Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.9.x core/modules/big_pipe/tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/BigPipeRegressionTest.php \Drupal\Tests\big_pipe\FunctionalJavascript\BigPipeRegressionTest
  2. 9 core/modules/big_pipe/tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/BigPipeRegressionTest.php \Drupal\Tests\big_pipe\FunctionalJavascript\BigPipeRegressionTest

BigPipe regression tests.

@group big_pipe


Expanded class hierarchy of BigPipeRegressionTest


core/modules/big_pipe/tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/BigPipeRegressionTest.php, line 17


View source
class BigPipeRegressionTest extends WebDriverTestBase {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected static $modules = [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected $defaultTheme = 'stark';

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() : void {

    // Use the big_pipe_test_theme theme.
      ->set('default', 'big_pipe_test_theme')

   * Ensure BigPipe works despite inline JS containing the string "</body>".
   * @see
  public function testMultipleClosingBodies_2678662() {
    ], TRUE), 'Installed modules.');

    // Confirm that AJAX behaviors were instantiated, if not, this points to a
    // JavaScript syntax error.
    $javascript = <<<JS
      return Object.keys(Drupal.ajax.instances).length > 0;

    // Besides verifying there is no JavaScript syntax error, also verify the
    // HTML structure.
    // The BigPipe stop signal is present just before the closing </body> and
    // </html> tags.
      ->responseContains(BigPipe::STOP_SIGNAL . "\n\n\n</body></html>");
    $js_code_until_closing_body_tag = substr(BigPipeRegressionTestController::MARKER_2678662, 0, strpos(BigPipeRegressionTestController::MARKER_2678662, '</body>'));

    // The BigPipe start signal does NOT start at the closing </body> tag string
    // in an inline script.
      ->responseNotContains($js_code_until_closing_body_tag . "\n" . BigPipe::START_SIGNAL);

   * Ensure messages set in placeholders always appear.
   * @see
  public function testMessages_2712935() {
    ], TRUE), 'Installed modules.');
    $messages_markup = '<div class="messages messages--status" role="status"';
    $test_routes = [
      // Messages placeholder rendered first.
      // Messages placeholder rendered after one, before another.
      // Messages placeholder rendered last.
    $assert = $this
    foreach ($test_routes as $route) {

      // Verify that we start off with zero messages queued.

      // Verify the test case at this route behaves as expected.
        ->elementContains('css', 'p.logged-message:nth-of-type(1)', 'Message: P1');
        ->elementContains('css', 'p.logged-message:nth-of-type(2)', 'Message: P2');
        ->elementExists('css', 'div[aria-label="Status message"]');
        ->responseContains('aria-label="Status message">P1');
        ->responseContains('aria-label="Status message">P2');

      // Verify that we end with all messages printed, hence again zero queued.

   * Ensure default BigPipe placeholder HTML cannot split paragraphs.
   * @see
  public function testPlaceholderInParagraph_2802923() {
      ->assertJsCondition('document.querySelectorAll(\'p\').length === 1');

   * Tests BigPipe large content.
   * Repeat loading of same page for two times, after second time the page is
   * cached and the bug consistently reproducible.
  public function testBigPipeLargeContent() {
    $user = $this
    $assert_session = $this
      ->waitForElement('css', 'script[data-big-pipe-event="stop"]'));
      ->assertCount(0, $this
      ->assertCount(2, $this
      ->findAll('css', 'script[data-big-pipe-replacement-for-placeholder-with-id]'));
      ->elementExists('css', '#big-pipe-large-content');
      ->waitForElement('css', 'script[data-big-pipe-event="stop"]'));
      ->assertCount(0, $this
      ->assertCount(2, $this
      ->findAll('css', 'script[data-big-pipe-replacement-for-placeholder-with-id]'));
      ->elementExists('css', '#big-pipe-large-content');

   * Test BigPipe replacement of multiple complex replacements.
   * In some situations with either a large number of replacements or multiple
   * replacements involving complex operations, some replacements were not
   * completed. This is a simulation of such a situation by rendering a lot of
   * placeholders on a page.
   * @see
  public function testMultipleReplacements() : void {
    $user = $this
    $assert_session = $this
      ->waitForElement('css', 'script[data-big-pipe-event="stop"]'));
      ->assertCount(0, $this
      ->assertCount(0, $this
      ->findAll('css', 'span[data-big-pipe-placeholder-id]'));
      ->assertCount(BigPipeRegressionTestController::PLACEHOLDER_COUNT + 1, $this
      ->findAll('css', 'script[data-big-pipe-replacement-for-placeholder-with-id]'));



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
BigPipeRegressionTest::$defaultTheme protected property
BigPipeRegressionTest::$modules protected static property
BigPipeRegressionTest::setUp protected function
BigPipeRegressionTest::testBigPipeLargeContent public function Tests BigPipe large content.
BigPipeRegressionTest::testMessages_2712935 public function Ensure messages set in placeholders always appear.
BigPipeRegressionTest::testMultipleClosingBodies_2678662 public function Ensure BigPipe works despite inline JS containing the string "</body>".
BigPipeRegressionTest::testMultipleReplacements public function Test BigPipe replacement of multiple complex replacements.
BigPipeRegressionTest::testPlaceholderInParagraph_2802923 public function Ensure default BigPipe placeholder HTML cannot split paragraphs.
WebDriverTestBase::$disableCssAnimations protected property Disables CSS animations in tests for more reliable testing.
WebDriverTestBase::$failOnJavascriptConsoleErrors protected property Determines if a test should fail on JavaScript console errors. 2
WebDriverTestBase::$minkDefaultDriverClass protected property
WebDriverTestBase::assertJsCondition protected function Waits for the given time or until the given JS condition becomes TRUE.
WebDriverTestBase::assertSession public function
WebDriverTestBase::createScreenshot protected function Creates a screenshot.
WebDriverTestBase::failOnJavaScriptErrors protected function Triggers a test failure if a JavaScript error was encountered.
WebDriverTestBase::getDrupalSettings protected function Gets the current Drupal javascript settings and parses into an array.
WebDriverTestBase::getHtmlOutputHeaders protected function
WebDriverTestBase::getMinkDriverArgs protected function 1
WebDriverTestBase::initFrontPage protected function
WebDriverTestBase::initMink protected function
WebDriverTestBase::installModulesFromClassProperty protected function 1
WebDriverTestBase::tearDown protected function 1