Theme system overview
Same name in other branches
- 7.x modules/system/theme.api.php \themeable
- 9 core/lib/Drupal/Core/Render/theme.api.php \themeable
- 8.9.x core/lib/Drupal/Core/Render/theme.api.php \themeable
- 10 core/lib/Drupal/Core/Render/theme.api.php \themeable
Functions and templates for the user interface that themes can override.
Drupal's theme system allows a theme to have nearly complete control over the appearance of the site, which includes both the markup and the CSS used to style the markup. For this system to work, modules, instead of writing HTML markup directly, need to return "render arrays", which are structured hierarchical arrays that include the data to be rendered into HTML (or XML or another output format), and options that affect the markup. Render arrays are ultimately rendered into HTML or other output formats by recursive calls to \Drupal\Core\Render\RendererInterface::render(), traversing the depth of the render array hierarchy. At each level, the theme system is invoked to do the actual rendering. See the documentation of \Drupal\Core\Render\RendererInterface::render() and the Theme system and Render API topic for more information about render arrays and rendering.
Twig Templating Engine
Drupal 8 uses the templating engine Twig. Twig offers developers a fast, secure, and flexible method for building templates for Drupal 8 sites. Twig also offers substantial usability improvements over PHPTemplate, and does not require front-end developers to know PHP to build and manipulate Drupal 8 themes.
For further information on theming in Drupal 8 see
For further Twig documentation see
Theme Hooks
The theme system is invoked in \Drupal\Core\Render\Renderer::doRender() by calling the \Drupal\Core\Theme\ThemeManagerInterface::render() function, which operates on the concept of "theme hooks". Theme hooks define how a particular type of data should be rendered. They are registered by modules by implementing hook_theme(), which specifies the name of the hook, the input "variables" used to provide data and options, and other information. Modules implementing hook_theme() also need to provide a default implementation for each of their theme hooks in a Twig file, and they may also provide preprocessing functions. For example, the core Search module defines a theme hook for a search result item in search_theme():
return [
'search_result' => [
'variables' => [
'result' => NULL,
'plugin_id' => NULL,
'file' => '',
Given this definition, the template file with the default implementation is search-result.html.twig, which can be found in the core/modules/search/templates directory, and the variables for rendering are the search result and the plugin ID. In addition, there is a function template_preprocess_search_result(), located in file, which preprocesses the information from the input variables so that it can be rendered by the Twig template; the processed variables that the Twig template receives are documented in the header of the default Twig template file.
Theme hooks can declare a variable deprecated using the reserved 'deprecations' variable. For example:
search_result' => [
'variables' => [
'result' => NULL,
'new_result' => NULL,
'plugin_id' => NULL,
'deprecations' => [
'result' => "'result' is deprecated in drupal:X.0.0 and is removed from drupal:Y.0.0. Use 'new_result' instead. See"
Template engines should trigger a deprecation error if a deprecated variable is used in a template.
Overriding Theme Hooks
Themes may register new theme hooks within a hook_theme() implementation, but it is more common for themes to override default implementations provided by modules than to register entirely new theme hooks. Themes can override a default implementation by creating a template file with the same name as the default implementation; for example, to override the display of search results, a theme would add a file called search-result.html.twig to its templates directory. A good starting point for doing this is normally to copy the default implementation template, and then modifying it as desired.
Preprocessing for Template Files
Several functions are called before the template file is invoked to modify the variables that are passed to the template. These make up the "preprocessing" phase, and are executed (if they exist), in the following order (note that in the following list, HOOK indicates the hook being called or a less specific hook. For example, if '#theme' => 'node__article' is called, hook is node__article and node. MODULE indicates a module name, THEME indicates a theme name, and ENGINE indicates a theme engine name). Modules, themes, and theme engines can provide these functions to modify how the data is preprocessed, before it is passed to the theme template:
- ThemeManager::addDefaultTemplateVariables(&$variables): Creates a default set of variables for all theme hooks. Provided by Drupal Core.
- template_preprocess_HOOK(&$variables): Should be implemented by the module that registers the theme hook, to set up default variables.
- MODULE_preprocess(&$variables, $hook): hook_preprocess() is invoked on all implementing modules.
- MODULE_preprocess_HOOK(&$variables): hook_preprocess_HOOK() is invoked on all implementing modules, so that modules that didn't define the theme hook can alter the variables.
- ENGINE_engine_preprocess(&$variables, $hook): Allows the theme engine to set necessary variables for all theme hooks with template implementations.
