Same filename in other branches
modules/ ckeditor5/ ckeditor5.ckeditor5.yml
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- # CKEditor 5 Drupal plugin definitions.
- # @see this module's for details on defining CKEditor 5 plugins in
- # Drupal.
- ckeditor5_essentials:
- ckeditor5:
- plugins:
- - drupalHtmlEngine.DrupalHtmlEngine
- - essentials.Essentials
- drupal:
- label: Essentials
- library: ckeditor5/internal.drupal.ckeditor5.htmlEngine
- admin_library: ckeditor5/internal.admin.essentials
- toolbar_items:
- undo:
- label: Undo
- redo:
- label: Redo
- elements:
- - <br>
- conditions: []
- ckeditor5_paragraph:
- ckeditor5:
- plugins: [paragraph.Paragraph]
- drupal:
- label: Paragraph
- library: core/ckeditor5.essentials
- admin_library: ckeditor5/internal.admin.essentials
- elements:
- - <p>
- ckeditor5_heading:
- ckeditor5:
- plugins: [heading.Heading]
- config:
- heading:
- # These are the options passed to the CKEditor heading constructor
- # @see
- # for details on what each of these config properties do.
- options:
- - { model: 'paragraph', title: 'Paragraph', class: 'ck-heading_paragraph' }
- - { model: 'heading1', view: 'h1', title: 'Heading 1', class: 'ck-heading_heading1' }
- - { model: 'heading2', view: 'h2', title: 'Heading 2', class: 'ck-heading_heading2' }
- - { model: 'heading3', view: 'h3', title: 'Heading 3', class: 'ck-heading_heading3' }
- - { model: 'heading4', view: 'h4', title: 'Heading 4', class: 'ck-heading_heading4' }
- - { model: 'heading5', view: 'h5', title: 'Heading 5', class: 'ck-heading_heading5' }
- - { model: 'heading6', view: 'h6', title: 'Heading 6', class: 'ck-heading_heading6' }
- drupal:
- label: Headings
- library: core/ckeditor5.essentials
- admin_library: ckeditor5/internal.admin.heading
- class: Drupal\ckeditor5\Plugin\CKEditor5Plugin\Heading
- toolbar_items:
- heading:
- label: Heading
- elements:
- - <h1>
- - <h2>
- - <h3>
- - <h4>
- - <h5>
- - <h6>
- ckeditor5_style:
- ckeditor5:
- plugins: [style.Style]
- drupal:
- label: Style
- library: core/
- admin_library: ckeditor5/
- class: Drupal\ckeditor5\Plugin\CKEditor5Plugin\Style
- toolbar_items:
- style:
- label: Style
- # This plugin is able to add any configured class on any tag that can be
- # created by some other CKEditor 5 plugin. Hence it indicates it allows all
- # classes on all tags. Its subset then restricts this to a concrete set of
- # tags, and a concrete set of classes.
- # @todo Update in
- # @see \Drupal\ckeditor5\Plugin\CKEditor5Plugin\Style::getElementsSubset()
- # @see \Drupal\ckeditor5\Plugin\Validation\Constraint\StyleSensibleElementConstraintValidator
- elements:
- - <$any-html5-element class>
- ckeditor5_arbitraryHtmlSupport:
- ckeditor5:
- plugins: [htmlSupport.GeneralHtmlSupport]
- config:
- htmlSupport:
- allow:
- -
- name:
- regexp:
- pattern: /.*/
- attributes: true
- classes: true
- styles: true
- drupal:
- label: Arbitrary HTML support
- elements: false
- library: core/ckeditor5.htmlSupport
- # @see \Drupal\ckeditor5\Plugin\CKEditor5PluginManagerInterface::getEnabledDefinitions()
- conditions: []
- ckeditor5_wildcardHtmlSupport:
- ckeditor5:
- plugins: [htmlSupport.GeneralHtmlSupport]
- drupal:
- label: Wildcard HTML support
- # @see \Drupal\ckeditor5\Plugin\CKEditor5PluginManager::getCKEditor5PluginConfig()
- elements: false
- library: core/ckeditor5.htmlSupport
- # @see \Drupal\ckeditor5\Plugin\CKEditor5PluginManagerInterface::getEnabledDefinitions()
