function _ckeditor_get_enabled_plugins

Gets all enabled CKEditor 4 plugins.



\Drupal\editor\EditorInterface $editor: A text editor config entity configured to use CKEditor 4.

Return value

string[] The enabled CKEditor 4 plugin IDs.

3 calls to _ckeditor_get_enabled_plugins()
CKEditor::submitConfigurationForm in core/modules/ckeditor/src/Plugin/Editor/CKEditor.php
Form submission handler.
ckeditor_editor_presave in core/modules/ckeditor/ckeditor.module
Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_presave().
ckeditor_post_update_omit_settings_for_disabled_plugins in core/modules/ckeditor/ckeditor.post_update.php
Updates Text Editors using CKEditor 4 to omit settings for disabled plugins.


core/modules/ckeditor/ckeditor.module, line 139


function _ckeditor_get_enabled_plugins(EditorInterface $editor) : array {
    assert($editor->getEditor() === 'ckeditor');
    $cke4_plugin_manager = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.ckeditor.plugin');
    // This is largely copied from the CKEditor 4 plugin manager, because it
    // unfortunately does not provide the API this needs.
    // @see \Drupal\ckeditor\CKEditorPluginManager::getEnabledPluginFiles()
    $plugins = array_keys($cke4_plugin_manager->getDefinitions());
    $toolbar_buttons = $cke4_plugin_manager->getEnabledButtons($editor);
    $enabled_plugins = [];
    $additional_plugins = [];
    foreach ($plugins as $plugin_id) {
        $plugin = $cke4_plugin_manager->createInstance($plugin_id);
        $enabled = FALSE;
        // Plugin is enabled if it provides a button that has been enabled.
        if ($plugin instanceof CKEditorPluginButtonsInterface) {
            $plugin_buttons = array_keys($plugin->getButtons());
            $enabled = count(array_intersect($toolbar_buttons, $plugin_buttons)) > 0;
        // Otherwise plugin is enabled if it declares itself as enabled.
        if (!$enabled && $plugin instanceof CKEditorPluginContextualInterface) {
            $enabled = $plugin->isEnabled($editor);
        if ($enabled) {
            $enabled_plugins[$plugin_id] = $plugin_id;
            // Check if this plugin has dependencies that should be considered
            // enabled.
            $additional_plugins = array_merge($additional_plugins, array_diff($plugin->getDependencies($editor), $additional_plugins));
    // Add the list of dependent plugins.
    foreach ($additional_plugins as $plugin_id) {
        $enabled_plugins[$plugin_id] = $plugin_id;
    return $enabled_plugins;

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