function template_preprocess_views_view_rss

Same name in other branches
  1. 9 core/modules/views/ \template_preprocess_views_view_rss()
  2. 8.9.x core/modules/views/ \template_preprocess_views_view_rss()
  3. 10 core/modules/views/ \template_preprocess_views_view_rss()

Prepares variables for RSS feed templates.

Default template: views-view-rss.html.twig.


array $variables: An associative array containing:

  • view: A ViewExecutable object.
  • rows: The raw row data.


core/modules/views/, line 896


function template_preprocess_views_view_rss(&$variables) : void {
    $view = $variables['view'];
    $items = $variables['rows'];
    $style = $view->style_plugin;
    $config = \Drupal::config('');
    // The RSS 2.0 "spec" doesn't indicate HTML can be used in the description.
    // We strip all HTML tags, but need to prevent double encoding from properly
    // escaped source data (such as &amp becoming &).
    $variables['description'] = Html::decodeEntities(strip_tags($style->getDescription()));
    if ($view->display_handler
        ->getOption('sitename_title')) {
        $title = $config->get('name');
        if ($slogan = $config->get('slogan')) {
            $title .= ' - ' . $slogan;
    else {
        $title = $view->getTitle();
    $variables['title'] = $title;
    $variables['link'] = Url::fromRoute('<front>')->setAbsolute()
    $variables['langcode'] = \Drupal::languageManager()->getCurrentLanguage()
    $variables['namespaces'] = new Attribute($style->namespaces);
    $variables['items'] = $items;
    $variables['channel_elements'] = $style->channel_elements;

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