
Same filename in other branches
  1. 8.9.x core/modules/views_ui/views_ui.module
  2. 10 core/modules/views_ui/views_ui.module
  3. 11.x core/modules/views_ui/views_ui.module

Provide structure for the administrative interface to Views.



View source

 * @file
 * Provide structure for the administrative interface to Views.
use Drupal\Component\Utility\Xss;
use Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Url;
use Drupal\views\ViewExecutable;
use Drupal\views\Analyzer;

 * Implements hook_help().
function views_ui_help($route_name, RouteMatchInterface $route_match) {
    switch ($route_name) {
        case '':
            $output = '';
            $output .= '<h3>' . t('About') . '</h3>';
            $output .= '<p>' . t('The Views UI module provides an interface for managing views for the <a href=":views">Views module</a>. For more information, see the <a href=":handbook">online documentation for the Views UI module</a>.', [
                ':views' => Url::fromRoute('', [
                    'name' => 'views',
                ':handbook' => '',
            ]) . '</p>';
            $output .= '<h3>' . t('Uses') . '</h3>';
            $output .= '<dl>';
            $output .= '<dt>' . t('Creating and managing views') . '</dt>';
            $output .= '<dd>' . t('Views can be created from the <a href=":list">Views list page</a> by using the "Add view" action. Existing views can be managed from the <a href=":list">Views list page</a> by locating the view in the "Enabled" or "Disabled" list and selecting the desired operation action, for example "Edit".', [
                ':list' => Url::fromRoute('entity.view.collection', [
                    'name' => 'views_ui',
            ]) . '</dd>';
            $output .= '<dt>' . t('Enabling and disabling views') . '<dt>';
            $output .= '<dd>' . t('Views can be enabled or disabled from the <a href=":list">Views list page</a>. To enable a view, find the view within the "Disabled" list and select the "Enable" operation. To disable a view find the view within the "Enabled" list and select the "Disable" operation.', [
                ':list' => Url::fromRoute('entity.view.collection', [
                    'name' => 'views_ui',
            ]) . '</dd>';
            $output .= '<dt>' . t('Exporting and importing views') . '</dt>';
            $output .= '<dd>' . t('Views can be exported and imported as configuration files by using the <a href=":config">Configuration Manager module</a>.', [
                ':config' => \Drupal::moduleHandler()->moduleExists('config') ? Url::fromRoute('', [
                    'name' => 'config',
                ])->toString() : '#',
            ]) . '</dd>';
            $output .= '</dl>';
            return $output;

 * Implements hook_entity_type_build().
function views_ui_entity_type_build(array &$entity_types) {
    /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeInterface[] $entity_types */
    $entity_types['view']->setFormClass('edit', 'Drupal\\views_ui\\ViewEditForm')
        ->setFormClass('add', 'Drupal\\views_ui\\ViewAddForm')
        ->setFormClass('preview', 'Drupal\\views_ui\\ViewPreviewForm')
        ->setFormClass('duplicate', 'Drupal\\views_ui\\ViewDuplicateForm')
        ->setFormClass('delete', 'Drupal\\Core\\Entity\\EntityDeleteForm')
        ->setFormClass('break_lock', 'Drupal\\views_ui\\Form\\BreakLockForm')
        ->setLinkTemplate('edit-form', '/admin/structure/views/view/{view}')
        ->setLinkTemplate('edit-display-form', '/admin/structure/views/view/{view}/edit/{display_id}')
        ->setLinkTemplate('preview-form', '/admin/structure/views/view/{view}/preview/{display_id}')
        ->setLinkTemplate('duplicate-form', '/admin/structure/views/view/{view}/duplicate')
        ->setLinkTemplate('delete-form', '/admin/structure/views/view/{view}/delete')
        ->setLinkTemplate('enable', '/admin/structure/views/view/{view}/enable')
        ->setLinkTemplate('disable', '/admin/structure/views/view/{view}/disable')
        ->setLinkTemplate('break-lock-form', '/admin/structure/views/view/{view}/break-lock')
        ->setLinkTemplate('collection', '/admin/structure/views');

