
Same filename in this branch
  1. 11.x core/modules/ckeditor5/tests/src/Unit/CKEditor5Test.php
Same filename in other branches
  1. 9 core/modules/ckeditor5/tests/src/Unit/CKEditor5Test.php
  2. 9 core/modules/ckeditor5/tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/CKEditor5Test.php
  3. 10 core/modules/ckeditor5/tests/src/Unit/CKEditor5Test.php
  4. 10 core/modules/ckeditor5/tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/CKEditor5Test.php





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declare (strict_types=1);
namespace Drupal\Tests\ckeditor5\FunctionalJavascript;

use Drupal\ckeditor5\Plugin\Editor\CKEditor5;
use Drupal\Core\Language\LanguageManager;
use Drupal\editor\Entity\Editor;
use Drupal\file\Entity\File;
use Drupal\filter\Entity\FilterFormat;
use Drupal\language\Entity\ConfigurableLanguage;
use Drupal\node\Entity\Node;
use Drupal\Tests\ckeditor5\Traits\CKEditor5TestTrait;
use Drupal\Tests\TestFileCreationTrait;
use Drupal\user\RoleInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\ConstraintViolationInterface;
// cspell:ignore esque māori sourceediting splitbutton upcasted

 * Tests for CKEditor 5.
 * @group ckeditor5
 * @internal
class CKEditor5Test extends CKEditor5TestBase {
    use TestFileCreationTrait;
    use CKEditor5TestTrait;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected static $modules = [
     * Tests configuring CKEditor 5 for existing content.
    public function testExistingContent() : void {
        $page = $this->getSession()
        $assert_session = $this->assertSession();
        // Add a node with text rendered via the Plain Text format.
        $page->fillField('title[0][value]', 'My test content');
        $page->fillField('body[0][value]', '<p>This is test content</p>');
        $assert_session->responseNotContains('<p>This is test content</p>');
        $assert_session->responseContains('&lt;p&gt;This is test content&lt;/p&gt;');
        // Change the node to use the new text format.
        $page->selectFieldOption('body[0][format]', 'ckeditor5');
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForText('Change text format?'));
        // Ensure the editor is loaded.
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElement('css', '.ck-editor'));
        // Assert that the HTML is rendered correctly.
        $assert_session->responseContains('<p>This is test content</p>');
        $assert_session->responseNotContains('&lt;p&gt;This is test content&lt;/p&gt;');
     * Test headings configuration.
    public function testHeadingsPlugin() : void {
        $page = $this->getSession()
        $assert_session = $this->assertSession();
        $this->assertHtmlEsqueFieldValueEquals('filters[filter_html][settings][allowed_html]', '<br> <p> <h2> <h3> <h4> <h5> <h6> <strong> <em>');
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElement('css', '.ck-heading-dropdown button'));
        $page->find('css', '.ck-heading-dropdown button')
        // Get all the headings available in dropdown.
        $headings_dropdown = $page->findAll('css', '.ck-heading-dropdown li .ck-button__label');
        // Create array of available headings.
        $available_headings = [];
        foreach ($headings_dropdown as $item) {
            $available_headings[] = $item->getText();
            'Heading 2',
            'Heading 3',
            'Heading 4',
            'Heading 5',
            'Heading 6',
        ], $available_headings);
        $this->assertHtmlEsqueFieldValueEquals('filters[filter_html][settings][allowed_html]', '<br> <p> <h1> <h3> <h5> <h6> <strong> <em>');
        $page->pressButton('Save configuration');
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElement('css', '.ck-heading-dropdown button'));
        $page->find('css', '.ck-heading-dropdown button')
        // Get all the headings available in dropdown.
        $headings_dropdown = $page->findAll('css', '.ck-heading-dropdown li .ck-button__label');
        // Create array of available headings.
        $available_headings = [];
        foreach ($headings_dropdown as $item) {
            $available_headings[] = $item->getText();
            'Heading 1',
            'Heading 3',
            'Heading 5',
            'Heading 6',
        ], $available_headings);
     * Test for Language of Parts plugin.
    public function testLanguageOfPartsPlugin() : void {
        $page = $this->getSession()
        $assert_session = $this->assertSession();
        $this->languageOfPartsPluginInitialConfigurationHelper($page, $assert_session);
        // Test for "United Nations' official languages" option.
        $languages = LanguageManager::getUnitedNationsLanguageList();
        $this->languageOfPartsPluginConfigureLanguageListHelper($page, $assert_session, 'un');
        $this->languageOfPartsPluginTestHelper($page, $assert_session, $languages);
        // Test for "Drupal predefined languages" option.
