
Same filename in other branches
  1. 9 core/modules/media_library/tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/WidgetUploadTest.php
  2. 10 core/modules/media_library/tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/WidgetUploadTest.php
  3. 11.x core/modules/media_library/tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/WidgetUploadTest.php





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namespace Drupal\Tests\media_library\FunctionalJavascript;

use Drupal\media\Entity\Media;
use Drupal\Tests\TestFileCreationTrait;

 * Tests that uploads in the Media library's widget works as expected.
 * @group media_library
 * @todo This test will occasionally fail with SQLite until
 *   https://www.drupal.org/node/3066447 is addressed.
class WidgetUploadTest extends MediaLibraryTestBase {
    use TestFileCreationTrait;
     * Tests that uploads in the Media library's widget works as expected.
    public function testWidgetUpload() {
        $assert_session = $this->assertSession();
        $page = $this->getSession()
        $driver = $this->getSession()
        foreach ($this->getTestFiles('image') as $image) {
            $extension = pathinfo($image->filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
            if ($extension === 'png') {
                $png_image = $image;
            elseif ($extension === 'jpg') {
                $jpg_image = $image;
        if (!isset($png_image) || !isset($jpg_image)) {
            $this->fail('Expected test files not present.');
        // Create a user that can only add media of type four.
        $user = $this->drupalCreateUser([
            'access administration pages',
            'access content',
            'create basic_page content',
            'create type_one media',
            'create type_four media',
            'view media',
        // Visit a node create page and open the media library.
        // Assert the upload form is not visible for default tab type_three without
        // the proper permissions.
        $assert_session->elementNotExists('css', '.js-media-library-add-form');
        // Assert the upload form is not visible for the non-file based media type
        // type_one.
        $assert_session->elementNotExists('css', '.js-media-library-add-form');
        // Assert the upload form is visible for type_four.
        $assert_session->fieldExists('Add files');
        $assert_session->pageTextContains('Maximum 2 files.');
        // Create a user that can create media for all media types.
        $user = $this->drupalCreateUser([
            'access administration pages',
            'access content',
            'create basic_page content',
            'create media',
            'view media',
        // Visit a node create page.
        $file_storage = $this->container
        /** @var \Drupal\Core\File\FileSystemInterface $file_system */
        $file_system = $this->container
        // Add to the twin media field.
        // Assert the upload form is now visible for default tab type_three.
        $assert_session->elementExists('css', '.js-media-library-add-form');
        $assert_session->fieldExists('Add files');
        // Assert we can upload a file to the default tab type_three.
        $assert_session->elementNotExists('css', '.js-media-library-add-form[data-input]');
        $this->addMediaFileToField('Add files', $this->container
        $assert_session->elementExists('css', '.js-media-library-add-form[data-input]');
        // We do not have pre-selected items, so the container should not be added
        // to the form.
        $assert_session->pageTextNotContains('Additional selected media');
        // Files are temporary until the form is saved.
        $files = $file_storage->loadMultiple();
        $file = array_pop($files);
        $this->assertSame('public://type-three-dir', $file_system->dirname($file->getFileUri()));
        // Assert the revision_log_message field is not shown.
        $upload_form = $assert_session->elementExists('css', '.js-media-library-add-form');
        $assert_session->fieldNotExists('Revision log message', $upload_form);
        // Assert the name field contains the filename and the alt text is required.
        $assert_session->fieldValueEquals('Name', $png_image->filename);
        $this->waitForText('Alternative text field is required');
        $page->fillField('Alternative text', $this->randomString());
        // The file should be permanent now.
        $files = $file_storage->loadMultiple();
        $file = array_pop($files);
        // Load the created media item.
        $media_items = Media::loadMultiple();
        $added_media = array_pop($media_items);
        // Ensure the media item was saved to the library and automatically
        // selected. The added media items should be in the first position of the
        // add form.