 * Implements hook_theme().
function views_ui_theme() {
    return [
        // edit a view
'views_ui_display_tab_setting' => [
            'variables' => [
                'description' => '',
                'link' => '',
                'settings_links' => [],
                'overridden' => FALSE,
                'defaulted' => FALSE,
                'description_separator' => TRUE,
                'class' => [],
            'file' => '',
        'views_ui_display_tab_bucket' => [
            'render element' => 'element',
            'file' => '',
        'views_ui_rearrange_filter_form' => [
            'render element' => 'form',
            'file' => '',
        'views_ui_expose_filter_form' => [
            'render element' => 'form',
            'file' => '',
        // Legacy theme hook for displaying views info.
'views_ui_view_info' => [
            'variables' => [
                'view' => NULL,
                'displays' => NULL,
            'file' => '',
        // List views.
'views_ui_views_listing_table' => [
            'variables' => [
                'headers' => NULL,
                'rows' => NULL,
                'attributes' => [],
            'file' => '',
        'views_ui_view_displays_list' => [
            'variables' => [
                'displays' => [],
        // Group of filters.
'views_ui_build_group_filter_form' => [
            'render element' => 'form',
            'file' => '',
        // On behalf of a plugin
'views_ui_style_plugin_table' => [
            'render element' => 'form',
            'file' => '',
        // When previewing a view.
'views_ui_view_preview_section' => [
            'variables' => [
                'view' => NULL,
                'section' => NULL,
                'content' => NULL,
                'links' => '',
            'file' => '',
        // Generic container wrapper, to use instead of theme_container when an id
        // is not desired.
'views_ui_container' => [
            'variables' => [
                'children' => NULL,
                'attributes' => [],
            'file' => '',

 * Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for views templates.
function views_ui_preprocess_views_view(&$variables) {
    $view = $variables['view'];
    // Render title for the admin preview.
    if (!empty($view->live_preview)) {
        $variables['title'] = [
            '#markup' => $view->getTitle(),
            '#allowed_tags' => Xss::getHtmlTagList(),
    if (!empty($view->live_preview) && \Drupal::moduleHandler()->moduleExists('contextual')) {
        foreach ([
        ] as $section) {
            if (!empty($variables[$section])) {
                $variables[$section] = [
                    '#theme' => 'views_ui_view_preview_section',
                    '#view' => $view,
                    '#section' => $section,
                    '#content' => $variables[$section],
                    '#theme_wrappers' => [
                    '#attributes' => [
                        'class' => [

 * Implements hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK().
function views_ui_theme_suggestions_views_ui_view_preview_section(array $variables) {
    return [
        'views_ui_view_preview_section__' . $variables['section'],

 * Returns contextual links for each handler of a certain section.
 * @TODO
 *   Bring in relationships
 *   Refactor this function to use much stuff of views_ui_edit_form_get_bucket.
 * @param $title
 *   Add a bolded title of this section.
function views_ui_view_preview_section_handler_links(ViewExecutable $view, $type, $title = FALSE) {
    $display = $view->display_handler->display;
    $handlers = $view->display_handler
    $links = [];
    $types = ViewExecutable::getHandlerTypes();
    if ($title) {
        $links[$type . '-title'] = [
            'title' => $types[$type]['title'],
    foreach ($handlers as $id => $handler) {
        $field_name = $handler->adminLabel(TRUE);
        $links[$type . '-edit-' . $id] = [
            'title' => t('Edit @section', [
                '@section' => $field_name,
            'url' => Url::fromRoute('views_ui.form_handler', [
                'js' => 'nojs',
                'view' => $view->storage
                'display_id' => $display['id'],
                'type' => $type,
                'id' => $id,
            'attributes' => [
                'class' => [
    $links[$type . '-add'] = [
        'title' => t('Add new'),
        'url' => Url::fromRoute('views_ui.form_add_handler', [
            'js' => 'nojs',
            'view' => $view->storage
            'display_id' => $display['id'],
            'type' => $type,
        'attributes' => [
            'class' => [
    return $links;

 * Returns a link to editing a certain display setting.
function views_ui_view_preview_section_display_category_links(ViewExecutable $view, $type, $title) {
    $display = $view->display_handler->display;
    $links = [
        $type . '-edit' => [
            'title' => t('Edit @section', [
                '@section' => $title,
            'url' => Url::fromRoute('views_ui.form_display', [
                'js' => 'nojs',
                'view' => $view->storage
                'display_id' => $display['id'],
                'type' => $type,
            'attributes' => [
                'class' => [
    return $links;

 * Returns all contextual links for the main content part of the view.
function views_ui_view_preview_section_rows_links(ViewExecutable $view) {
    $links = [];
    $links = array_merge($links, views_ui_view_preview_section_handler_links($view, 'filter', TRUE));
    $links = array_merge($links, views_ui_view_preview_section_handler_links($view, 'field', TRUE));
    $links = array_merge($links, views_ui_view_preview_section_handler_links($view, 'sort', TRUE));
    $links = array_merge($links, views_ui_view_preview_section_handler_links($view, 'argument', TRUE));
    $links = array_merge($links, views_ui_view_preview_section_handler_links($view, 'relationship', TRUE));
    return $links;