        $languages = LanguageManager::getStandardLanguageList();
        $this->languageOfPartsPluginConfigureLanguageListHelper($page, $assert_session, 'all');
        $this->languageOfPartsPluginTestHelper($page, $assert_session, $languages);
        // Test for "Site-configured languages" option.
        $configured_languages = \Drupal::languageManager()->getLanguages();
        $languages = [];
        foreach ($configured_languages as $language) {
            $language_name = $language->getName();
            $language_code = $language->getId();
            $languages[$language_code] = [
        $this->languageOfPartsPluginConfigureLanguageListHelper($page, $assert_session, 'site_configured');
        $this->languageOfPartsPluginTestHelper($page, $assert_session, $languages);
     * Helper to configure CKEditor5 with Language plugin.
    public function languageOfPartsPluginInitialConfigurationHelper($page, $assert_session) : void {
        $this->createNewTextFormat($page, $assert_session);
        // Press arrow down key to add the button to the active toolbar.
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElement('css', '.ckeditor5-toolbar-item-textPartLanguage'));
        $this->triggerKeyUp('.ckeditor5-toolbar-item-textPartLanguage', 'ArrowDown');
        // The CKEditor 5 module should warn that `<span>` cannot be created.
        $assert_session->waitForElement('css', '[role=alert][data-drupal-message-type="warning"]:contains("The Language plugin needs another plugin to create <span>, for it to be able to create the following attributes: <span lang dir>. Enable a plugin that supports creating this tag. If none exists, you can configure the Source Editing plugin to support it.")');
        // Make `<span>` creatable.
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->elementExists('css', '.ckeditor5-toolbar-item-sourceEditing'));
        $this->triggerKeyUp('.ckeditor5-toolbar-item-sourceEditing', 'ArrowDown');
        // The Source Editing plugin settings form should now be present and should
        // have no allowed tags configured.
        $page->clickLink('Source editing');
        $this->assertNotNull($assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', '[data-drupal-selector="edit-editor-settings-plugins-ckeditor5-sourceediting-allowed-tags"]'));
        $javascript = <<<JS
      const allowedTags = document.querySelector('[data-drupal-selector="edit-editor-settings-plugins-ckeditor5-sourceediting-allowed-tags"]');
      allowedTags.value = '<span>';
      allowedTags.dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));
        // Dispatching an `input` event does not work in WebDriver. Enabling another
        // toolbar item which has no associated HTML elements forces it.
        $this->triggerKeyUp('.ckeditor5-toolbar-item-undo', 'ArrowDown');
        // Confirm there are no longer any warnings.
        $assert_session->waitForElementRemoved('css', '[data-drupal-messages] [role="alert"]');
        $page->pressButton('Save configuration');
        $assert_session->responseContains('Added text format <em class="placeholder">ckeditor5</em>.');
     * Helper to set language list option for CKEditor.
    public function languageOfPartsPluginConfigureLanguageListHelper($page, $assert_session, $option) : void {
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElement('css', 'a[href^="#edit-editor-settings-plugins-ckeditor5-language"]'));
        // Set correct value.
        $vertical_tab_link = $page->find('xpath', "//ul[contains(@class, 'vertical-tabs__menu')]/li/a[starts-with(@href, '#edit-editor-settings-plugins-ckeditor5-language')]");
        $select = $page->findField('editor[settings][plugins][ckeditor5_language][language_list]');
        if ($select->getValue() !== $option) {
        $page->pressButton('Save configuration');
        $assert_session->responseContains('The text format <em class="placeholder">ckeditor5</em> has been updated.');
     * Validate expected languages available in editor.
    public function languageOfPartsPluginTestHelper($page, $assert_session, $configured_languages) : void {
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForText('Choose language'));
        // Click on the dropdown button.
        $page->find('css', '.ck-text-fragment-language-dropdown button')
        // Get all the languages available in dropdown.
        $current_languages = $page->findAll('css', '.ck-text-fragment-language-dropdown li .ck-button__label');
        // Remove "Remove language" element from current languages.
        // Create array of full language name.
        $languages = [];
        foreach ($current_languages as $item) {
            $languages[] = $item->getText();
        // Return the values from a single column.
        $configured_languages = array_column($configured_languages, 0);
        // Sort on full language name.
        $this->assertSame(array_values($configured_languages), $languages);
     * Gets the titles of the vertical tabs in the given container.
     * @param string $container_selector
     *   The container in which to look for vertical tabs.
     * @param bool $visible_only
     *   (optional) Whether to restrict to only the visible vertical tabs. TRUE by
     *   default.
