function MigrateDrupalHooks::migrationPluginsAlter
Implements hook_migration_plugins_alter().
modules/ migrate_drupal/ src/ Hook/ MigrateDrupalHooks.php, line 45
- MigrateDrupalHooks
- Hook implementations for migrate_drupal.
public function migrationPluginsAlter(array &$definitions) : void {
$module_handler = \Drupal::service('module_handler');
$migration_plugin_manager = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.migration');
// This is why the deriver can't do this: the 'd6_taxonomy_vocabulary'
// definition is not available to the deriver as it is running inside
// getDefinitions().
if (isset($definitions['d6_taxonomy_vocabulary'])) {
$vocabulary_migration_definition = [
'source' => [
'ignore_map' => TRUE,
'plugin' => 'd6_taxonomy_vocabulary',
'destination' => [
'plugin' => 'null',
'idMap' => [
'plugin' => 'null',
$vocabulary_migration = $migration_plugin_manager->createStubMigration($vocabulary_migration_definition);
$translation_active = $module_handler->moduleExists('content_translation');
try {
$source_plugin = $vocabulary_migration->getSourcePlugin();
if ($source_plugin instanceof RequirementsInterface) {
$executable = new MigrateExecutable($vocabulary_migration);
$process = [
'vid' => $definitions['d6_taxonomy_vocabulary']['process']['vid'],
foreach ($source_plugin as $row) {
$executable->processRow($row, $process);
$source_vid = $row->getSourceProperty('vid');
$plugin_ids = [
'd6_term_node:' . $source_vid,
'd6_term_node_revision:' . $source_vid,
if ($translation_active) {
$plugin_ids[] = 'd6_term_node_translation:' . $source_vid;
foreach (array_intersect($plugin_ids, array_keys($definitions)) as $plugin_id) {
// Match the field name derivation in d6_vocabulary_field.yml.
$field_name = substr('field_' . $row->getDestinationProperty('vid'), 0, 32);
// The Forum module is expecting 'taxonomy_forums' as the field name
// for the forum nodes. The 'forum_vocabulary' source property is
// evaluated in Drupal\taxonomy\Plugin\migrate\source\d6\Vocabulary
// and is set to true if the vocabulary vid being migrated is the
// same as the one in the 'forum_nav_vocabulary' variable on the
// source site.
$destination_vid = $row->getSourceProperty('forum_vocabulary') ? 'taxonomy_forums' : $field_name;
$definitions[$plugin_id]['process'][$destination_vid] = 'tid';
} catch (RequirementsException $e) {
// This code currently runs whenever the definitions are being loaded
// and if you have a Drupal 7 source site then the requirements will not
// be met for the d6_taxonomy_vocabulary migration.
} catch (DatabaseExceptionWrapper $e) {
// When the definitions are loaded it is possible the tables will not
// exist.
if (!$module_handler->moduleExists('node')) {
$connection = \Drupal::database();
// We need to get the version of the source database in order to check
// if the classic or complete node tables have been used in a migration.
if (isset($definitions['system_site'])) {
// Use the source plugin of the system_site migration to get the
// database connection.
$migration = $definitions['system_site'];
/** @var \Drupal\migrate\Plugin\migrate\source\SqlBase $source_plugin */
$source_plugin = $migration_plugin_manager->createStubMigration($migration)
try {
$source_connection = $source_plugin->getDatabase();
$version = NodeMigrateType::getLegacyDrupalVersion($source_connection);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
\Drupal::messenger()->addError($this->t('Failed to connect to your database server. The server reports the following message: %error.<ul><li>Is the database server running?</li><li>Does the database exist, and have you entered the correct database name?</li><li>Have you entered the correct username and password?</li><li>Have you entered the correct database hostname?</li></ul>', [
'%error' => $e->getMessage(),
// If this is a complete node migration then for all migrations, except the
// classic node migrations, replace any dependency on a classic node
// migration with a dependency on the complete node migration.
if (NodeMigrateType::getNodeMigrateType($connection, $version ?? FALSE) === NodeMigrateType::NODE_MIGRATE_TYPE_COMPLETE) {
$classic_migration_match = '/d([67])_(node|node_translation|node_revision|node_entity_translation)($|:.*)/';
$replace_with_complete_migration = function (&$value, $key, $classic_migration_match) {
if (is_string($value)) {
$value = preg_replace($classic_migration_match, 'd$1_node_complete$3', $value);
foreach ($definitions as &$definition) {
$is_node_classic_migration = preg_match($classic_migration_match, $definition['id']);
if (!$is_node_classic_migration && isset($definition['migration_dependencies'])) {
array_walk_recursive($definition['migration_dependencies'], $replace_with_complete_migration, $classic_migration_match);
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