        $assert_session->pageTextContains('Add or select media');
        $assert_session->fieldValueEquals('media_library_select_form[0]', $added_media->id());
        $assert_session->pageTextContains('1 of 2 items selected');
        $assert_session->hiddenFieldValueEquals('current_selection', $added_media->id());
        // Ensure the created item is added in the widget.
        $this->pressInsertSelected('Added one media item.');
        // Remove the item.
        $assert_session->elementExists('css', '.field--name-field-twin-media')
        $png_uri_2 = $file_system->copy($png_image->uri, 'public://');
        $this->addMediaFileToField('Add files', $this->container
        $this->waitForFieldExists('Alternative text')
        $this->pressInsertSelected('Added one media item.');
        // Also make sure that we can upload to the unlimited cardinality field.
        // Select a media item to check if the selection is persisted when adding
        // new items.
        $existing_media_name = $file_system->basename($png_uri_2);
        $checkbox = $page->findField("Select {$existing_media_name}");
        $selected_item_id = $checkbox->getAttribute('value');
        $assert_session->pageTextContains('1 item selected');
        $assert_session->hiddenFieldValueEquals('current_selection', $selected_item_id);
        $png_uri_3 = $file_system->copy($png_image->uri, 'public://');
        $this->addMediaFileToField('Add files', $this->container
        $this->waitForText('The media item has been created but has not yet been saved.');
        $page->fillField('Name', 'Unlimited Cardinality Image');
        $page->fillField('Alternative text', $this->randomString());
        // Load the created media item.
        $media_items = Media::loadMultiple();
        $added_media = array_pop($media_items);
        $added_media_name = $added_media->label();
        // Ensure the media item was saved to the library and automatically
        // selected. The added media items should be in the first position of the
        // add form.
        $assert_session->pageTextContains('Add or select media');
        $assert_session->pageTextContains('Unlimited Cardinality Image');
        $assert_session->fieldValueEquals('media_library_select_form[0]', $added_media->id());
        // Assert the item that was selected before uploading the file is still
        // selected.
        $assert_session->pageTextContains('2 items selected');
        $assert_session->checkboxChecked("Select {$added_media_name}");
        $assert_session->checkboxChecked("Select {$existing_media_name}");
        $assert_session->hiddenFieldValueEquals('current_selection', implode(',', [
        $selected_checkboxes = [];
        foreach ($this->getCheckboxes() as $checkbox) {
            if ($checkbox->isChecked()) {
                $selected_checkboxes[] = $checkbox->getAttribute('value');
        $this->assertCount(2, $selected_checkboxes);
        // Ensure the created item is added in the widget.
        $this->pressInsertSelected('Added 2 media items.');
        $this->waitForText('Unlimited Cardinality Image');
        // Assert we can now only upload one more media item.
        $this->assertFalse($assert_session->fieldExists('Add file')
        $assert_session->pageTextContains('One file only.');
        // Assert media type four should only allow jpg files by trying a png file
        // first.
        $png_uri_4 = $file_system->copy($png_image->uri, 'public://');
        $this->addMediaFileToField('Add file', $file_system->realpath($png_uri_4), FALSE);
        $this->waitForText('Only files with the following extensions are allowed');
        // Assert that jpg files are accepted by type four.
        $jpg_uri_2 = $file_system->copy($jpg_image->uri, 'public://');
        $this->addMediaFileToField('Add file', $file_system->realpath($jpg_uri_2));
        $this->waitForFieldExists('Alternative text')
        // The type_four media type has another optional image field.
        $assert_session->pageTextContains('Extra Image');
        $jpg_uri_3 = $file_system->copy($jpg_image->uri, 'public://');
        $this->addMediaFileToField('Extra Image', $this->container
        // Ensure that the extra image was uploaded to the correct directory.
        $files = $file_storage->loadMultiple();
        $file = array_pop($files);
        $this->assertSame('public://type-four-extra-dir', $file_system->dirname($file->getFileUri()));
        // Ensure the media item was saved to the library and automatically
        // selected.
        $this->waitForText('Add or select media');
        // Ensure the created item is added in the widget.
