function Icon::preRenderIcon

Icon element pre render callback.


array $element: An associative array containing the properties of the icon element.

Return value

array The modified element.

3 calls to Icon::preRenderIcon()
IconTest::testPreRenderIcon in core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Core/Theme/Icon/IconTest.php
Test the Icon::preRenderIcon method.
IconTest::testPreRenderIconEmptyValues in core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Core/Theme/Icon/IconTest.php
Test the Icon::preRenderIcon method.
IconTest::testPreRenderIconNoIcon in core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Core/Theme/Icon/IconTest.php
Test the Icon::preRenderIcon method.


core/lib/Drupal/Core/Render/Element/Icon.php, line 59


Provides a render element to display an icon.




public static function preRenderIcon(array $element) : array {
    $icon_full_id = IconDefinition::createIconId($element['#pack_id'], $element['#icon_id']);
    $pluginManagerIconPack = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.icon_pack');
    if (!($icon = $pluginManagerIconPack->getIcon($icon_full_id))) {
        return $element;
    // Build context minimal values as icon_id, optional source and attributes.
    $context = [
        'icon_id' => $icon->getIconId(),
    // Better to not have source value if not set for the template.
    if ($source = $icon->getSource()) {
        $context['source'] = $source;
    // Silently ensure settings is an array.
    if (!is_array($element['#settings'])) {
        $element['#settings'] = [];
    $extractor_data = $icon->getAllData();
    // Inject attributes variable if not created by the extractor.
    if (!isset($extractor_data['attributes'])) {
        $extractor_data['attributes'] = new Attribute();
    $element['inline-template'] = [
        '#type' => 'inline_template',
        '#template' => $icon->getTemplate(),
        // Context include data from extractor and settings, priority on settings
        // from this element. Context as last value to be sure nothing override
        // icon_id or source if set.
'#context' => array_merge($extractor_data, $element['#settings'], $context),
    if ($library = $icon->getLibrary()) {
        $element['inline-template']['#attached'] = [
            'library' => [
    return $element;

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