     * @return string[]
     *   The titles of all vertical tabs menu items, restricted to only
     *   visible ones by default.
     * @throws \LogicException
    private function getVerticalTabs(string $container_selector, bool $visible_only = TRUE) : array {
        $page = $this->getSession()
        // Ensure the container exists.
        $container = $page->find('css', $container_selector);
        if ($container === NULL) {
            throw new \LogicException('The given container should exist.');
        // Make sure that the container selector contains exactly one Vertical Tabs
        // UI component.
        $vertical_tabs = $container->findAll('css', '.vertical-tabs');
        if (count($vertical_tabs) != 1) {
            throw new \LogicException('The given container should contain exactly one Vertical Tabs component.');
        $vertical_tabs = $container->findAll('css', '.vertical-tabs__menu-item');
        $vertical_tabs_titles = [];
        foreach ($vertical_tabs as $vertical_tab) {
            if ($visible_only && !$vertical_tab->isVisible()) {
            $title = $vertical_tab->find('css', '.vertical-tabs__menu-item-title')
            // When retrieving visible vertical tabs, mark the selected one.
            if ($visible_only && $vertical_tab->hasClass('is-selected')) {
                $title = "➡️{$title}";
            $vertical_tabs_titles[] = $title;
        return $vertical_tabs_titles;
     * Enables a disabled CKEditor 5 toolbar item.
     * @param string $toolbar_item_id
     *   The toolbar item to enable.
    protected function enableDisabledToolbarItem(string $toolbar_item_id) : void {
        $assert_session = $this->assertSession();
        $assert_session->elementExists('css', ".ckeditor5-toolbar-disabled .ckeditor5-toolbar-item-{$toolbar_item_id}");
        $this->triggerKeyUp(".ckeditor5-toolbar-item-{$toolbar_item_id}", 'ArrowDown');
        $assert_session->elementNotExists('css', ".ckeditor5-toolbar-disabled .ckeditor5-toolbar-item-{$toolbar_item_id}");
        $assert_session->elementExists('css', ".ckeditor5-toolbar-active .ckeditor5-toolbar-item-{$toolbar_item_id}");
     * Confirms active tab status is intact after AJAX refresh.
    public function testActiveTabsMaintained() : void {
        $page = $this->getSession()
        $assert_session = $this->assertSession();
        $this->createNewTextFormat($page, $assert_session);
        // Initial vertical tabs: 3 for filters, 1 for CKE5 plugins.
            'Limit allowed HTML tags and correct faulty HTML',
            'Convert URLs into links',
            'Embed media',
        ], $this->getVerticalTabs('#filter-settings-wrapper', FALSE));
        ], $this->getVerticalTabs('#plugin-settings-wrapper', FALSE));
        // Initial visible vertical tabs: 1 for filters, 1 for CKE5 plugins.
            '➡️Limit allowed HTML tags and correct faulty HTML',
        ], $this->getVerticalTabs('#filter-settings-wrapper'));
        ], $this->getVerticalTabs('#plugin-settings-wrapper'));
        // Enable media embed to make a second filter config vertical tab visible.
        $this->assertNull($assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', '[data-drupal-selector=edit-filters-media-embed-settings]', 0));
        $this->assertNotNull($assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', '[data-drupal-selector=edit-filters-media-embed-settings]', 0));
        // Filter plugins vertical tabs behavior: the filter plugin settings
        // vertical tab with the heaviest filter weight is active by default.
        // Hence enabling the media_embed filter (weight 100) results in its
        // vertical tab being activated (filter_html's weight is -10).
        // @see core/modules/filter/filter.admin.js
            'Limit allowed HTML tags and correct faulty HTML',
            '➡️Embed media',
        ], $this->getVerticalTabs('#filter-settings-wrapper'));
        ], $this->getVerticalTabs('#plugin-settings-wrapper'));
        // Enable upload image to add a third (and fourth) CKE5 plugin vertical tab.
        // The active CKE5 plugin settings vertical tab is unchanged.
            'Image resize',
        ], $this->getVerticalTabs('#plugin-settings-wrapper'));
        // The active filter plugin settings vertical tab is unchanged.
            'Limit allowed HTML tags and correct faulty HTML',
            '➡️Embed media',
        ], $this->getVerticalTabs('#filter-settings-wrapper'));
        // Open the CKE5 "Image" plugin settings vertical tab, interact with the
        // subform and observe that the AJAX requests those interactions trigger do
        // not change the active vertical tabs.
