modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ ComposerInspectorTest.php
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declare (strict_types=1);
namespace Drupal\Tests\package_manager\Kernel;
use Composer\Json\JsonFile;
use Drupal\Component\Serialization\Json;
use Drupal\fixture_manipulator\ActiveFixtureManipulator;
use Drupal\package_manager\ComposerInspector;
use Drupal\package_manager\Exception\ComposerNotReadyException;
use Drupal\package_manager\InstalledPackage;
use Drupal\package_manager\InstalledPackagesList;
use Drupal\Tests\package_manager\Traits\InstalledPackagesListTrait;
use Drupal\package_manager\PathLocator;
use PhpTuf\ComposerStager\API\Exception\PreconditionException;
use PhpTuf\ComposerStager\API\Exception\RuntimeException;
use PhpTuf\ComposerStager\API\Path\Factory\PathFactoryInterface;
use PhpTuf\ComposerStager\API\Precondition\Service\ComposerIsAvailableInterface;
use PhpTuf\ComposerStager\API\Process\Service\ComposerProcessRunnerInterface;
use PhpTuf\ComposerStager\API\Process\Service\OutputCallbackInterface;
use PhpTuf\ComposerStager\API\Process\Value\OutputTypeEnum;
use Prophecy\Argument;
use Prophecy\Prophecy\ObjectProphecy;
* @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\package_manager\ComposerInspector
* @group package_manager
class ComposerInspectorTest extends PackageManagerKernelTestBase {
use InstalledPackagesListTrait;
* @covers ::getConfig
public function testConfig() : void {
$dir = $this->container
$inspector = $this->container
$this->assertTrue((bool) Json::decode($inspector->getConfig('secure-http', $dir)));
'boo' => 'boo boo',
"foo" => [
"dev" => "2.x-dev",
"foo-bar" => TRUE,
"boo-far" => [
"foo" => 1.23,
"bar" => 134,
"foo-bar" => NULL,
'baz' => NULL,
'installer-paths' => [
'modules/contrib/{$name}' => [
'profiles/contrib/{$name}' => [
'themes/contrib/{$name}' => [
], Json::decode($inspector->getConfig('extra', $dir)));
try {
$inspector->getConfig('non-existent-config', $dir);
$this->fail('Expected an exception when trying to get a non-existent config key, but none was thrown.');
} catch (RuntimeException) {
// We don't need to do anything here.
// If composer.json is removed, we should get an exception because
// getConfig() should validate that $dir is Composer-ready.
unlink($dir . '/composer.json');
$this->expectExceptionMessage("composer.json not found.");
$inspector->getConfig('extra', $dir);
* @covers ::getConfig
public function testConfigUndefinedKey() : void {
$project_root = $this->container
$inspector = $this->container
// Overwrite the composer.json file and treat it as a
$file = new JsonFile($project_root . '/composer.json');
$data = $file->read();
// Ensure that none of the special keys are defined, to test the fallback
// behavior.
unset($data['minimum-stability'], $data['extra']);
$path = $file->getPath();
$this->assertSame('stable', $inspector->getConfig('minimum-stability', $path));
$this->assertSame([], Json::decode($inspector->getConfig('extra', $path)));
* @covers ::getInstalledPackagesList
public function testGetInstalledPackagesList() : void {
$project_root = $this->container
/** @var \Drupal\package_manager\ComposerInspector $inspector */
$inspector = $this->container
$list = $inspector->getInstalledPackagesList($project_root);
$expected_list = new InstalledPackagesList([
'drupal/core' => InstalledPackage::createFromArray([
'name' => 'drupal/core',
'type' => 'drupal-core',
'version' => '9.8.0',
'path' => "{$project_root}/vendor/drupal/core",
'drupal/core-recommended' => InstalledPackage::createFromArray([
'name' => 'drupal/core-recommended',
'type' => 'project',
'version' => '9.8.0',
'path' => "{$project_root}/vendor/drupal/core-recommended",
'drupal/core-dev' => InstalledPackage::createFromArray([
'name' => 'drupal/core-dev',
'type' => 'package',
'version' => '9.8.0',
'path' => "{$project_root}/vendor/drupal/core-dev",
$this->assertPackageListsEqual($expected_list, $list);
// Since the lock file hasn't changed, we should get the same package list
// back if we call getInstalledPackageList() again.
