function update_authorize_update_batch_finished

Same name in other branches
  1. 7.x modules/update/ \update_authorize_update_batch_finished()
  2. 9 core/modules/update/ \update_authorize_update_batch_finished()
  3. 8.9.x core/modules/update/ \update_authorize_update_batch_finished()
  4. 11.x core/modules/update/ \update_authorize_update_batch_finished()

Batch callback: Performs actions when the authorized update batch is done.

This processes the results and stashes them into SESSION such that authorize.php will render a report. Also responsible for putting the site back online and clearing the update status storage after a successful update.


$success: TRUE if the batch operation was successful; FALSE if there were errors.

$results: An associative array of results from the batch operation.

1 string reference to 'update_authorize_update_batch_finished'
update_authorize_run_update in core/modules/update/
Updates existing projects when invoked by authorize.php.


core/modules/update/, line 200


function update_authorize_update_batch_finished($success, $results) {
    foreach ($results['log'] as $messages) {
        if (!empty($messages['#abort'])) {
            $success = FALSE;
    $offline = \Drupal::state()->get('system.maintenance_mode');
    $session = \Drupal::request()->getSession();
    // Unset the variable since it is no longer needed.
    $maintenance_mode = $session->remove('maintenance_mode');
    if ($success) {
        // Now that the update completed, we need to clear the available update data
        // and recompute our status, so prevent show bogus results.
        // Take the site out of maintenance mode if it was previously that way.
        if ($offline && $maintenance_mode === FALSE) {
            \Drupal::state()->set('system.maintenance_mode', FALSE);
            $page_message = [
                'message' => t('Update was completed successfully. Your site has been taken out of maintenance mode.'),
                'type' => 'status',
        else {
            $page_message = [
                'message' => t('Update was completed successfully.'),
                'type' => 'status',
    elseif (!$offline) {
        $page_message = [
            'message' => t('Update failed! See the log below for more information.'),
            'type' => 'error',
    else {
        $page_message = [
            'message' => t('Update failed! See the log below for more information. Your site is still in maintenance mode.'),
            'type' => 'error',
    // Since we're doing an update of existing code, always add a task for
    // running update.php.
    $url = Url::fromRoute('system.db_update');
    $results['tasks'][] = t('Your modules have been downloaded and updated.');
    $results['tasks'][] = [
        '#type' => 'link',
        '#url' => $url,
        '#title' => t('Run database updates'),
        // Since this is being called outside of the primary front controller,
        // the base_url needs to be set explicitly to ensure that links are
        // relative to the site root.
        // @todo Simplify with
'#options' => [
            'absolute' => TRUE,
            'base_url' => $GLOBALS['base_url'],
        '#access' => $url->access(\Drupal::currentUser()),
    // Set all these values into the SESSION so authorize.php can display them.
    $session->set('authorize_results', [
        'success' => $success,
        'page_message' => $page_message,
        'messages' => $results['log'],
        'tasks' => $results['tasks'],
    $session->set('authorize_page_title', t('Update manager'));

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