        $assert_session->waitForText('Enable image uploads');
            'Image resize',
        ], $this->getVerticalTabs('#plugin-settings-wrapper'));
            'Image resize',
        ], $this->getVerticalTabs('#plugin-settings-wrapper'));
            'Limit allowed HTML tags and correct faulty HTML',
            '➡️Embed media',
        ], $this->getVerticalTabs('#filter-settings-wrapper'));
        $page->pressButton('Save configuration');
        $assert_session->pageTextContains('Added text format ckeditor5');
        // Leave and return to the config form, wait for initialized Vertical Tabs.
        $assert_session->waitForElement('css', '');
        // The first CKE5 plugin settings vertical tab is active by default.
            'Image resize',
        ], $this->getVerticalTabs('#plugin-settings-wrapper'));
        // Filter plugins vertical tabs behavior: the filter plugin settings
        // vertical tab with the heaviest filter weight is active by default.
        // Hence enabling the media_embed filter (weight 100) results in its
        // vertical tab being activated (filter_html's weight is -10).
        // @see core/modules/filter/filter.admin.js
            'Limit allowed HTML tags and correct faulty HTML',
            '➡️Embed media',
        ], $this->getVerticalTabs('#filter-settings-wrapper'));
        // Click the 3rd CKE5 plugin vertical tab.
            '➡️Image resize',
        ], $this->getVerticalTabs('#plugin-settings-wrapper'));
        // Add another CKEditor 5 toolbar item just to trigger an AJAX refresh.
        // The active CKE5 plugin settings vertical tab is unchanged.
            '➡️Image resize',
        ], $this->getVerticalTabs('#plugin-settings-wrapper'));
        // The active filter plugin settings vertical tab is unchanged.
            'Limit allowed HTML tags and correct faulty HTML',
            '➡️Embed media',
        ], $this->getVerticalTabs('#filter-settings-wrapper'));
     * Ensures that CKEditor 5 integrates with file reference filter.
    public function testEditorFileReferenceIntegration() : void {
        $page = $this->getSession()
        $assert_session = $this->assertSession();
        $this->createNewTextFormat($page, $assert_session);
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElement('css', '.ckeditor5-toolbar-item-drupalInsertImage'));
        $this->triggerKeyUp('.ckeditor5-toolbar-item-drupalInsertImage', 'ArrowDown');
        $this->saveNewTextFormat($page, $assert_session);
        $page->fillField('title[0][value]', 'My test content');
        // Ensure that CKEditor 5 is focused.
        $this->assertNotEmpty($image_upload_field = $page->find('css', '.ck-file-dialog-button input[type="file"]'));
        $image = $this->getTestFiles('image')[0];
        // Wait until preview for the image has rendered to ensure that the image
        // upload has completed and the image has been downcast.
        // @see
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElement('css', '.ck-content img[data-entity-uuid]'));
        // Add alt text to the image.
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', ' > img'));
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', '.ck-balloon-panel .ck-text-alternative-form'));
        $alt_override_input = $page->find('css', '.ck-balloon-panel .ck-text-alternative-form input[type=text]');
        $alt_override_input->setValue('There is now alt text');
        $uploaded_image = File::load(1);
        $image_url = $this->container
        $image_uuid = $uploaded_image->uuid();
        $assert_session->elementExists('xpath', sprintf('//img[@src="%s" and @width="40" and @height="20" and @data-entity-uuid="%s" and @data-entity-type="file"]', $image_url, $image_uuid));
        // Ensure that width, height, and length attributes are not stored in the
        // database.
        $this->assertEquals(sprintf('<img data-entity-uuid="%s" data-entity-type="file" src="%s" width="40" height="20" alt="There is now alt text">', $image_uuid, $image_url), Node::load(1)->get('body')->value);
        // Ensure that data-entity-uuid and data-entity-type attributes are upcasted
        // correctly to CKEditor model.
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElement('css', '.ck-editor'));
        $assert_session->elementExists('xpath', sprintf('//img[@src="%s" and @width="40" and @height="20" and @data-entity-uuid="%s" and @data-entity-type="file"]', $image_url, $image_uuid));
     * Ensures that CKEditor italic model is converted to em.
    public function testEmphasis() : void {
        $page = $this->getSession()
        $assert_session = $this->assertSession();
        // Add a node with text rendered via the Plain Text format.