 * Implements hook_views_plugins_display_alter().
function views_ui_views_plugins_display_alter(&$plugins) {
    // Attach contextual links to each display plugin. The links will point to
    // paths underneath "admin/structure/views/view/{$view->id()}" (i.e., paths
    // for editing and performing other contextual actions on the view).
    foreach ($plugins as &$display) {
        $display['contextual links']['entity.view.edit_form'] = [
            'route_name' => 'entity.view.edit_form',
            'route_parameters_names' => [
                'view' => 'id',

 * Implements hook_contextual_links_view_alter().
function views_ui_contextual_links_view_alter(&$element, $items) {
    // Remove contextual links from being rendered, when so desired, such as
    // within a View preview.
    if (views_ui_contextual_links_suppress()) {
        $element['#links'] = [];
    elseif (!empty($element['#links']['entityviewedit-form'])) {
        $display_id = $items['entity.view.edit_form']['metadata']['display_id'];
        $route_parameters = $element['#links']['entityviewedit-form']['url']->getRouteParameters() + [
            'display_id' => $display_id,
        $element['#links']['entityviewedit-form']['url'] = Url::fromRoute('entity.view.edit_display_form', $route_parameters);

 * Sets a static variable for controlling whether contextual links are rendered.
 * @see views_ui_contextual_links_view_alter()
function views_ui_contextual_links_suppress($set = NULL) {
    $suppress =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
    if (isset($set)) {
        $suppress = $set;
    return $suppress;

 * Increments the views_ui_contextual_links_suppress() static variable.
 * When this function is added to the #pre_render of an element, and
 * 'views_ui_contextual_links_suppress_pop' is added to the #post_render of the
 * same element, then all contextual links within the element and its
 * descendants are suppressed from being rendered. This is used, for example,
 * during a View preview, when it is not desired for nodes in the Views result
 * to have contextual links.
 * @see views_ui_contextual_links_suppress_pop()
function views_ui_contextual_links_suppress_push() {
    views_ui_contextual_links_suppress((int) views_ui_contextual_links_suppress() + 1);

 * Decrements the views_ui_contextual_links_suppress() static variable.
 * @see views_ui_contextual_links_suppress_push()
function views_ui_contextual_links_suppress_pop() {
    views_ui_contextual_links_suppress((int) views_ui_contextual_links_suppress() - 1);

 * Implements hook_views_analyze().
 * This is the basic views analysis that checks for very minimal problems.
 * There are other analysis tools in core specific sections, such as
 * as well.
function views_ui_views_analyze(ViewExecutable $view) {
    $ret = [];
    // Check for something other than the default display:
    if (count($view->displayHandlers) < 2) {
        $ret[] = Analyzer::formatMessage(t('This view has only a default display and therefore will not be placed anywhere on your site; perhaps you want to add a page or a block display.'), 'warning');
    // If a display has a path, check that it does not match an existing path
    // alias. This results in the path alias not working.
    foreach ($view->displayHandlers as $display) {
        if (empty($display)) {
        if ($display->hasPath() && ($path = $display->getOption('path'))) {
            $normal_path = \Drupal::service('path_alias.manager')->getPathByAlias($path);
            if ($path != $normal_path) {
                $ret[] = Analyzer::formatMessage(t('You have configured display %display with a path which is an path alias as well. This might lead to unwanted effects so better use an internal path.', [
                    '%display' => $display->display['display_title'],
                ]), 'warning');
    return $ret;

 * Truncate strings to a set length and provide a '...' if they truncated.
 * This is often used in the UI to ensure long strings fit.
function views_ui_truncate($string, $length) {
    if (mb_strlen($string) > $length) {
        $string = mb_substr($string, 0, $length);
        $string .= '...';
    return $string;


Title Deprecated Summary
views_ui_contextual_links_suppress Sets a static variable for controlling whether contextual links are rendered.
views_ui_contextual_links_suppress_pop Decrements the views_ui_contextual_links_suppress() static variable.
views_ui_contextual_links_suppress_push Increments the views_ui_contextual_links_suppress() static variable.
views_ui_contextual_links_view_alter Implements hook_contextual_links_view_alter().
views_ui_entity_type_build Implements hook_entity_type_build().
views_ui_help Implements hook_help().
views_ui_preprocess_views_view Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for views templates.
views_ui_theme Implements hook_theme().
views_ui_theme_suggestions_views_ui_view_preview_section Implements hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK().
views_ui_truncate Truncate strings to a set length and provide a '...' if they truncated.
views_ui_views_analyze Implements hook_views_analyze().
views_ui_views_plugins_display_alter Implements hook_views_plugins_display_alter().
views_ui_view_preview_section_display_category_links Returns a link to editing a certain display setting.
views_ui_view_preview_section_handler_links Returns contextual links for each handler of a certain section.
views_ui_view_preview_section_rows_links Returns all contextual links for the main content part of the view.

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