- ENGINE_engine_preprocess_HOOK(&$variables): Allows the theme engine to set necessary variables for the particular theme hook.
- THEME_preprocess(&$variables, $hook): Allows the theme to set necessary variables for all theme hooks with template implementations.
- THEME_preprocess_HOOK(&$variables): Allows the theme to set necessary variables specific to the particular theme hook.
Theme hook suggestions
In some cases, instead of calling the base theme hook implementation (either the default provided by the module that defined the hook, or the override provided by the theme), the theme system will instead look for "suggestions" of other hook names to look for. Suggestions can be specified in several ways:
- In a render array, the '#theme' property (which gives the name of the hook to use) can be an array of theme hook names instead of a single hook name. In this case, the render system will look first for the highest-priority hook name, and if no implementation is found, look for the second, and so on. Note that the highest-priority suggestion is at the end of the array.
- In a render array, the '#theme' property can be set to the name of a hook with a '__SUGGESTION' suffix. For example, in search results theming, the hook 'item_list__search_results' is given. In this case, the render system will look for theme templates called item-list--search-results.html.twig, which would only be used for rendering item lists containing search results, and if this template is not found, it will fall back to using the base item-list.html.twig template. This type of suggestion can also be combined with providing an array of theme hook names as described above.
- A module can implement hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK(). This allows the module that defines the theme template to dynamically return an array containing specific theme hook names (presumably with '__' suffixes as defined above) to use as suggestions. For example, the Search module does this in search_theme_suggestions_search_result() to suggest search_result__PLUGIN as the theme hook for search result items, where PLUGIN is the machine name of the particular search plugin type that was used for the search (such as node_search or user_search).
For further information on overriding theme hooks see
Altering theme hook suggestions
Modules can also alter the theme suggestions provided using the mechanisms of the previous section. There are two hooks for this: the theme-hook-specific hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK_alter() and the generic hook_theme_suggestions_alter(). These hooks get the current list of suggestions as input, and can change this array (adding suggestions and removing them).
We can distinguish between three types of assets:
- Unconditional page-level assets (loaded on all pages where the theme is in use): these are defined in the theme's *.info.yml file.
- Conditional page-level assets (loaded on all pages where the theme is in use and a certain condition is met): these are attached in hook_page_attachments_alter(), e.g.:
function THEME_page_attachments_alter(array &$page) {
if ($some_condition) {
$page['#attached']['library'][] = 'my_theme/something';
- Template-specific assets (loaded on all pages where a specific template is in use): these can be added by in preprocessing functions, using
, e.g.:
function THEME_preprocess_menu_local_action(array &$variables) {
// We require touch events detection for button styling.
$variables['#attached']['library'][] = 'core/drupal.touchevents-test';
Front Matter
Twig has been extended in Drupal to provide an easy way to parse front matter from template files. See \Drupal\Component\FrontMatter\FrontMatter for more information:
$metadata = \Drupal::service('twig')->getTemplateMetadata('/path/to/template.html.twig');
Note: all front matter is stripped from templates prior to rendering.
Theme Update functions
Themes support post updates in order to install module dependencies that have been added to the after the theme has been installed. Additionally, if a theme has changed its configuration schema, post updates can fix theme settings configuration. See hook_post_update_NAME for more information about post updates.