- conditions: []
- #
- ckeditor5_globalAttributeDir:
- ckeditor5:
- plugins: [htmlSupport.GeneralHtmlSupport]
- config:
- htmlSupport:
- allow:
- -
- # @see \Drupal\ckeditor5\Plugin\CKEditor5Plugin\GlobalAttribute::getDynamicPluginConfig()
- name: ~
- attributes:
- - key: dir
- value:
- regexp:
- pattern: /^(ltr|rtl)$/
- drupal:
- label: Global `dir` attribute
- class: \Drupal\ckeditor5\Plugin\CKEditor5Plugin\GlobalAttribute
- # @see \Drupal\filter\Plugin\Filter\FilterHtml::getHTMLRestrictions()
- elements:
- - <* dir="ltr rtl">
- library: core/ckeditor5.htmlSupport
- conditions:
- filter: filter_html
- #
- ckeditor5_globalAttributeLang:
- ckeditor5:
- plugins: [htmlSupport.GeneralHtmlSupport]
- config:
- htmlSupport:
- allow:
- -
- # @see \Drupal\ckeditor5\Plugin\CKEditor5Plugin\GlobalAttribute::getDynamicPluginConfig()
- name: ~
- attributes: lang
- drupal:
- label: Global `lang` attribute
- class: \Drupal\ckeditor5\Plugin\CKEditor5Plugin\GlobalAttribute
- # @see \Drupal\filter\Plugin\Filter\FilterHtml::getHTMLRestrictions()
- elements:
- - <* lang>
- library: core/ckeditor5.htmlSupport
- conditions:
- filter: filter_html
- ckeditor5_specialCharacters:
- ckeditor5:
- plugins:
- - specialCharacters.SpecialCharacters
- - specialCharacters.SpecialCharactersEssentials
- drupal:
- label: Special characters
- library: core/ckeditor5.specialCharacters
- admin_library: ckeditor5/internal.admin.specialCharacters
- toolbar_items:
- specialCharacters:
- label: Special characters
- elements: false
- ckeditor5_sourceEditing:
- ckeditor5:
- plugins:
- - sourceEditing.SourceEditing
- - htmlSupport.GeneralHtmlSupport
- drupal:
- label: Source editing
- class: \Drupal\ckeditor5\Plugin\CKEditor5Plugin\SourceEditing
- # This is the only CKEditor 5 plugin allowed to generate a superset of elements.
- # @see \Drupal\ckeditor5\Plugin\CKEditor5Plugin\SourceEditing::getElementsSubset()
- # @see \Drupal\ckeditor5\Plugin\CKEditor5PluginDefinition::validateDrupalAspects()
- # @see \Drupal\ckeditor5\Plugin\CKEditor5PluginManager::getProvidedElements()
- elements: []
- library: core/ckeditor5.sourceEditing
- admin_library: ckeditor5/internal.admin.sourceEditing
- toolbar_items:
- sourceEditing:
- label: Source
- ckeditor5_bold:
- ckeditor5:
- plugins: [basicStyles.Bold]
- drupal:
- label: Bold
- library: core/ckeditor5.basic
- admin_library: ckeditor5/internal.admin.basic
- toolbar_items:
- bold:
- label: Bold
- elements:
- - <strong>
- ckeditor5_emphasis:
- ckeditor5:
- plugins:
- - basicStyles.Italic
- - drupalEmphasis.DrupalEmphasis
- drupal:
- label: Emphasis
- library: ckeditor5/internal.drupal.ckeditor5.emphasis
- admin_library: ckeditor5/internal.admin.basic
- toolbar_items:
- italic:
- label: Italic
- elements:
- - <em>
- ckeditor5_underline:
- ckeditor5:
- plugins: [basicStyles.Underline]
- drupal:
- label: Underline
- library: core/ckeditor5.basic
- admin_library: ckeditor5/internal.admin.basic
- toolbar_items:
- underline:
- label: Underline
- elements:
- - <u>
- ckeditor5_code:
- ckeditor5:
- plugins: [basicStyles.Code]
- drupal:
- label: Code
- library: core/ckeditor5.basic
- admin_library: ckeditor5/internal.admin.basic
- toolbar_items:
- code:
- label: Code
- elements:
- - <code>
- ckeditor5_codeBlock:
- ckeditor5:
- plugins:
- - codeBlock.CodeBlock
- - htmlSupport.GeneralHtmlSupport
- config:
- # The CodeBlock plugin supports only `<pre><code>…</code></pre>`.
