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declare (strict_types=1);
namespace Drupal\package_manager;

use Composer\Semver\Semver;
use Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\StringTranslationTrait;
use Drupal\package_manager\Exception\ComposerNotReadyException;
use PhpTuf\ComposerStager\API\Exception\PreconditionException;
use PhpTuf\ComposerStager\API\Exception\RuntimeException;
use PhpTuf\ComposerStager\API\Path\Factory\PathFactoryInterface;
use PhpTuf\ComposerStager\API\Precondition\Service\ComposerIsAvailableInterface;
use PhpTuf\ComposerStager\API\Process\Service\ComposerProcessRunnerInterface;
use Psr\Log\LoggerAwareInterface;
use Psr\Log\LoggerAwareTrait;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Psr\Log\NullLogger;

 * Defines a class to get information from Composer.
 * This is a PHP wrapper to facilitate interacting with composer and:
 * - list installed packages: getInstalledPackagesList() (`composer show`)
 * - validate composer state & project: validate() (`composer validate`)
 * - read project & package configuration: getConfig() (`composer config`)
 * - read root package info: getRootPackageInfo() (`composer show --self`)
class ComposerInspector implements LoggerAwareInterface {
    use LoggerAwareTrait {
        setLogger as traitSetLogger;
    use StringTranslationTrait;
     * The process output callback.
     * @var \Drupal\package_manager\ProcessOutputCallback
    private ProcessOutputCallback $processCallback;
     * Statically cached installed package lists, keyed by directory.
     * @var \Drupal\package_manager\InstalledPackagesList[]
    private array $packageLists = [];
     * A semantic version constraint for the supported version(s) of Composer.
     * @see
     * @var string
    public final const SUPPORTED_VERSION = '^2.6';
    public function __construct(ComposerProcessRunnerInterface $runner, ComposerIsAvailableInterface $composerIsAvailable, PathFactoryInterface $pathFactory) {
        $this->processCallback = new ProcessOutputCallback();
        $this->setLogger(new NullLogger());
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function setLogger(LoggerInterface $logger) : void {
     * Checks that Composer commands can be run.
     * @param string $working_dir
     *   The directory in which Composer will be run.
     * @see ::validateExecutable()
     * @see ::validateProject()
    public function validate(string $working_dir) : void {
     * Checks that `composer.json` is valid and `composer.lock` exists.
     * @param string $working_dir
     *   The directory to check.
     * @throws \Drupal\package_manager\Exception\ComposerNotReadyException
     *   Thrown if:
     *   - `composer.json` doesn't exist in the given directory or is invalid
     *     according to `composer validate`.
     *   - `composer.lock` doesn't exist in the given directory.
    private function validateProject(string $working_dir) : void {
        $messages = [];
        $previous_exception = NULL;
        // If either composer.json or composer.lock have changed, ensure the
        // directory is in a completely valid state, according to Composer.
        if ($this->invalidateCacheIfNeeded($working_dir)) {
            try {
            } catch (RuntimeException $e) {
                $messages[] = $e->getMessage();
                $previous_exception = $e;
        // Check for the presence of composer.lock, because `composer validate`
        // doesn't expect it to exist, but we do (see ::getInstalledPackagesList()).
        if (!file_exists($working_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'composer.lock')) {
            $messages[] = $this->t('composer.lock not found in @dir.', [
                '@dir' => $working_dir,
        if ($messages) {
            throw new ComposerNotReadyException($working_dir, $messages, 0, $previous_exception);
     * Validates that the Composer executable exists in a supported version.
     * @throws \Exception
     *   Thrown if the Composer executable is not available or the detected
     *   version of Composer is not supported.
    private function validateExecutable() : void {
        $messages = [];
        // Ensure the Composer executable is available. For performance reasons,
        // statically cache the result, since it's unlikely to change during the
        // current request. If $unavailable_message is NULL, it means we haven't
        // done this check yet. If it's FALSE, it means we did the check and there
        // were no errors; and, if it's a string, it's the error message we received
        // the last time we did this check.
        static $unavailable_message;
        if ($unavailable_message === NULL) {
            try {
                // The "Composer is available" precondition requires active and stage
                // directories, but they don't actually matter to it, nor do path
                // exclusions, so dummies can be passed for simplicity.