See also
lib/ Drupal/ Core/ Render/ theme.api.php, line 8
Title Sort descending | File name | Summary |
template_preprocess_system_modules_uninstall | core/ |
Prepares variables for module uninstall templates. |
Title Sort descending | File name | Summary |
admin-block-content.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for the content of an administrative block. |
admin-block.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for an administrative block. |
admin-page.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for an administrative page. |
announcements-feed-admin.html.twig | core/ |
Template file for the theming of announcement_feed admin page. |
announcements-feed-admin.html.twig | core/ |
Template file for the theming of announcement_feed admin page. |
announcements-feed.html.twig | core/ |
Template file for the theming of announcement_feed off-canvas dialog. |
announcements-feed.html.twig | core/ |
Template file for the theming of announcement_feed off-canvas dialog. |
authorize-report.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for authorize.php operation report templates. |
block--navigation.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display a navigation_block. |
block--page-title-block.html.twig | core/ |
Olivero's implementation to display a block. |
block--search-form-block.html.twig | core/ |
Olivero's theme implementation for a search form block. |
block--secondary-menu--plugin-id--search-form-block.html.twig | core/ |
Theme implementation for a search form block in the Secondary Menu region. |
block--system-branding-block.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a branding block. |
block--system-menu-block.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a menu block. |
block--system-messages-block.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for the messages block. |
block--system-messages-block.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for the messages block. |
block-content-add-list.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to present a list of block types. |
block.html.twig | core/ |
Olivero's implementation to display a block. |
block.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display a block. |
book-all-books-block.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for rendering book outlines within a block. |
book-export-html.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for printed version of book outline. |
book-navigation.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to navigate books. |
book-node-export-html.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a single node in a printer-friendly outline. |
book-tree.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display a book tree. |
breadcrumb.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a breadcrumb trail. |
checkboxes.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a 'checkboxes' #type form element. |
comment.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for comments. |
common-test-foo.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for the common test foo. |
common-test-render-element.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for the common test render element. |
config_translation_manage_form_element.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a form element in config_translation. |
confirm-form.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for confirm form. |
container--media-library-content.html.twig | core/ |
Theme implementation the content area of the modal media library dialog. |
container--media-library-content.html.twig | core/ |
Theme implementation the content area of the modal media library dialog. |
container--media-library-widget-selection.html.twig | core/ |
Theme implementation of a wrapper for selected media items. |
container--media-library-widget-selection.html.twig | core/ |
Theme implementation of a wrapper for selected media items. |
container--text-format-filter-guidelines.html.twig | core/ |
Theme implementation for text filter guidelines. |
container--text-format-filter-guidelines.html.twig | core/ |
Theme implementation for text filter guidelines. |
container--text-format-filter-help.html.twig | core/ |
Theme implementation for text filter help. |
container--text-format-filter-help.html.twig | core/ |
Theme implementation for text filter help. |
container--text-format-filter-wrapper.html.twig | core/ |
Theme implementation for the text filter wrapper. |
container--text-format-filter-wrapper.html.twig | core/ |
Theme implementation for the text filter wrapper. |
container.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation of a container used to wrap child elements. |
datetime-form.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation of a datetime form element. |
datetime-wrapper.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation of a datetime form wrapper. |
details.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a details element. |
dropbutton-wrapper.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a dropbutton wrapper. |
entity-add-list.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to present a list of available bundles. |
entity-page-title.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for entity page title. |
feed-icon.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a feed icon. |
field--node--created.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for the node created field. |
field--node--title.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for the node title field. |
field--node--uid.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for the node user field. |
field--text.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a text field. |
field--text.html.twig | core/ |
Theme override for a text field. |
field--text.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a text field. |
field--text.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a text field. |
field-multiple-value-form.html.twig | core/ |
Theme override for an individual form element. |
field-multiple-value-form.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for an individual form element. |
field-ui-table.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display a Field UI table. |
field.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a field. |
fieldset.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a fieldset element and its children. |
file-audio.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display the file entity as an audio tag. |
file-audio.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display the file entity as an audio tag. |
file-audio.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display the file entity as an audio tag. |
file-audio.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display the file entity as an audio tag. |
file-link.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a link to a file. |
file-managed-file.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display a file form widget. |
file-upload-help.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display help text for file fields. |
file-video.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display the file entity as a video tag. |
file-video.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display the file entity as a video tag. |
file-video.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display the file entity as a video tag. |
file-video.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display the file entity as a video tag. |
file-widget-multiple.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display a multi file form widget. |
filter-guidelines.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for guidelines for a text format. |
filter-tips.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a set of filter tips. |
form-element--new-storage-type.html.twig | core/ |
Theme override for a storage type option form element. |
form-element--new-storage-type.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a storage type option form element. |
form-element-label.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a form element label. |
form-element.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a form element. |
form.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a 'form' element. |
forum-icon.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display a status icon for a forum post. |
forum-list.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display a list of forums and containers. |