        $this->pressInsertSelected('Added one media item.');
        // Assert we can also remove selected items from the selection area in the
        // upload form.
        $checkbox = $page->findField("Select {$existing_media_name}");
        $selected_item_id = $checkbox->getAttribute('value');
        $assert_session->hiddenFieldValueEquals('current_selection', $selected_item_id);
        $this->assertTrue($assert_session->fieldExists('Add files')
        $png_uri_5 = $file_system->copy($png_image->uri, 'public://');
        $this->addMediaFileToField('Add files', $this->container
        // assertWaitOnAjaxRequest() required for input "id" attributes to
        // consistently match their label's "for" attribute.
        $page->fillField('Alternative text', $this->randomString());
        $this->waitForText('1 item selected');
        $this->waitForText("Select {$existing_media_name}");
        $media_items = Media::loadMultiple();
        $added_media = array_pop($media_items);
        $added_media_name = $added_media->label();
        $assert_session->pageTextContains('1 item selected');
        $assert_session->checkboxChecked("Select {$added_media_name}");
        $assert_session->checkboxNotChecked("Select {$existing_media_name}");
        $assert_session->hiddenFieldValueEquals('current_selection', $added_media->id());
        $this->pressInsertSelected('Added one media item.');
        // Assert removing an uploaded media item before save works as expected.
        $this->addMediaFileToField('Add files', $this->container
        // Assert the media item fields are shown and the vertical tabs are no
        // longer shown.
        $this->waitForFieldExists('Alternative text');
        // Press the 'Remove button' and assert the user is sent back to the media
        // library.
        // Assert the remove message is shown.
        $this->waitForText("The media item {$png_image->filename} has been removed.");
        // Assert the focus is shifted to the first tabbable element of the add
        // form, which should be the source field.
        $assert_session->elementExists('css', '.ui-dialog-titlebar-close')
        // Assert uploading multiple files.
        // Assert the existing items are remembered when adding and removing media.
        $checkbox = $page->findField("Select {$existing_media_name}");
        // Assert we can add multiple files.
        $this->assertTrue($assert_session->fieldExists('Add files')
        // Create a list of new files to upload.
        $filenames = [];
        $remote_paths = [];
        foreach (range(1, 4) as $i) {
            $path = $file_system->copy($png_image->uri, 'public://');
            $filenames[] = $file_system->basename($path);
            $remote_paths[] = $driver->uploadFileAndGetRemoteFilePath($file_system->realpath($path));
        $page->findField('Add files')
            ->setValue(implode("\n", $remote_paths));
        // Assert the media item fields are shown and the vertical tabs are no
        // longer shown.
        // Assert all files have been added.
        $assert_session->fieldValueEquals('media[0][fields][name][0][value]', $filenames[0]);
        $assert_session->fieldValueEquals('media[1][fields][name][0][value]', $filenames[1]);
        $assert_session->fieldValueEquals('media[2][fields][name][0][value]', $filenames[2]);
        $assert_session->fieldValueEquals('media[3][fields][name][0][value]', $filenames[3]);
        // Set alt texts for items 1 and 2, leave the alt text empty for items 3
        // and 4 to assert the field validation does not stop users from removing
        // items.
        $page->fillField('media[0][fields][field_media_test_image][0][alt]', $filenames[0]);
        $page->fillField('media[1][fields][field_media_test_image][0][alt]', $filenames[1]);
        // Assert the file is available in the file storage.
        $files = $file_storage->loadByProperties([
            'filename' => $filenames[1],
        $this->assertCount(1, $files);
        $file_1_uri = reset($files)->getFileUri();
        // Remove the second file and assert the focus is shifted to the container
        // of the next media item and field values are still correct.
        $assert_session->pageTextContains('The media item ' . $filenames[1] . ' has been removed.');
        // Assert the file was deleted.
            'filename' => $filenames[1],
        // When a file is already in usage, it should not be deleted. To test,
        // let's add a usage for $filenames[3] (now in the third position).
