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  1. 9 core/modules/content_moderation/tests/src/Kernel/ContentModerationSyncingTest.php
  2. 10 core/modules/content_moderation/tests/src/Kernel/ContentModerationSyncingTest.php
  3. 11.x core/modules/content_moderation/tests/src/Kernel/ContentModerationSyncingTest.php





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namespace Drupal\Tests\content_moderation\Kernel;

use Drupal\entity_test\Entity\EntityTestMulRevPub;
use Drupal\KernelTests\KernelTestBase;
use Drupal\Tests\content_moderation\Traits\ContentModerationTestTrait;

 * Test content moderation when an entity is marked as 'syncing'.
 * @group content_moderation
class ContentModerationSyncingTest extends KernelTestBase {
    use ContentModerationTestTrait;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public static $modules = [
     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function setUp() {
        $workflow = $this->createEditorialWorkflow();
            ->addEntityTypeAndBundle('entity_test_mulrevpub', 'entity_test_mulrevpub');
     * Test no new revision is forced during a sync.
    public function testNoRevisionForcedDuringSync() {
        $entity = EntityTestMulRevPub::create([
            'moderation_state' => 'draft',
            'name' => 'foo',
        $initial_revision_id = $entity->getRevisionId();
        $entity->name = 'bar';
        $this->assertEquals($entity->getRevisionId(), $initial_revision_id);
     * Test changing the moderation state during a sync.
    public function testSingleRevisionStateChangedDuringSync() {
        $entity = EntityTestMulRevPub::create([
            'moderation_state' => 'published',
            'name' => 'foo',
        $initial_revision_id = $entity->getRevisionId();
        $entity->moderation_state = 'draft';
        // If a moderation state is changed to a draft while syncing, it will revert
        // to the same properties of an item of content that was initially created
        // as a draft.
        $this->assertEquals($initial_revision_id, $entity->getRevisionId());
        $this->assertEquals('draft', $entity->moderation_state->value);
     * Test state changes with multiple revisions during a sync.
    public function testMultipleRevisionStateChangedDuringSync() {
        $entity = EntityTestMulRevPub::create([
            'moderation_state' => 'published',
            'name' => 'foo',
        $entity->name = 'bar';
        $latest_revision_id = $entity->getRevisionId();
        $entity->moderation_state = 'draft';
        $this->assertEquals($latest_revision_id, $entity->getRevisionId());
        $this->assertEquals('draft', $entity->moderation_state->value);
        $this->assertEquals('bar', $entity->name->value);
        // The default revision will not automatically be assigned to another
        // revision, so a draft unpublished revision will be created when syncing
        // 'published' to 'draft'.
     * Test modifying a previous revision during a sync.
    public function testUpdatingPreviousRevisionDuringSync() {
        $storage = $this->container
        $entity = EntityTestMulRevPub::create([
            'moderation_state' => 'published',
            'name' => 'foo',
        $original_revision_id = $entity->getRevisionId();
        $entity->name = 'bar';
        // Sync a change to the 'name' on the original revision ID.
        $original_revision = $storage->loadRevision($original_revision_id);
        $original_revision->name = 'baz';
        // The names of each revision should reflect two revisions, the original one
        // having been updated during a sync.
        ], $this->getAllRevisionNames($entity));
     * Test a moderation state changed on a previous revision during a sync.
    public function testStateChangedPreviousRevisionDuringSync() {
        $storage = $this->container
        $entity = EntityTestMulRevPub::create([
            'moderation_state' => 'published',
            'name' => 'foo',
        $entity->moderation_state = 'draft';
        $entity->name = 'bar';
        $draft_revision_id = $entity->getRevisionId();
        $entity->name = 'baz';
        $entity->moderation_state = 'published';
        $default_revision_id = $entity->getRevisionId();
        // Update the draft revision moderation state to published, which would
        // typically change the default status of a revision during moderation.
        $draft_revision = $storage->loadRevision($draft_revision_id);
        $draft_revision->name = 'qux';
        $draft_revision->moderation_state = 'published';
        // Ensure the default revision is not changed during the sync.
        $reloaded_default_revision = $storage->load($entity->id());
        $this->assertEquals($default_revision_id, $reloaded_default_revision->getRevisionId());
        ], $this->getAllRevisionNames($reloaded_default_revision));
     * Get all the revision names in order of the revision ID.
     * @param \Drupal\entity_test\Entity\EntityTestMulRevPub $entity
     *   The entity.
     * @return array
     *   An array of revision names.
    protected function getAllRevisionNames(EntityTestMulRevPub $entity) {
        $storage = $this->container
        return array_map(function ($revision_id) use ($storage) {
            return $storage->loadRevision($revision_id)->name->value;
        }, array_keys($storage->getQuery()
            ->condition('id', $entity->id())
            ->sort('revision_id', 'ASC')



Title Deprecated Summary
ContentModerationSyncingTest Test content moderation when an entity is marked as 'syncing'.

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