$this->assertSame($list, $inspector->getInstalledPackagesList($project_root));
// If we change the lock file, we should get a different package list.
$lock_file = new JsonFile($project_root . '/composer.lock');
$lock_data = $lock_file->read();
$this->assertArrayHasKey('_readme', $lock_data);
$this->assertNotSame($list, $inspector->getInstalledPackagesList($project_root));
// If composer.lock is removed, we should get an exception because
// getInstalledPackagesList() should validate that $project_root is
// Composer-ready.
$this->expectExceptionMessage("composer.lock not found in {$project_root}.");
* @covers ::validate
public function testComposerUnavailable() : void {
$precondition = $this->prophesize(ComposerIsAvailableInterface::class);
$mocked_precondition = $precondition->reveal();
->set(ComposerIsAvailableInterface::class, $mocked_precondition);
$message = $this->createComposeStagerMessage("Well, that didn't work.");
->willThrow(new PreconditionException($mocked_precondition, $message))
$project_root = $this->container
/** @var \Drupal\package_manager\ComposerInspector $inspector */
$inspector = $this->container
try {
$this->fail('Expected an exception to be thrown, but it was not.');
} catch (ComposerNotReadyException $e) {
$this->assertSame("Well, that didn't work.", $e->getMessage());
// Call validate() again to ensure the precondition is called once.
$this->expectExceptionMessage("Well, that didn't work.");
* Tests what happens when composer.json or composer.lock are missing.
* @param string $filename
* The filename to delete, which should cause validate() to raise an
* error.
* @covers ::validate
* @testWith ["composer.json"]
* ["composer.lock"]
public function testComposerFilesDoNotExist(string $filename) : void {
$project_root = $this->container
$file_path = $project_root . '/' . $filename;
/** @var \Drupal\package_manager\ComposerInspector $inspector */
$inspector = $this->container
try {
} catch (ComposerNotReadyException $e) {
$this->assertSame($project_root, $e->workingDir);
$this->assertStringContainsString("{$filename} not found", $e->getMessage());
* @param string|null $reported_version
* The version of Composer that will be returned by ::getVersion().
* @param string|null $expected_message
* The error message that should be generated for the reported version of
* Composer. If not passed, will default to the message format defined in
* ::validate().
* @covers ::validate
* @testWith ["2.2.12", "<default>"]
* ["2.2.13", "<default>"]
* ["2.5.0", "<default>"]
* ["2.5.5", "<default>"]
* ["2.5.11", "<default>"]
* ["2.6.0", null]
* ["2.2.11", "<default>"]
* ["2.2.0-dev", "<default>"]
* ["2.3.6", "<default>"]
* ["2.4.1", "<default>"]
* ["2.3.4", "<default>"]
* ["2.1.6", "<default>"]
* ["1.10.22", "<default>"]
* ["1.7.3", "<default>"]
* ["2.0.0-alpha3", "<default>"]
* ["2.1.0-RC1", "<default>"]
* ["1.0.0-RC", "<default>"]
* ["1.0.0-beta1", "<default>"]
* ["1.9-dev", "<default>"]
* ["@package_version@", "Invalid version string \"@package_version@\""]
* [null, "Unable to determine Composer version"]
public function testVersionCheck(?string $reported_version, ?string $expected_message) : void {
$runner = $this->mockComposerRunner($reported_version);
// Mock the ComposerIsAvailableInterface so that if it uses the Composer
// runner it will not affect the test expectations.
