given field should be PATCHed. |
EntityResource::updateEntityField | function | core/ |
Takes a field from the origin entity and puts it to the destination entity. |
EntityResourceAccessTrait::checkEditFieldAccess | function | core/ |
Performs edit access checks for fields. |
EntityResourceTestBase::$labelFieldName | property | core/ |
Optionally specify which field is the 'label' field. Some entities specify a 'label_callback', but not a 'label' entity key. For example: User. |
EntityResourceTestBase::$patchProtectedFieldNames | property | core/ |
The fields that are protected against modification during PATCH requests. |
EntityResourceTestBase::$uniqueFieldNames | property | core/ |
The fields that need a different (random) value for each new entity created by a POST request. |
EntityResourceTestBase::assertPatchProtectedFieldNamesStructure | function | core/ |
Asserts structure of $patchProtectedFieldNames. |
EntityRevisionTest::$entityFieldManager | property | core/ |
EntityRevisionTest::$fieldTypeManager | property | core/ |
EntityRow::$base_field | property | core/ |
The actual field which is used for the entity id. |
EntitySchemaSubscriber::addRevisionMetadataField | function | core/ |
Adds the 'workspace' revision metadata field to an entity type. |
EntitySchemaSubscriber::getWorkspaceFieldDefinition | function | core/ |
Gets the base field definition for the 'workspace' revision metadata field. |
EntitySchemaSubscriber::onFieldableEntityTypeCreate | function | core/ |
Reacts to the creation of the fieldable entity type. |
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