        $files = $file_storage->loadByProperties([
            'filename' => $filenames[3],
        $this->assertCount(1, $files);
        $target_file = reset($files);
            'bundle' => 'type_three',
            'name' => 'Disturbing',
            'field_media_test_image' => [
                    'target_id' => $target_file->id(),
        // Remove $filenames[3] (now in the third position) and assert the focus is
        // shifted to the container of the previous media item and field values are
        // still correct.
        $this->assertTrue($assert_session->waitForText('The media item ' . $filenames[3] . ' has been removed.'));
        // Assert the file was not deleted, due to being in use elsewhere.
            'filename' => $filenames[3],
        // The second media item should be removed (this has the delta 1 since we
        // start counting from 0).
        $assert_session->elementNotExists('css', '[data-media-library-added-delta=1]');
        $media_item_one = $assert_session->elementExists('css', '[data-media-library-added-delta=0]');
        $assert_session->fieldValueEquals('Name', $filenames[0], $media_item_one);
        $assert_session->fieldValueEquals('Alternative text', $filenames[0], $media_item_one);
        $media_item_three = $assert_session->elementExists('css', '[data-media-library-added-delta=2]');
        $assert_session->fieldValueEquals('Name', $filenames[2], $media_item_three);
        $assert_session->fieldValueEquals('Alternative text', '', $media_item_three);
     * Tests that uploads in the widget's advanced UI works as expected.
     * @todo Merge this with testWidgetUpload() in
     *   https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/3087227
    public function testWidgetUploadAdvancedUi() {
            ->set('advanced_ui', TRUE)
        $assert_session = $this->assertSession();
        $page = $this->getSession()
        $driver = $this->getSession()
        foreach ($this->getTestFiles('image') as $image) {
            $extension = pathinfo($image->filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
            if ($extension === 'png') {
                $png_image = $image;
            elseif ($extension === 'jpg') {
                $jpg_image = $image;
        if (!isset($png_image) || !isset($jpg_image)) {
            $this->fail('Expected test files not present.');
        // Create a user that can only add media of type four.
        $user = $this->drupalCreateUser([
            'access administration pages',
            'access content',
            'create basic_page content',
            'create type_one media',
            'create type_four media',
            'view media',
        // Visit a node create page and open the media library.
        // Assert the upload form is not visible for default tab type_three without
        // the proper permissions.
        $assert_session->elementNotExists('css', '.js-media-library-add-form');
        // Assert the upload form is not visible for the non-file based media type
        // type_one.
        $assert_session->elementNotExists('css', '.js-media-library-add-form');
        // Assert the upload form is visible for type_four.
        $assert_session->fieldExists('Add files');
        $assert_session->pageTextContains('Maximum 2 files.');
        // Create a user that can create media for all media types.
        $user = $this->drupalCreateUser([
            'access administration pages',
            'access content',
            'create basic_page content',
            'create media',
            'view media',
        // Visit a node create page.
        $file_storage = $this->container
        /** @var \Drupal\Core\File\FileSystemInterface $file_system */
        $file_system = $this->container
        // Add to the twin media field.
        // Assert the upload form is now visible for default tab type_three.
        $assert_session->elementExists('css', '.js-media-library-add-form');
        $assert_session->fieldExists('Add files');
        // Assert we can upload a file to the default tab type_three.
        $assert_session->elementNotExists('css', '.js-media-library-add-form[data-input]');
        $this->addMediaFileToField('Add files', $this->container
        $assert_session->elementExists('css', '.js-media-library-add-form[data-input]');
        // We do not have a pre-selected items, so the container should not be added
        // to the form.
        $assert_session->elementNotExists('css', 'details summary:contains(Additional selected media)');
        // Files are temporary until the form is saved.
        $files = $file_storage->loadMultiple();
        $file = array_pop($files);
        $this->assertSame('public://type-three-dir', $file_system->dirname($file->getFileUri()));
        // Assert the revision_log_message field is not shown.
        $upload_form = $assert_session->elementExists('css', '.js-media-library-add-form');
        $assert_session->fieldNotExists('Revision log message', $upload_form);
        // Assert the name field contains the filename and the alt text is required.
