Same filename in other branches
profiles/ demo_umami/ config/ install/ core.entity_form_display.node.recipe.default.yml
View source
- langcode: en
- status: true
- dependencies:
- config:
- - field.field.node.recipe.field_cooking_time
- - field.field.node.recipe.field_difficulty
- - field.field.node.recipe.field_ingredients
- - field.field.node.recipe.field_media_image
- - field.field.node.recipe.field_number_of_servings
- - field.field.node.recipe.field_preparation_time
- - field.field.node.recipe.field_recipe_category
- - field.field.node.recipe.field_recipe_instruction
- - field.field.node.recipe.field_summary
- - field.field.node.recipe.field_tags
- - field.field.node.recipe.layout_builder__layout
- - node.type.recipe
- - workflows.workflow.editorial
- module:
- - content_moderation
- - media_library
- - path
- - text
- id: node.recipe.default
- targetEntityType: node
- bundle: recipe
- mode: default
- content:
- created:
- type: datetime_timestamp
- weight: 15
- region: content
- settings: { }
- third_party_settings: { }
- field_cooking_time:
- weight: 3
- settings:
- placeholder: ''
- third_party_settings: { }
- type: number
- region: content
- field_difficulty:
- weight: 5
- settings: { }
- third_party_settings: { }
- type: options_select
- region: content
- field_ingredients:
- weight: 11
- settings:
- size: 60
- placeholder: ''
- third_party_settings: { }
- type: string_textfield
- region: content
- field_media_image:
- type: media_library_widget
- weight: 9
- settings:
- media_types: { }
- third_party_settings: { }
- region: content
- field_number_of_servings:
- weight: 4
- settings:
- placeholder: ''
- third_party_settings: { }
- type: number
- region: content
- field_preparation_time:
- weight: 2
- settings:
- placeholder: ''
- third_party_settings: { }
- type: number
- region: content
- field_recipe_category:
- weight: 6
- settings:
- match_operator: CONTAINS
- match_limit: 10
- size: 60
- placeholder: ''
- third_party_settings: { }
- type: entity_reference_autocomplete_tags
- region: content
- field_recipe_instruction:
- weight: 13
- settings:
- rows: 5
- placeholder: ''
- third_party_settings: { }
- type: text_textarea
- region: content
- field_summary:
- weight: 10
- settings:
- rows: 5
- placeholder: ''
- third_party_settings: { }
- type: text_textarea
- region: content
- field_tags:
- weight: 7
- settings:
- match_operator: CONTAINS
- match_limit: 10
- size: 60
- placeholder: ''
- third_party_settings: { }
- type: entity_reference_autocomplete_tags
- region: content
- langcode:
- type: language_select
- weight: 1
- region: content
- settings:
- include_locked: true
- third_party_settings: { }
- layout_builder__layout:
- type: null
- weight: 26
- region: content
- settings: { }
- third_party_settings: { }
- moderation_state:
- type: moderation_state_default
- weight: 20
- region: content
- settings: { }
- third_party_settings: { }
- path:
- type: path
- weight: 18
- region: content
- settings: { }
- third_party_settings: { }
- promote:
- type: boolean_checkbox
- settings:
- display_label: true
- weight: 16
- region: content
- third_party_settings: { }
- status:
- type: boolean_checkbox
- settings:
- display_label: true
- weight: 19
- region: content
- third_party_settings: { }
- sticky:
- type: boolean_checkbox
- settings:
- display_label: true
- weight: 17
- region: content
- third_party_settings: { }
- title:
- type: string_textfield
- weight: 0
- region: content
- settings:
- size: 60
- placeholder: ''
- third_party_settings: { }
- translation:
- weight: 12
- region: content
- settings: { }
- third_party_settings: { }
- uid:
- type: entity_reference_autocomplete
- weight: 14
- settings:
- match_operator: CONTAINS
- match_limit: 10
- size: 60
- placeholder: ''
- region: content
- third_party_settings: { }
- hidden: { }
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