$composerPrecondition = $this->prophesize(ComposerIsAvailableInterface::class);
->set(ComposerIsAvailableInterface::class, $composerPrecondition->reveal());
// The result of the version check is statically cached, so the runner
// should only be called once, even though we call validate() twice in this
// test.
// The runner should be called with `validate` as the first argument, but
// it won't affect the outcome of this test.
$runner->run(Argument::withEntry(0, 'validate'));
->set(ComposerProcessRunnerInterface::class, $runner->reveal());
if ($expected_message === '<default>') {
$expected_message = "The detected Composer version, {$reported_version}, does not satisfy <code>" . ComposerInspector::SUPPORTED_VERSION . '</code>.';
$project_root = $this->container
/** @var \Drupal\package_manager\ComposerInspector $inspector */
$inspector = $this->container
try {
// If we expected the version check to succeed, ensure we did not expect
// an exception message.
$this->assertNull($expected_message, 'Expected an exception, but none was thrown.');
} catch (ComposerNotReadyException $e) {
$this->assertSame($expected_message, $e->getMessage());
if (isset($expected_message)) {
* @covers ::getVersion
* @testWith ["2.5.6"]
* [null]
public function testGetVersion(?string $reported_version) : void {
->set(ComposerProcessRunnerInterface::class, $this->mockComposerRunner($reported_version)
if (empty($reported_version)) {
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Unable to determine Composer version');
$this->assertSame($reported_version, $this->container
* @covers ::validate
public function testComposerValidateIsCalled() : void {
$project_root = $this->container
// Put an invalid value into composer.json and ensure it gets surfaced as
// an exception.
$file = new JsonFile($project_root . '/composer.json');
$data = $file->read();
$data['prefer-stable'] = 'truthy';
try {
$this->fail('Expected an exception to be thrown, but it was not.');
} catch (ComposerNotReadyException $e) {
$this->assertSame($project_root, $e->workingDir);
// The exception message is translated by Composer Stager and HTML-escaped
// by Drupal's markup system, which is why there's a " in the
// final exception message.
$this->assertStringContainsString('composer.json" does not match the expected JSON schema', $e->getMessage());
$this->assertStringContainsString('prefer-stable : String value found, but a boolean is required', $e->getPrevious()?->getMessage());
* @covers ::getRootPackageInfo
public function testRootPackageInfo() : void {
$project_root = $this->container
$info = $this->container
$this->assertSame('fake/site', $info['name']);
* Tests that the installed path of metapackages is always NULL.
* @param bool $is_metapackage
* Whether the test package will be a metapackage.
* @param string|null $install_path
* The package install path that Composer should report. If NULL, the
* reported path will be unchanged. The token <PROJECT_ROOT> will be
* replaced with the project root.
* @param string|null $exception_message
* The expected exception message, or NULL if no exception should be thrown.
* The token <PROJECT_ROOT> will be replaced with the project root.
* @covers ::getInstalledPackagesList
* @testWith [true, null, null]
* [true, "<PROJECT_ROOT>/another/directory", "Metapackage 'test/package' is installed at unexpected path: '<PROJECT_ROOT>/another/directory', expected NULL"]
* [false, null, null]
* [false, "<PROJECT_ROOT>", "Package 'test/package' cannot be installed at path: '<PROJECT_ROOT>'"]
public function testMetapackagePath(bool $is_metapackage, ?string $install_path, ?string $exception_message) : void {
$inspector = new class ($this->container
->get(ComposerProcessRunnerInterface::class), $this->container
->get(ComposerIsAvailableInterface::class), $this->container
->get(PathFactoryInterface::class)) extends ComposerInspector {
* The install path that Composer should report for `test/package`.
* If not set, the reported install path will not be changed.
