50 calls to PackageManagerKernelTestBase::assertResults()
- AllowedScaffoldPackagesValidatorTest::testPreApply in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ AllowedScaffoldPackagesValidatorTest.php - Tests that the allowed-packages setting is validated during pre-apply.
- AllowedScaffoldPackagesValidatorTest::testPreCreate in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ AllowedScaffoldPackagesValidatorTest.php - Tests that the allowed-packages setting is validated during pre-create.
- BaseRequirementsFulfilledValidatorTest::testBaseRequirement in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ BaseRequirementsFulfilledValidatorTest.php - Tests that base requirement failures stop event propagation.
- ComposerPatchesValidatorTest::testErrorDuringPreCreate in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ ComposerPatchesValidatorTest.php - Tests that the patcher configuration is validated during pre-create.
- ComposerPluginsValidatorInsecureTest::testInsecureConfigurationFailsValidationPreApply in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ ComposerPluginsValidatorInsecureTest.php - Tests `config.allow-plugins: true` fails validation during pre-apply.
- ComposerPluginsValidatorInsecureTest::testInsecureConfigurationFailsValidationPreCreate in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ ComposerPluginsValidatorInsecureTest.php - Tests `config.allow-plugins: true` fails validation during pre-create.
- ComposerPluginsValidatorTest::testInsecureConfigurationFailsValidationPreApply in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ ComposerPluginsValidatorTest.php - Tests `config.allow-plugins: true` fails validation during pre-apply.
- ComposerPluginsValidatorTest::testInsecureConfigurationFailsValidationPreCreate in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ ComposerPluginsValidatorTest.php - Tests `config.allow-plugins: true` fails validation during pre-create.
- ComposerPluginsValidatorTest::testValidationDuringPreApply in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ ComposerPluginsValidatorTest.php - Tests composer plugins are validated during pre-apply.
- ComposerPluginsValidatorTest::testValidationDuringPreCreate in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ ComposerPluginsValidatorTest.php - Tests composer plugins are validated during pre-create.
- ComposerPluginsValidatorTestBase::doTestValidationDuringPreApply in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ ComposerPluginsValidatorTestBase.php - Tests composer plugins are validated during pre-apply.
- ComposerPluginsValidatorTestBase::doTestValidationDuringPreCreate in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ ComposerPluginsValidatorTestBase.php - Tests composer plugins are validated during pre-create.
- ComposerValidatorTest::testComposerSettingsValidation in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ ComposerValidatorTest.php - Tests that Composer's settings are validated.
- ComposerValidatorTest::testComposerSettingsValidationDuringPreApply in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ ComposerValidatorTest.php - Tests that Composer's settings are validated during pre-apply.
- DiskSpaceValidatorTest::testDiskSpaceValidation in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ DiskSpaceValidatorTest.php - Tests disk space validation.
- DiskSpaceValidatorTest::testDiskSpaceValidationDuringPreApply in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ DiskSpaceValidatorTest.php - Tests disk space validation during pre-apply.
- EnabledExtensionsValidatorTest::testExtensionRemoved in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ EnabledExtensionsValidatorTest.php - Tests that error is raised if Drupal modules, profiles or themes are removed.
- EnvironmentSupportValidatorTest::testInvalidUrl in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ EnvironmentSupportValidatorTest.php - Tests handling of an invalid URL in the environment support variable.
- EnvironmentSupportValidatorTest::testInvalidUrlDuringPreApply in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ EnvironmentSupportValidatorTest.php - Tests an invalid URL in the environment support variable during pre-apply.
- EnvironmentSupportValidatorTest::testValidUrl in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ EnvironmentSupportValidatorTest.php - Tests that the validation message links to the provided URL.
- EnvironmentSupportValidatorTest::testValidUrlDuringPreApply in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ EnvironmentSupportValidatorTest.php - Tests that the validation message links to the provided URL during pre-apply.
- FakeSiteFixtureTest::testLifeCycle in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ FakeSiteFixtureTest.php - Tests the complete stage life cycle using the 'fake-site' fixture.
- LockFileValidatorTest::testApplyWithNoChange in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ LockFileValidatorTest.php - Tests validation when the staged and active lock files are identical.