forum-submitted.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a forum post submission string. |
forum-topic.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display a forum topic. |
forum-topic.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display a forum topic. |
forums.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display a forum. |
help-section.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a section of the help page. |
help-topic.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display a help topic. |
help-topic.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display a help topic. |
html.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for the basic structure of a single Drupal page. |
image-anchor.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a 3x3 grid of checkboxes for image anchors. |
image-crop-summary.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a summary of an image crop effect. |
image-formatter.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display a formatted image field. |
image-resize-summary.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a summary of an image resize effect. |
image-rotate-summary.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a summary of an image rotate effect. |
image-scale-and-crop-summary.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a summary of an image scale and crop effect. |
image-scale-summary.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a summary of an image scale effect. |
image-style-preview.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display a preview of an image style. |
image-style.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for an image using a specific image style. |
image-widget.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for an image field widget. |
image.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation of an image. |
indentation.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a set of indentation divs. |
input.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for an 'input' #type form element. |
install-page.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display a Drupal installation page. |
item-list.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for an item list. |
language-content-settings-table.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display a language content settings table. |
language-negotiation-configure-form.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a language negotiation configuration form. |
layout--fourcol-section.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a four-column 25%-25%-25%-25% layout. |
layout--onecol.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display a one-column layout. |
layout--oneplusfourgrid-section.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display a one plus four grid layout. |
layout--threecol-25-50-25.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a three column layout. |
layout--threecol-33-34-33.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a three column layout. |
layout--threecol-section.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a three-column layout. |
layout--twocol-bricks.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a two column layout. |
layout--twocol-section.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display a two-column layout. |
layout--twocol.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display a two-column layout. |
link-formatter-link-separate.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation of a link with separate title and URL elements. |
links--node.html.twig | core/ |
Theme override to display node links. |
links--node.html.twig | core/ |
Theme override to display node links. |
links--node.html.twig | core/ |
Theme override to display node links. |
links.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a set of links. |
locale-translation-last-check.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for the last time we checked for update data. |
locale-translation-update-info.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for displaying translation status information. |
maintenance-page.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display a single Drupal page while offline. |
maintenance-task-list.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a list of maintenance tasks to perform. |
mark.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a marker for new or updated content. |
media--media-library.html.twig | core/ |
Theme override of a media item in the media library. |
media--media-library.html.twig | core/ |
Theme override of a media item in the media library. |
media--media-library.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to present a media entity in the media library. |
media--scale-crop-7-3-large.html.twig | core/ |
Theme override to display a hero media item for the Umami theme. |
media-embed-error.html.twig | core/ |
Theme override for a missing media error. |
media-embed-error.html.twig | core/ |
Theme override for a missing media error. |
media-embed-error.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a missing media error. |
media-library-item--small.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation of a media library item. |
media-library-item--small.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation of a media library item. |
media-library-item.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation of a media library item. |
media-library-item.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation of a media library item. |
media-library-item.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation of a media library item. |
media-library-wrapper.html.twig | core/ |
Theme override of a container used to wrap the media library's modal dialog interface. |
media-library-wrapper.html.twig | core/ |
Theme override of a container used to wrap the media library's modal dialog interface. |
media-library-wrapper.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation of a container used to wrap the media library's modal dialog interface. |
media-oembed-iframe.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display an oEmbed resource in an iframe. |
media.html.twig | core/ |
Theme override to display a media item. |
media.html.twig | core/ |
Theme override to display a media item. |
media.html.twig | core/ |
Theme override to display a media item. |
media.html.twig | core/ |
Theme override to display a media item. |
media.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to present a media item. |
menu--primary-menu.html.twig | core/ |
Olivero's theme implementation for the menus in the primary_menu region. |
menu--secondary-menu.html.twig | core/ |
Olivero's theme implementation for the menus in the secondary_menu region. |
menu--toolbar.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display a toolbar menu. |
menu-link-form.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for menu_link_form. |
menu-local-action.html.twig | core/ |
Theme override for a single local action link. |
menu-local-action.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a single local action link. |
menu-local-task.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a local task link. |
menu-local-tasks.html.twig | core/ |
Olivero theme implementation to display primary and secondary local tasks. |
menu-local-tasks.html.twig | core/ |
Claro theme implementation to display primary and secondary local tasks. |
menu-local-tasks.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display primary and secondary local tasks. |
menu-region--footer.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display the navigation footer menu. |
menu.html.twig | core/ |
Olivero's theme implementation for the main menu. |
menu.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display a menu. |
navigation--message.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display a single message in the navigation toolbar. |
navigation--messages.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display messages in the navigation toolbar. |
navigation-content-top.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display the navigation content_top section. |
navigation.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display a navigation layout. |
node-add-list.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to list node types available for adding content. |
node-edit-form.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a node edit form. |
