Same filename in other branches
profiles/ standard/
View source
- name: Standard
- type: profile
- description: 'Install with commonly used features pre-configured.'
- version: VERSION
- core: 8.x
- install:
- - node
- - history
- - block
- - breakpoint
- - ckeditor
- - color
- - config
- - comment
- - contextual
- - contact
- - menu_link_content
- - datetime
- - block_content
- - quickedit
- - editor
- - help
- - image
- - menu_ui
- - options
- - path
- - page_cache
- - dynamic_page_cache
- - big_pipe
- - taxonomy
- - dblog
- - search
- - shortcut
- - toolbar
- - field_ui
- - file
- - rdf
- - views
- - views_ui
- - tour
- - automated_cron
- themes:
- - bartik
- - seven
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