- LockFileValidatorTest::testCreateWithLock in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ LockFileValidatorTest.php - Tests that if an active lock file exists, a stage can be created.
- LockFileValidatorTest::testCreateWithNoLock in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ LockFileValidatorTest.php - Tests that if no active lock file exists, a stage cannot be created.
- LockFileValidatorTest::testLockFileChanged in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ LockFileValidatorTest.php - Tests validation when the lock file has changed.
- LockFileValidatorTest::testLockFileDeleted in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ LockFileValidatorTest.php - Tests validation when the lock file is deleted.
- MultisiteValidatorTest::testMultisite in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ MultisiteValidatorTest.php - Tests that Package Manager flags an error if run in a multisite.
- MultisiteValidatorTest::testMultisiteDuringPreApply in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ MultisiteValidatorTest.php - Tests that an error is flagged if run in a multisite during pre-apply.
- OverwriteExistingPackagesValidatorTest::testNewPackagesOverwriteExisting in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ OverwriteExistingPackagesValidatorTest.php - Tests that new installed packages overwrite existing directories.
- PendingUpdatesValidatorTest::testNoPendingUpdates in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ PendingUpdatesValidatorTest.php - Tests that no error is raised if there are no pending updates.
- PendingUpdatesValidatorTest::testPendingPostUpdate in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ PendingUpdatesValidatorTest.php - Tests that an error is raised if there are pending post-updates.
- PendingUpdatesValidatorTest::testPendingUpdateHook in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ PendingUpdatesValidatorTest.php - Tests that an error is raised if there are pending schema updates.
- PhpExtensionsValidatorTest::testPhpExtensionsValidation in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ PhpExtensionsValidatorTest.php - Tests that PHP extensions' status are checked by Package Manager.
- PhpTufValidatorTest::testInvalidConfigurationInProjectRoot in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ PhpTufValidatorTest.php - Tests errors caused by invalid plugin configuration in the project root.
- PhpTufValidatorTest::testInvalidConfigurationInStage in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ PhpTufValidatorTest.php - Tests errors caused by invalid plugin configuration in the stage directory.
- PhpTufValidatorTest::testPluginInstalledAndConfiguredProperly in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ PhpTufValidatorTest.php - Tests that there are no errors if the plugin is set up correctly.
- PhpTufValidatorTest::testPluginNotInstalledInProjectRoot in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ PhpTufValidatorTest.php - Tests there is an error if the plugin is not installed in the project root.
- PhpTufValidatorTest::testPluginRemovedFromStagePreRequire in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ PhpTufValidatorTest.php - Tests removing the plugin from the stage on pre-require.
- RsyncValidatorTest::testPreCreateFailsIfRsyncNotFound in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ RsyncValidatorTest.php - Tests that the stage cannot be created if rsync is selected, but not found.
- SettingsValidatorTest::testSettingsValidation in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ SettingsValidatorTest.php - Tests settings validation before starting an update.
- SettingsValidatorTest::testSettingsValidationDuringPreApply in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ SettingsValidatorTest.php - Tests settings validation during pre-apply.
- SiteFilesExcluderTest::testInvalidFileSettings in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ PathExcluder/ SiteFilesExcluderTest.php - Tests that invalid file settings do not cause errors.
- StageBaseTest::testFailureMarkerFileExcluded in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ StageBaseTest.php - Tests that the failure marker file is excluded using a relative path.
- StageEventsTest::testValidationResults in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ StageEventsTest.php - Tests that an exception is thrown if an event has validation results.
- SupportedReleaseValidatorTest::testException in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ SupportedReleaseValidatorTest.php - Tests exceptions when updating to unsupported or insecure releases.
- SymlinkValidatorTest::testSymlinkPointingOutsideProjectRoot in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ SymlinkValidatorTest.php - Tests that relative symlinks cannot point outside the project root.
- WritableFileSystemValidatorTest::testStagingRootPermissions in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ WritableFileSystemValidatorTest.php - Tests that the stage root's permissions are validated.
- WritableFileSystemValidatorTest::testWritable in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ WritableFileSystemValidatorTest.php - Tests the file system permissions validator.
- WritableFileSystemValidatorTest::testWritableDuringPreApply in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ WritableFileSystemValidatorTest.php - Tests the file system permissions validator during pre-apply.
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