- # Configure GHS to support `<pre>…</pre>` markup as well.
- htmlSupport:
- allow:
- -
- name: pre
- drupal:
- label: Code Block
- library: ckeditor5/internal.drupal.ckeditor5.codeBlock
- admin_library: ckeditor5/internal.admin.codeBlock
- toolbar_items:
- codeBlock:
- label: Code Block
- elements:
- - <pre>
- - <code>
- - <code class="language-*">
- ckeditor5_strikethrough:
- ckeditor5:
- plugins: [basicStyles.Strikethrough]
- drupal:
- label: Strikethrough
- library: core/ckeditor5.basic
- admin_library: ckeditor5/internal.admin.basic
- toolbar_items:
- strikethrough:
- label: Strikethrough
- elements:
- - <s>
- ckeditor5_subscript:
- ckeditor5:
- plugins: [basicStyles.Subscript]
- drupal:
- label: Subscript
- library: core/ckeditor5.basic
- admin_library: ckeditor5/internal.admin.basic
- toolbar_items:
- subscript:
- label: Subscript
- elements:
- - <sub>
- ckeditor5_superscript:
- ckeditor5:
- plugins: [basicStyles.Superscript]
- drupal:
- label: Superscript
- library: core/ckeditor5.basic
- admin_library: ckeditor5/internal.admin.basic
- toolbar_items:
- superscript:
- label: Superscript
- elements:
- - <sup>
- ckeditor5_blockquote:
- ckeditor5:
- plugins:
- - blockQuote.BlockQuote
- drupal:
- label: Block quote
- library: core/ckeditor5.blockquote
- admin_library: ckeditor5/internal.admin.blockquote
- toolbar_items:
- blockQuote:
- label: Block quote
- elements:
- - <blockquote>
- ckeditor5_link:
- ckeditor5:
- plugins:
- - link.Link
- drupal:
- label: Link
- library: core/
- admin_library: ckeditor5/
- toolbar_items:
- link:
- label: Link
- elements:
- - <a>
- - <a href>
- ckeditor5_linkImage:
- ckeditor5:
- plugins:
- - link.LinkImage
- config:
- # Append the "Link" button to the image balloon toolbar.
- image:
- toolbar:
- - '|'
- - linkImage
- drupal:
- label: Linked Image
- elements: false
- conditions:
- plugins:
- - ckeditor5_link
- - ckeditor5_image
- ckeditor5_linkMedia:
- ckeditor5:
- plugins:
- - drupalMedia.DrupalLinkMedia
- config:
- # Append the "Link" button to the media balloon toolbar.
- drupalMedia:
- toolbar: [drupalLinkMedia]
- drupal:
- label: Linked Media
- elements: false
- conditions:
- plugins:
- - ckeditor5_link
- - media_media
- ckeditor5_list:
- ckeditor5:
- plugins:
- - list.DocumentList
- - list.DocumentListProperties
- config:
- list:
- properties:
- reversed: true
- startIndex: true
- # @todo Make this configurable in
- styles: false
- drupal:
- label: List
- library: core/ckeditor5.list
- admin_library: ckeditor5/internal.admin.list
- class: Drupal\ckeditor5\Plugin\CKEditor5Plugin\ListPlugin
- toolbar_items:
- bulletedList:
- label: Bulleted list
- numberedList:
- label: Numbered list
- elements:
- - <ul>
- - <ol>
- - <ol reversed start>
- - <li>
- ckeditor5_horizontalLine:
- ckeditor5:
- plugins: [horizontalLine.HorizontalLine]
- drupal:
- label: Horizontal line
- library: core/ckeditor5.horizontalLine
- admin_library: ckeditor5/internal.admin.horizontalLine
- toolbar_items:
- horizontalLine:
- label: Horizontal line
- elements:
- - <hr>
- ckeditor5_alignment:
- ckeditor5:
- plugins: [alignment.Alignment]
- config:
- # @see core/modules/system/css/components/align.module.css
- alignment:
- options:
- - name: left
- className: text-align-left
- - name: center
- className: text-align-center
- - name: right
- className: text-align-right
- - name: justify
- className: text-align-justify
- drupal:
- label: Alignment
- library: core/ckeditor5.alignment
