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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
ActionManager::getDefinitionsByType | function | core/ |
Gets the plugin definitions for this entity type. |
AnnotatedClassDiscovery::getDefinitions | function | core/ |
AnnotatedClassDiscoveryAutomatedProviders::getDefinitions | function | core/ |
AnnotatedClassDiscoveryCachedTest::testGetDefinitions | function | core/ |
Test that getDefinitions() retrieves the file cache correctly. |
AnnotatedClassDiscoveryTest::testGetDefinitions | function | core/ |
@covers ::getDefinitions @covers ::prepareAnnotationDefinition @covers ::getAnnotationReader |
AnnotationBridgeDecorator::getDefinitions | function | core/ |
AnnotationBridgeDecoratorTest::testGetDefinitions | function | core/ |
@covers ::getDefinitions |
CategorizingPluginManager::getDefinitions | function | core/ |
Provides some test definitions to the trait. |
ConfigSchemaDiscovery::getDefinitions | function | core/ |
ConstraintManager::getDefinitionsByType | function | core/ |
Returns a list of constraints that support the given type. |
ContainerDerivativeDiscoveryDecoratorTest::testGetDefinitions | function | core/ |
@covers ::getDefinitions |
ContextAwarePluginManagerInterface::getDefinitionsForContexts | function | core/ |
Determines plugins whose constraints are satisfied by a set of contexts. |
ContextAwarePluginManagerTrait::getDefinitions | function | core/ |
See \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Discovery\DiscoveryInterface::getDefinitions(). |
ContextAwarePluginManagerTrait::getDefinitionsForContexts | function | core/ |
See \Drupal\Core\Plugin\Context\ContextAwarePluginManagerInterface::getDefinitionsForContexts(). |
DefaultPluginManager::getDefinitions | function | core/ |
DefaultPluginManagerTest::testGetDefinitionsWithoutRequiredInterface | function | core/ |
Tests plugins without a required interface. |
DerivativeDiscoveryDecorator::getDefinitions | function | core/ |
DiscoveryInterface::getDefinitions | function | core/ |
Gets the definition of all plugins for this type. |
DiscoveryTrait::getDefinitions | function | core/ |
EntityManager::getDefinitions | function | core/ |
EntityManagerTest::testGetDefinitions | function | core/ |
@covers ::getDefinitions |
EntityTypeManagerInterface::getDefinitions | function | core/ |
HelpTopicDiscovery::getDefinitions | function | core/ |
HookDiscovery::getDefinitions | function | core/ |
HookDiscoveryTest::testGetDefinitions | function | core/ |
Tests the getDefinitions() method with some plugins. |
HookDiscoveryTest::testGetDefinitionsWithoutPlugins | function | core/ |
Tests the getDefinitions() method without any plugins. |
InfoHookDecorator::getDefinitions | function | core/ |
LayoutPluginManagerInterface::getDefinitions | function | core/ |
LayoutPluginManagerTest::testGetDefinitions | function | core/ |
@covers ::getDefinitions @covers ::providerExists |
LocalTaskManager::getDefinitions | function | core/ |
MenuLinkManager::getDefinitions | function | core/ |
MigrationPluginListTest::testGetDefinitions | function | core/ |
@covers ::getDefinitions |
NoSourcePluginDecorator::getDefinitions | function | core/ |
OptimizedPhpArrayDumperTest::getDefinitionsDataProvider | function | core/ |
Data provider for testGetServiceDefinitions(). |
PluginManagerBase::getDefinitions | function | core/ |
ProviderFilterDecorator::getDefinitions | function | core/ |
StaticDiscovery::getDefinitions | function | core/ |
StaticDiscoveryDecorator::getDefinitions | function | core/ |
StaticDiscoveryDecoratorTest::providerGetDefinitions | function | core/ |
Data provider for testGetDefinitions(). |
StaticDiscoveryDecoratorTest::testGetDefinitions | function | core/ |
@covers ::getDefinitions @dataProvider providerGetDefinitions |
TestFilteredPluginManager::getDefinitions | function | core/ |
YamlDirectoryDiscoveryTest::testGetDefinitions | function | core/ |
@covers ::getDefinitions |
YamlDirectoryDiscoveryTest::testGetDefinitionsWithTranslatableDefinitions | function | core/ |
@covers ::getDefinitions |
YamlDiscovery::getDefinitions | function | core/ |
YamlDiscoveryDecorator::getDefinitions | function | core/ |
YamlDiscoveryDecoratorTest::testGetDefinitions | function | core/ |
Tests the getDefinitions() method. |
YamlDiscoveryTest::testGetDefinitions | function | core/ |
Tests the getDefinitions() method. |
YamlDiscoveryTest::testGetDefinitionsWithTranslatableDefinitions | function | core/ |
@covers ::getDefinitions |
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