                $active_dir = $this->pathFactory
                $stage_dir = $active_dir;
                    ->assertIsFulfilled($active_dir, $stage_dir);
                $unavailable_message = FALSE;
            } catch (PreconditionException $e) {
                $unavailable_message = $e->getMessage();
        if ($unavailable_message) {
            $messages[] = $unavailable_message;
        // The detected version of Composer is unlikely to change during the
        // current request, so statically cache it. If $unsupported_message is NULL,
        // it means we haven't done this check yet. If it's FALSE, it means we did
        // the check and there were no errors; and, if it's a string, it's the error
        // message we received the last time we did this check.
        static $unsupported_message;
        if ($unsupported_message === NULL) {
            try {
                $detected_version = $this->getVersion();
                if (Semver::satisfies($detected_version, static::SUPPORTED_VERSION)) {
                    // We did the version check, and it did not produce an error message.
                    $unsupported_message = FALSE;
                else {
                    $unsupported_message = $this->t('The detected Composer version, @version, does not satisfy <code>@constraint</code>.', [
                        '@version' => $detected_version,
                        '@constraint' => static::SUPPORTED_VERSION,
            } catch (\UnexpectedValueException $e) {
                $unsupported_message = $e->getMessage();
        if ($unsupported_message) {
            $messages[] = $unsupported_message;
        if ($messages) {
            throw new ComposerNotReadyException(NULL, $messages);
     * Returns a config value from Composer.
     * @param string $key
     *   The config key to get.
     * @param string $context
     *   The path of either the directory in which to run Composer, or a specific
     *   configuration file (such as a particular package's `composer.json`) from
     *   which to read specific values.
     * @return string|null
     *   The output data. Note that the caller must know the shape of the
     *   requested key's value: if it's a string, no further processing is needed,
     *   but if it is a boolean, an array or a map, JSON decoding should be
     *   applied.
     * @see ::getAllowPluginsConfig()
     * @see \Composer\Command\ConfigCommand::execute()
    public function getConfig(string $key, string $context) : ?string {
        $command = [
        // If we're consulting a specific file for the config value, we don't need
        // to validate the project as a whole.
        if (is_file($context)) {
            $command[] = "--file={$context}";
        else {
            $command[] = "--working-dir={$context}";
        try {
                ->run($command, callback: $this->processCallback
        } catch (RuntimeException $e) {
            // Assume any error from `composer config` is about an undefined key-value
            // pair which may have a known default value.
            return match ($key) {    'extra' => '{}',
                default => throw $e,
        $output = $this->processCallback
        return $output ? trim(implode('', $output)) : NULL;
     * Returns the current Composer version.
     * @return string
     *   The Composer version.
     * @throws \UnexpectedValueException
     *   Thrown if the Composer version cannot be determined.
    public function getVersion() : string {
        ], callback: $this->processCallback
        $data = $this->processCallback
        if (isset($data['application']['name']) && isset($data['application']['version']) && $data['application']['name'] === 'Composer' && is_string($data['application']['version'])) {
            return $data['application']['version'];
        throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Unable to determine Composer version');
     * Returns the installed packages list.
     * @param string $working_dir
     *   The working directory in which to run Composer. Should contain a
     *   `composer.lock` file.
     * @return \Drupal\package_manager\InstalledPackagesList
     *   The installed packages list for the directory.
     * @throws \UnexpectedValueException
     *   Thrown if a package reports that its install path is the same as the
     *   working directory, and it is not of the `metapackage` type.
    public function getInstalledPackagesList(string $working_dir) : InstalledPackagesList {
        $working_dir = realpath($working_dir);
        if (array_key_exists($working_dir, $this->packageLists)) {
            return $this->packageLists[$working_dir];
        $packages_data = $this->show($working_dir);
        $packages_data = $this->getPackageTypes($packages_data, $working_dir);
        foreach ($packages_data as $name => $package) {
            $path = $package['path'];
            // For packages installed as dev snapshots from certain version control
            // systems, `composer show` displays the version like `1.0.x-dev 0a1b2c`,
            // which will cause an exception if we try to parse it as a legitimate
            // semantic version. Since we don't need the abbreviated commit hash, just
            // remove it.
            if (str_contains($package['version'], '-dev ')) {
                $packages_data[$name]['version'] = explode(' ', $package['version'], 2)[0];
            // We expect Composer to report that metapackages' install paths are the
            // same as the working directory, in which case InstalledPackage::$path
            // should be NULL. For all other package types, we consider it invalid
            // if the install path is the same as the working directory.
            if (isset($package['type']) && $package['type'] === 'metapackage') {
                if ($path !== NULL) {
                    throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Metapackage '{$name}' is installed at unexpected path: '{$path}', expected NULL");
                $packages_data[$name]['path'] = $path;
            elseif ($path === $working_dir) {
                throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Package '{$name}' cannot be installed at path: '{$path}'");
            else {
                $packages_data[$name]['path'] = realpath($path);
        $packages_data = array_map(InstalledPackage::createFromArray(...), $packages_data);
        $list = new InstalledPackagesList($packages_data);
        $this->packageLists[$working_dir] = $list;
        return $list;
     * Loads package types from the lock file.