- admin_library: ckeditor5/internal.admin.alignment
- class: Drupal\ckeditor5\Plugin\CKEditor5Plugin\Alignment
- toolbar_items:
- alignment:
- label: Text alignment
- elements:
- - <$text-container class="text-align-left text-align-center text-align-right text-align-justify">
- ckeditor5_removeFormat:
- ckeditor5:
- plugins: [removeFormat.RemoveFormat]
- drupal:
- label: Remove Format
- library: core/ckeditor5.removeFormat
- admin_library: ckeditor5/internal.admin.removeFormat
- toolbar_items:
- removeFormat:
- label: Remove Format
- elements: false
- ckeditor5_pasteFromOffice:
- ckeditor5:
- plugins: [pasteFromOffice.PasteFromOffice]
- drupal:
- label: Paste From Office
- library: core/ckeditor5.pasteFromOffice
- elements: false
- conditions: []
- ckeditor5_table:
- ckeditor5:
- plugins:
- - table.Table
- - table.TableToolbar
- - table.TableCaption
- - table.PlainTableOutput
- config:
- table:
- contentToolbar: [tableColumn, tableRow, mergeTableCells, toggleTableCaption]
- drupal:
- label: Table
- library: core/ckeditor5.table
- admin_library: ckeditor5/internal.admin.table
- toolbar_items:
- insertTable:
- label: table
- elements:
- - <table>
- - <tr>
- - <td>
- - <td rowspan colspan>
- - <th>
- - <th rowspan colspan>
- - <thead>
- - <tbody>
- - <tfoot>
- - <caption>
- ckeditor5_image:
- ckeditor5:
- plugins:
- - image.Image
- - image.ImageToolbar
- - drupalImage.DrupalImage
- - drupalImage.DrupalInsertImage
- config:
- image:
- toolbar: [drupalImageAlternativeText]
- drupal:
- label: Image
- class: \Drupal\ckeditor5\Plugin\CKEditor5Plugin\Image
- library: ckeditor5/internal.drupal.ckeditor5.image
- admin_library: ckeditor5/internal.admin.image
- elements:
- - <img>
- - <img src alt height width>
- toolbar_items:
- drupalInsertImage:
- label: Image
- conditions:
- toolbarItem: drupalInsertImage
- ckeditor5_imageUpload:
- ckeditor5:
- plugins:
- - image.ImageUpload
- - drupalImage.DrupalImageUpload
- config:
- image:
- upload:
- types: ["jpeg", "png", "gif"]
- drupal:
- label: Image Upload
- elements:
- - <img data-entity-uuid data-entity-type>
- conditions:
- imageUploadStatus: true
- plugins: [ckeditor5_image]
- ckeditor5_imageUrl:
- ckeditor5:
- plugins:
- - image.ImageInsertUI
- drupal:
- label: Image URL
- elements: false
- conditions:
- imageUploadStatus: false
- plugins: [ckeditor5_image]
- ckeditor5_imageResize:
- ckeditor5:
- plugins:
- - image.ImageResize
- config:
- image:
- resizeUnit: '%'
- resizeOptions:
- -
- name: 'resizeImage:original'
- value: null
- toolbar: [resizeImage]
- drupal:
- label: Image resize
- class: \Drupal\ckeditor5\Plugin\CKEditor5Plugin\ImageResize
- elements: false
- conditions:
- requiresConfiguration:
- allow_resize: true
- plugins: [ckeditor5_image]
- ckeditor5_imageCaption:
- ckeditor5:
- plugins:
- - image.ImageCaption
- config:
- image:
- toolbar: [toggleImageCaption]
- drupal:
- label: Image caption
- elements:
- - <img data-caption>
- conditions:
- filter: filter_caption
- plugins: [ckeditor5_image]
- ckeditor5_imageAlign:
- ckeditor5:
- plugins:
- - image.ImageStyle
- config:
- image:
- toolbar:
- - '|'
- - 'imageStyle:block'
- - 'imageStyle:alignLeft'
- - 'imageStyle:alignCenter'
- - 'imageStyle:alignRight'
- - 'imageStyle:inline'
- - '|'
- styles:
- options:
- - inline
- - name: 'block'
- icon: 'left'
- title: 'Break text'
- - name: 'alignLeft'
- title: 'Align left and wrap text'
- - name: 'alignCenter'