node.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display a node. |
off-canvas-page-wrapper.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a page wrapper. |
off-canvas-page-wrapper.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a page wrapper. |
page-title.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for page titles. |
page.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display a single page. |
pager.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display a pager. |
progress-bar.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a progress bar. |
radios.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a 'radios' #type form element. |
region.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display a region. |
responsive-image-formatter.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display a formatted responsive image field. |
responsive-image.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation of a responsive image. |
search-result.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for displaying a single search result. |
select.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a select element. |
status-messages.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for status messages. |
status-report-counter.html.twig | core/ |
Theme override for status report counter. |
status-report-counter.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for the status report counter. |
status-report.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for the status report. |
system-admin-index.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for the admin index page. |
system-config-form.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a system settings form. |
system-modules-details.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for the modules listing page. |
system-modules-details.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for the modules listing page. |
system-modules-uninstall.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for the modules uninstall page. |
system-security-advisories-fetch-error-message.html.twig | core/ |
Theme override for the message when fetching security advisories fails. |
system-security-advisories-fetch-error-message.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for the message when fetching security advisories fails. |
system-themes-page.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for the Appearance page. |
table.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display a table. |
tablesort-indicator.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for displaying a tablesort indicator. |
taxonomy-term.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display a taxonomy term. |
text-format-wrapper.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a text format-enabled form element. |
textarea.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a 'textarea' #type form element. |
toolbar.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for the administrative toolbar. |
top-bar.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for the navigation top bar. |
update-fetch-error-message.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for the message when fetching data fails. |
update-fetch-error-message.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for the message when fetching data fails. |
update-last-check.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for the last time update data was checked. |
update-project-status.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for the project status report. |
update-report.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for the project status report. |
update-version.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for the version display of a project. |
user--compact.html.twig | core/ |
Theme override to present all user data. |
user.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to present all user data. |
username.html.twig | core/ |
Theme override for displaying a username. |
username.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for displaying a username. |
vertical-tabs.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for vertical tabs. |
views-exposed-form.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation of a views exposed form. |
views-mini-pager.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a views mini-pager. |
views-ui-build-group-filter-form.html.twig | core/ |
Theme override for Views UI build group filter form. |
views-ui-build-group-filter-form.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for Views UI build group filter form. |
views-ui-container.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a generic views UI container/wrapper. |
views-ui-display-tab-bucket.html.twig | core/ |
Theme override for each "box" on the display query edit screen. |
views-ui-display-tab-bucket.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for each "box" on the display query edit screen. |
views-ui-display-tab-setting.html.twig | core/ |
Theme override for Views UI display tab settings. |
views-ui-display-tab-setting.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for Views UI display tab settings. |
views-ui-expose-filter-form.html.twig | core/ |
Theme override for exposed filter form. |
views-ui-expose-filter-form.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for exposed filter form. |
views-ui-rearrange-filter-form.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for Views UI rearrange filter form. |
views-ui-style-plugin-table.html.twig | core/ |
Default template for the settings of a table style views display. |
views-ui-view-displays-list.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for views displays on the views listing page. |
views-ui-view-info.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for basic administrative info about a View. |
views-ui-view-preview-section--exposed.html.twig | core/ |
Theme override for a views UI preview section. |
views-ui-view-preview-section.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a views UI preview section. |
views-ui-views-listing-table.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for views listing table. |
views-view--frontpage.html.twig | core/ |
Theme override for the frontpage view template. |
views-view--frontpage.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for the frontpage view template. |
views-view-field.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a single field in a view. |
views-view-fields.html.twig | core/ |
Default view template to display all the fields in a row. |
views-view-grid-responsive.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for views to display rows in a responsive grid. |
views-view-grid.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for views to display rows in a grid. |
views-view-grouping.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display a single views grouping. |
views-view-list.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for a view template to display a list of rows. |
views-view-mapping-test.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display a view of mapping_test rows. |
views-view-mapping-test.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for testing the mapping row style. |
views-view-opml.html.twig | core/ |
Default template for feed displays that use the OPML style. |
views-view-row-opml.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display an item in a views OPML feed. |
views-view-row-rss.html.twig | core/ |
Theme override to display an item in a views RSS feed. |
views-view-row-rss.html.twig | core/ |
Theme override to display an item in a views RSS feed. |
views-view-row-rss.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display an item in a views RSS feed. |
views-view-rss.html.twig | core/ |
Default template for feed displays that use the RSS style. |
views-view-summary-unformatted.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for unformatted summary links. |
views-view-summary.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display a list of summary lines. |
views-view-table.html.twig | core/ |
Theme override for implementation of displaying a view as a table. |
views-view-table.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for displaying a view as a table. |
views-view-unformatted.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display a view of unformatted rows. |
views-view.html.twig | core/ |
Default theme implementation for main view template. |
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