        $assert_session->fieldValueEquals('Name', $png_image->filename);
        $this->waitForText('Alternative text field is required');
        $page->fillField('Alternative text', $this->randomString());
        // The file should be permanent now.
        $files = $file_storage->loadMultiple();
        $file = array_pop($files);
        // Load the created media item.
        $media_items = Media::loadMultiple();
        $added_media = array_pop($media_items);
        // Ensure the media item was saved to the library and automatically
        // selected. The added media items should be in the first position of the
        // add form.
        $assert_session->pageTextContains('Add or select media');
        $assert_session->fieldValueEquals('media_library_select_form[0]', $added_media->id());
        $assert_session->pageTextContains('1 of 2 items selected');
        $assert_session->hiddenFieldValueEquals('current_selection', $added_media->id());
        // Ensure the created item is added in the widget.
        $this->pressInsertSelected('Added one media item.');
        // Remove the item.
        $assert_session->elementExists('css', '.field--name-field-twin-media')
        $png_uri_2 = $file_system->copy($png_image->uri, 'public://');
        $this->addMediaFileToField('Add files', $this->container
        $this->waitForFieldExists('Alternative text')
        // Assert we can also directly insert uploaded files in the widget.
        $this->waitForText('Added one media item.');
        $this->waitForNoText('Add or select media');
        // Also make sure that we can upload to the unlimited cardinality field.
        // Select a media item to check if the selection is persisted when adding
        // new items.
        $existing_media_name = $file_system->basename($png_uri_2);
        $checkbox = $page->findField("Select {$existing_media_name}");
        $selected_item_id = $checkbox->getAttribute('value');
        $assert_session->pageTextContains('1 item selected');
        $assert_session->hiddenFieldValueEquals('current_selection', $selected_item_id);
        $png_uri_3 = $file_system->copy($png_image->uri, 'public://');
        $this->addMediaFileToField('Add files', $this->container
        $this->waitForText('The media item has been created but has not yet been saved.');
        $assert_session->checkboxChecked("Select {$existing_media_name}");
        $page->fillField('Name', 'Unlimited Cardinality Image');
        $page->fillField('Alternative text', $this->randomString());
        $this->waitForNoText('Save and select');
        // Load the created media item.
        $media_items = Media::loadMultiple();
        $added_media = array_pop($media_items);
        $added_media_name = $added_media->label();
        // Ensure the media item was saved to the library and automatically
        // selected. The added media items should be in the first position of the
        // add form.
        $assert_session->pageTextContains('Add or select media');
        $assert_session->pageTextContains('Unlimited Cardinality Image');
        $assert_session->fieldValueEquals('media_library_select_form[0]', $added_media->id());
        // Assert the item that was selected before uploading the file is still
        // selected.
        $assert_session->pageTextContains('2 items selected');
        $assert_session->checkboxChecked("Select {$added_media_name}");
        $assert_session->checkboxChecked("Select {$existing_media_name}");
        $assert_session->hiddenFieldValueEquals('current_selection', implode(',', [
        $selected_checkboxes = [];
        foreach ($this->getCheckboxes() as $checkbox) {
            if ($checkbox->isChecked()) {
                $selected_checkboxes[] = $checkbox->getAttribute('value');
        $this->assertCount(2, $selected_checkboxes);
        // Ensure the created item is added in the widget.
        $this->pressInsertSelected('Added 2 media items.');
        $this->waitForText('Unlimited Cardinality Image');
        // Assert we can now only upload one more media item.
        $this->assertFalse($assert_session->fieldExists('Add file')
        $assert_session->pageTextContains('One file only.');
        // Assert media type four should only allow jpg files by trying a png file
        // first.
        $png_uri_4 = $file_system->copy($png_image->uri, 'public://');
        $this->addMediaFileToField('Add file', $file_system->realpath($png_uri_4), FALSE);
        $this->waitForText('Only files with the following extensions are allowed');
        // Assert that jpg files are accepted by type four.