- title: 'Align center and break text'
- - name: 'alignRight'
- title: 'Align right and wrap text'
- drupal:
- label: Image align
- elements:
- - <img data-align>
- conditions:
- filter: filter_align
- plugins: [ckeditor5_image]
- ckeditor5_indent:
- ckeditor5:
- plugins: [indent.Indent]
- drupal:
- label: Indent
- elements: false
- library: core/ckeditor5.indent
- admin_library: ckeditor5/internal.admin.indent
- toolbar_items:
- indent:
- label: Indent
- outdent:
- label: Outdent
- ckeditor5_language:
- ckeditor5:
- plugins: [language.TextPartLanguage]
- drupal:
- label: Language
- library: ckeditor5/internal.ckeditor5.language
- admin_library: ckeditor5/internal.admin.language
- class: Drupal\ckeditor5\Plugin\CKEditor5Plugin\Language
- toolbar_items:
- textPartLanguage:
- label: Language
- elements:
- - <span lang dir>
- media_media:
- provider: media
- ckeditor5:
- plugins:
- - drupalMedia.DrupalMedia
- - drupalMedia.DrupalElementStyle
- config:
- drupalMedia:
- toolbar: [mediaImageTextAlternative]
- themeError:
- func:
- name: Drupal.theme
- args: [mediaEmbedPreviewError]
- invoke: true
- drupal:
- label: Media
- library: ckeditor5/
- class: Drupal\ckeditor5\Plugin\CKEditor5Plugin\Media
- elements:
- - <drupal-media>
- - <drupal-media data-entity-type data-entity-uuid alt>
- - <drupal-media data-view-mode>
- conditions:
- filter: media_embed
- ckeditor5_drupalMediaCaption:
- ckeditor5:
- plugins:
- - drupalMedia.DrupalMediaCaption
- config:
- drupalMedia:
- toolbar: [toggleDrupalMediaCaption]
- drupal:
- label: Media caption
- elements:
- - <drupal-media data-caption>
- conditions:
- filter: filter_caption
- plugins:
- - media_media
- media_mediaAlign:
- provider: media
- ckeditor5:
- plugins:
- - drupalMedia.DrupalElementStyle
- config:
- drupalElementStyles:
- align:
- - name: 'right'
- title: 'Align right and wrap text'
- icon: 'objectRight'
- attributeName: 'data-align'
- attributeValue: 'right'
- modelElements: [ 'drupalMedia' ]
- - name: 'left'
- title: 'Align left and wrap text'
- icon: 'objectLeft'
- attributeName: 'data-align'
- attributeValue: 'left'
- modelElements: [ 'drupalMedia' ]
- - name: 'center'
- title: 'Align center and break text'
- icon: 'objectCenter'
- attributeName: 'data-align'
- attributeValue: 'center'
- modelElements: ['drupalMedia']
- - name: 'breakText'
- title: 'Break text'
- icon: 'objectBlockLeft'
- isDefault: true
- modelElements: [ 'drupalMedia' ]
- drupalMedia:
- toolbar:
- - '|'
- - 'drupalElementStyle:align:breakText'
- - 'drupalElementStyle:align:left'
- - 'drupalElementStyle:align:center'
- - 'drupalElementStyle:align:right'
- - '|'
- drupal:
- label: Media align
- library: ckeditor5/internal.drupal.ckeditor5.mediaAlign
- elements:
- - <drupal-media data-align>
- conditions:
- filter: filter_align
- plugins: [media_media]
- media_library_mediaLibrary:
- provider: media_library
- ckeditor5:
- plugins: []
- config:
- drupalMedia:
- openDialog:
- func:
- name: Drupal.ckeditor5.openDialog
- invoke: false
- dialogSettings:
- height: 75%
- dialogClass: media-library-widget-modal
- drupal:
- label: Media Library
- elements: false
- admin_library: ckeditor5/internal.admin.drupalmedia
- class: Drupal\ckeditor5\Plugin\CKEditor5Plugin\MediaLibrary
- library: editor/drupal.editor.dialog
- toolbar_items:
- drupalMedia:
- label: Drupal media
- conditions:
- filter: media_embed
- toolbarItem: drupalMedia
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