     * The package type is not available using `composer show` for listing
     * packages. To avoiding making many calls to `composer show package-name`,
     * load the lock file data to get the `type` key.
     * @param array $packages_data
     *   The packages data returned from ::show().
     * @param string $working_dir
     *   The directory where Composer was run.
     * @return array
     *   The packages data, with a `type` key added to each package.
    private function getPackageTypes(array $packages_data, string $working_dir) : array {
        $lock_content = file_get_contents($working_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'composer.lock');
        $lock_data = json_decode($lock_content, TRUE, flags: JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);
        $lock_packages = array_merge($lock_data['packages'] ?? [], $lock_data['packages-dev'] ?? []);
        foreach ($lock_packages as $lock_package) {
            $name = $lock_package['name'];
            if (isset($packages_data[$name]) && isset($lock_package['type'])) {
                $packages_data[$name]['type'] = $lock_package['type'];
        return $packages_data;
     * Returns the output of `composer show --self` in a directory.
     * @param string $working_dir
     *   The directory in which to run Composer.
     * @return array
     *   The parsed output of `composer show --self`.
    public function getRootPackageInfo(string $working_dir) : array {
        ], callback: $this->processCallback
        return $this->processCallback
     * Gets the installed packages data from running `composer show`.
     * @param string $working_dir
     *   The directory in which to run `composer show`.
     * @return array[]
     *   The installed packages data, keyed by package name.
    protected function show(string $working_dir) : array {
        $data = [];
        $options = [
        // We don't get package installation paths back from `composer show` unless
        // we explicitly pass the --path option to it. However, for some
        // inexplicable reason, that option hides *other* relevant information
        // about the installed packages. So, to work around this maddening quirk, we
        // call `composer show` once without the --path option, and once with it,
        // then merge the results together. Composer, for its part, will not support
        // returning the install path from `composer show`: see
            ->run($options, callback: $this->processCallback
        $output = $this->processCallback
        // $output['installed'] will not be set if no packages are installed.
        if (isset($output['installed'])) {
            foreach ($output['installed'] as $installed_package) {
                $data[$installed_package['name']] = $installed_package;
            $options[] = '--path';
                ->run($options, callback: $this->processCallback
            $output = $this->processCallback
            foreach ($output['installed'] as $installed_package) {
                $data[$installed_package['name']]['path'] = $installed_package['path'];
        return $data;
     * Invalidates cached data if composer.json or composer.lock have changed.
     * The following cached data may be invalidated:
     * - Installed package lists (see ::getInstalledPackageList()).
     * @param string $working_dir
     *   A directory that contains a `composer.json` file, and optionally a
     *   `composer.lock`. If either file has changed since the last time this
     *   method was called, any cached data for the directory will be invalidated.
     * @return bool
     *   TRUE if the cached data was invalidated, otherwise FALSE.
    private function invalidateCacheIfNeeded(string $working_dir) : bool {
        static $known_hashes = [];
        $invalidate = FALSE;
        foreach ([
        ] as $filename) {
            $known_hash = $known_hashes[$working_dir][$filename] ?? '';
            // If the file doesn't exist, hash_file() will return FALSE.
            $current_hash = @hash_file('xxh64', $working_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename);
            if ($known_hash && $current_hash && hash_equals($known_hash, $current_hash)) {
            $known_hashes[$working_dir][$filename] = $current_hash;
            $invalidate = TRUE;
        if ($invalidate) {
        return $invalidate;
     * Returns the value of `allow-plugins` config setting.
     * @param string $dir
     *   The directory in which to run Composer.
     * @return bool[]|bool
     *   An array of boolean flags to allow or disallow certain plugins, or TRUE
     *   if all plugins are allowed.
     * @see
    public function getAllowPluginsConfig(string $dir) : array|bool {
        $value = $this->getConfig('allow-plugins', $dir);
        // Try to convert the value we got back to a boolean. If it's not a boolean,
        // it should be an array of plugin-specific flags.
        $value = json_decode($value, TRUE, flags: JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);
        // An empty array indicates that no plugins are allowed.
        return $value ?: [];



Title Deprecated Summary
ComposerInspector Defines a class to get information from Composer.

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