        $jpg_uri_2 = $file_system->copy($jpg_image->uri, 'public://');
        $this->addMediaFileToField('Add file', $file_system->realpath($jpg_uri_2));
        $this->waitForFieldExists('Alternative text')
        // The type_four media type has another optional image field.
        $assert_session->pageTextContains('Extra Image');
        $jpg_uri_3 = $file_system->copy($jpg_image->uri, 'public://');
        $this->addMediaFileToField('Extra Image', $this->container
        // Ensure that the extra image was uploaded to the correct directory.
        $files = $file_storage->loadMultiple();
        $file = array_pop($files);
        $this->assertSame('public://type-four-extra-dir', $file_system->dirname($file->getFileUri()));
        // Ensure the media item was saved to the library and automatically
        // selected.
        $this->waitForText('Add or select media');
        // Ensure the created item is added in the widget.
        $this->pressInsertSelected('Added one media item.');
        // Assert users can not select media items they do not have access to.
        $unpublished_media = Media::create([
            'name' => 'Mosquito',
            'bundle' => 'type_one',
            'field_media_test' => 'Mosquito',
            'status' => FALSE,
        // Set the hidden field with the current selection via JavaScript and upload
        // a file.
        $this->addMediaFileToField('Add files', $this->container
        // Assert the pre-selected items are shown.
        // Assert the published items are selected and the unpublished item is not
        // selected.
        $page->find('css', '.ui-dialog-titlebar-close')
        // Assert we can also remove selected items from the selection area in the
        // upload form.
        $checkbox = $page->findField("Select {$existing_media_name}");
        $selected_item_id = $checkbox->getAttribute('value');
        $assert_session->hiddenFieldValueEquals('current_selection', $selected_item_id);
        $this->assertTrue($assert_session->fieldExists('Add files')
        $png_uri_5 = $file_system->copy($png_image->uri, 'public://');
        $this->addMediaFileToField('Add files', $this->container
        // assertWaitOnAjaxRequest() required for input "id" attributes to
        // consistently match their label's "for" attribute.
        $page->fillField('Alternative text', $this->randomString());
        // Assert the pre-selected items are shown.
        $selection_area = $this->getSelectionArea();
        $assert_session->checkboxChecked("Select {$existing_media_name}", $selection_area);
        $selection_area->uncheckField("Select {$existing_media_name}");
        $assert_session->hiddenFieldValueEquals('current_selection', '');
        // Close the details element so that clicking the Save and select works.
        // @todo Fix dialog or test so this is not necessary to prevent random
        //   fails. https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/3055648
        $selection_area->find('css', 'summary')
        $this->waitForText("Select {$existing_media_name}");
        $media_items = Media::loadMultiple();
        $added_media = array_pop($media_items);
        $added_media_name = $added_media->label();
        $assert_session->pageTextContains('1 item selected');
        $assert_session->checkboxChecked("Select {$added_media_name}");
        $assert_session->checkboxNotChecked("Select {$existing_media_name}");
        $assert_session->hiddenFieldValueEquals('current_selection', $added_media->id());
        $this->pressInsertSelected('Added one media item.');
        // Assert removing an uploaded media item before save works as expected.
        $this->addMediaFileToField('Add files', $this->container
        // Assert the media item fields are shown and the vertical tabs are no
        // longer shown.
        // Press the 'Remove button' and assert the user is sent back to the media
        // library.
        // Assert the remove message is shown.
        $this->waitForText("The media item {$png_image->filename} has been removed.");
        $assert_session->elementExists('css', '.ui-dialog-titlebar-close')
        // Assert uploading multiple files.
        // Assert the existing items are remembered when adding and removing media.
        $checkbox = $page->findField("Select {$existing_media_name}");
        // Assert we can add multiple files.
        $this->assertTrue($assert_session->fieldExists('Add files')
        // Create a list of new files to upload.