* @var string
public $packagePath;
* {@inheritdoc}
protected function show(string $working_dir) : array {
$data = parent::show($working_dir);
if ($this->packagePath) {
$data['test/package']['path'] = $this->packagePath;
return $data;
$project_root = $this->container
if ($install_path) {
$install_path = str_replace('<PROJECT_ROOT>', $project_root, $install_path);
// The install path must actually exist.
if (!is_dir($install_path)) {
$this->assertTrue(mkdir($install_path, 0777, TRUE));
$inspector->packagePath = $install_path;
(new ActiveFixtureManipulator())->addPackage([
'name' => 'test/package',
'type' => $is_metapackage ? 'metapackage' : 'library',
if ($exception_message) {
$exception_message = str_replace('<PROJECT_ROOT>', $project_root, $exception_message);
$list = $inspector->getInstalledPackagesList($project_root);
$this->assertArrayHasKey('test/package', $list);
// If the package is a metapackage, its path should be NULL.
$this->assertSame($is_metapackage, is_null($list['test/package']->path));
* Tests that the commit hash of a dev snapshot package is ignored.
public function testPackageDevSnapshotCommitHashIsRemoved() : void {
$inspector = new class ($this->container
->get(ComposerProcessRunnerInterface::class), $this->container
->get(ComposerIsAvailableInterface::class), $this->container
->get(PathFactoryInterface::class)) extends ComposerInspector {
* {@inheritdoc}
protected function show(string $working_dir) : array {
return [
'test/package' => [
'name' => 'test/package',
'path' => __DIR__,
'version' => '1.0.x-dev 0a1b2c3d',
$project_root = $this->container
$list = $inspector->getInstalledPackagesList($project_root);
$this->assertSame('1.0.x-dev', $list['test/package']->version);
* Data provider for ::testAllowedPlugins().
* @return array[]
* The test cases.
public static function providerAllowedPlugins() : array {
return [
'all plugins allowed' => [
'allow-plugins' => TRUE,
'no plugins allowed' => [
'allow-plugins' => FALSE,
'some plugins allowed' => [
'allow-plugins.example/plugin-a' => TRUE,
'allow-plugins.example/plugin-b' => FALSE,
'example/plugin-a' => TRUE,
'example/plugin-b' => FALSE,
// The scaffold plugin is explicitly disallowed by the fake_site
// fixture.
'drupal/core-composer-scaffold' => FALSE,
* Tests ComposerInspector's parsing of the allowed plugins list.
* @param array $config
* The Composer configuration to set.
* @param array|bool $expected_value
* The expected return value from getAllowPluginsConfig().
* @covers ::getAllowPluginsConfig
* @dataProvider providerAllowedPlugins
public function testAllowedPlugins(array $config, bool|array $expected_value) : void {
(new ActiveFixtureManipulator())->addConfig($config)
$project_root = $this->container
$actual_value = $this->container
if (is_array($expected_value)) {
if (is_array($actual_value)) {
$this->assertSame($expected_value, $actual_value);
* Mocks the Composer runner service to return a particular version string.
* @param string|null $reported_version
* The version number that `composer --format=json` should return.
* @return \Prophecy\Prophecy\ObjectProphecy<\PhpTuf\ComposerStager\API\Process\Service\ComposerProcessRunnerInterface>
* The configurator for the mocked Composer runner.
private function mockComposerRunner(?string $reported_version) : ObjectProphecy {
$runner = $this->prophesize(ComposerProcessRunnerInterface::class);
$pass_version_to_output_callback = function (array $arguments_passed_to_runner) use ($reported_version) : void {
$command_output = Json::encode([
'application' => [
'name' => 'Composer',
'version' => $reported_version,
$callback = end($arguments_passed_to_runner);
assert($callback instanceof OutputCallbackInterface);
$callback(OutputTypeEnum::OUT, $command_output);
// We expect the runner to be called with two arguments: an array whose
// first item is `--format=json`, and an output callback.
$runner->run(Argument::withEntry(0, '--format=json'), Argument::cetera())
return $runner;
Title | Deprecated | Summary |
ComposerInspectorTest | @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\package_manager\ComposerInspector |
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