        $page->fillField('title[0][value]', 'My test content');
        $page->fillField('body[0][value]', '<p>This is a <em>test!</em></p>');
        $page->selectFieldOption('body[0][format]', 'ckeditor5');
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForText('Change text format?'));
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElement('css', '.ck-editor'));
        $assert_session->responseContains('<p>This is a <em>test!</em></p>');
     * Tests list plugin.
    public function testListPlugin() : void {
            'format' => 'test_format',
            'name' => 'CKEditor 5 with list',
            'roles' => [
            'format' => 'test_format',
            'editor' => 'ckeditor5',
            'image_upload' => [
                'status' => FALSE,
            'settings' => [
                'toolbar' => [
                    'items' => [
                'plugins' => [
                    'ckeditor5_list' => [
                        'properties' => [
                            'reversed' => FALSE,
                            'startIndex' => FALSE,
                        'multiBlock' => TRUE,
                    'ckeditor5_sourceEditing' => [
                        'allowed_tags' => [],
        $this->assertSame([], array_map(function (ConstraintViolationInterface $v) {
            return (string) $v->getMessage();
        }, iterator_to_array(CKEditor5::validatePair(Editor::load('test_format'), FilterFormat::load('test_format')))));
        $ordered_list_html = '<ol><li>apple</li><li>banana</li><li>cantaloupe</li></ol>';
        $page = $this->getSession()
        $assert_session = $this->assertSession();
        $page->fillField('title[0][value]', 'My test content');
        $source_text_area = $assert_session->waitForElement('css', '.ck-source-editing-area textarea');
        // Click source again to make source inactive and have the numbered list
        // splitbutton active.
        $numbered_list_dropdown_selector = '.ck-splitbutton__arrow';
        // Check that there is no dropdown available for the numbered list because
        // both reversed and startIndex are FALSE.
        $assert_session->elementNotExists('css', $numbered_list_dropdown_selector);
        // Save content so source content is kept after changing the editor config.
        $edit_url = $this->getSession()
            ->getCurrentURL() . '/edit';
        // Enable the reversed functionality.
        $editor = Editor::load('test_format');
        $settings = $editor->getSettings();
        $settings['plugins']['ckeditor5_list']['properties']['reversed'] = TRUE;
        $reversed_order_button_selector = '';
        $assert_session->elementExists('css', $reversed_order_button_selector);
        $assert_session->elementTextEquals('css', $reversed_order_button_selector, 'Reversed order');
        $start_index_element_selector = '';
        $assert_session->elementNotExists('css', $start_index_element_selector);
        // Have both the reversed and the start index enabled.
        $editor = Editor::load('test_format');
        $settings = $editor->getSettings();
        $settings['plugins']['ckeditor5_list']['properties']['startIndex'] = TRUE;
        $assert_session->elementExists('css', $reversed_order_button_selector);
        $assert_session->elementTextEquals('css', $reversed_order_button_selector, 'Reversed order');
        $assert_session->elementExists('css', $start_index_element_selector);
     * Ensures that changes are saved in CKEditor 5.
    public function testSave() : void {
        // To replicate the bug from
        // We need 2 or more text formats and node edit page.
            'format' => 'ckeditor5',
            'name' => 'CKEditor 5 HTML',
            'roles' => [
            'format' => 'ckeditor5',
            'editor' => 'ckeditor5',
            'image_upload' => [
                'status' => FALSE,
            'settings' => [
                'toolbar' => [
                    'items' => [
                'plugins' => [
                    'ckeditor5_sourceEditing' => [
                        'allowed_tags' => [],
        $this->assertSame([], array_map(function (ConstraintViolationInterface $v) {
            return (string) $v->getMessage();
        }, iterator_to_array(CKEditor5::validatePair(Editor::load('ckeditor5'), FilterFormat::load('ckeditor5')))));
            'format' => 'ckeditor5_2',
            'name' => 'CKEditor 5 HTML 2',
            'roles' => [
            'format' => 'ckeditor5_2',
            'editor' => 'ckeditor5',
            'image_upload' => [
                'status' => FALSE,
        $this->assertSame([], array_map(function (ConstraintViolationInterface $v) {
            return (string) $v->getMessage();
        }, iterator_to_array(CKEditor5::validatePair(Editor::load('ckeditor5_2'), FilterFormat::load('ckeditor5_2')))));
            'title' => 'My test content',
        // Test that entered text is saved.
        $page = $this->getSession()
        $editor = $page->find('css', '.ck-content');
        $editor->setValue('Very important information');
            ->responseContains('Very important information');
        // Test that changes only in source are saved.
        $page = $this->getSession()
        $editor = $page->find('css', '.ck-source-editing-area textarea');
        $editor->setValue('Text hidden in the source');
            ->responseContains('Text hidden in the source');



Title Deprecated Summary
CKEditor5Test Tests for CKEditor 5.

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