        $filenames = [];
        $remote_paths = [];
        foreach (range(1, 4) as $i) {
            $path = $file_system->copy($png_image->uri, 'public://');
            $filenames[] = $file_system->basename($path);
            $remote_paths[] = $driver->uploadFileAndGetRemoteFilePath($file_system->realpath($path));
        $page->findField('Add files')
            ->setValue(implode("\n", $remote_paths));
        // Assert the media item fields are shown and the vertical tabs are no
        // longer shown.
        // Assert all files have been added.
        $assert_session->fieldValueEquals('media[0][fields][name][0][value]', $filenames[0]);
        $assert_session->fieldValueEquals('media[1][fields][name][0][value]', $filenames[1]);
        $assert_session->fieldValueEquals('media[2][fields][name][0][value]', $filenames[2]);
        $assert_session->fieldValueEquals('media[3][fields][name][0][value]', $filenames[3]);
        // Assert the pre-selected items are shown.
        $assert_session->checkboxChecked("Select {$existing_media_name}", $this->getSelectionArea());
        // Set alt texts for items 1 and 2, leave the alt text empty for items 3
        // and 4 to assert the field validation does not stop users from removing
        // items.
        $page->fillField('media[0][fields][field_media_test_image][0][alt]', $filenames[0]);
        $page->fillField('media[1][fields][field_media_test_image][0][alt]', $filenames[1]);
        // Assert the file is available in the file storage.
        $files = $file_storage->loadByProperties([
            'filename' => $filenames[1],
        $this->assertCount(1, $files);
        $file_1_uri = reset($files)->getFileUri();
        // Remove the second file and assert the focus is shifted to the container
        // of the next media item and field values are still correct.
        $assert_session->pageTextContains('The media item ' . $filenames[1] . ' has been removed.');
        // Assert the file was deleted.
            'filename' => $filenames[1],
        // When a file is already in usage, it should not be deleted. To test,
        // let's add a usage for $filenames[3] (now in the third position).
        $files = $file_storage->loadByProperties([
            'filename' => $filenames[3],
        $this->assertCount(1, $files);
        $target_file = reset($files);
            'bundle' => 'type_three',
            'name' => 'Disturbing',
            'field_media_test_image' => [
                    'target_id' => $target_file->id(),
        // Remove $filenames[3] (now in the third position) and assert the focus is
        // shifted to the container of the previous media item and field values are
        // still correct.
        $this->assertTrue($assert_session->waitForText('The media item ' . $filenames[3] . ' has been removed.'));
        // Assert the file was not deleted, due to being in use elsewhere.
            'filename' => $filenames[3],
        // The second media item should be removed (this has the delta 1 since we
        // start counting from 0).
        $assert_session->elementNotExists('css', '[data-media-library-added-delta=1]');
        $media_item_one = $assert_session->elementExists('css', '[data-media-library-added-delta=0]');
        $assert_session->fieldValueEquals('Name', $filenames[0], $media_item_one);
        $assert_session->fieldValueEquals('Alternative text', $filenames[0], $media_item_one);
        $media_item_three = $assert_session->elementExists('css', '[data-media-library-added-delta=2]');
        $assert_session->fieldValueEquals('Name', $filenames[2], $media_item_three);
        $assert_session->fieldValueEquals('Alternative text', '', $media_item_three);
        // Assert the pre-selected items are still shown.
        $assert_session->checkboxChecked("Select {$existing_media_name}", $this->getSelectionArea());
        // Remove the last file and assert the focus is shifted to the container
        // of the first media item and field values are still correct.
        $assert_session->pageTextContains('The media item ' . $filenames[2] . ' has been removed.');
        $assert_session->elementNotExists('css', '[data-media-library-added-delta=1]');
        $assert_session->elementNotExists('css', '[data-media-library-added-delta=2]');
        $media_item_one = $assert_session->elementExists('css', '[data-media-library-added-delta=0]');
        $assert_session->fieldValueEquals('Name', $filenames[0], $media_item_one);
        $assert_session->fieldValueEquals('Alternative text', $filenames[0], $media_item_one);



Title Deprecated Summary
WidgetUploadTest Tests that uploads in the Media library's widget works as expected.

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