function BuildTestBase::executeCommand
Same name in other branches
- 9 core/tests/Drupal/BuildTests/Framework/BuildTestBase.php \Drupal\BuildTests\Framework\BuildTestBase::executeCommand()
- 10 core/tests/Drupal/BuildTests/Framework/BuildTestBase.php \Drupal\BuildTests\Framework\BuildTestBase::executeCommand()
- 11.x core/tests/Drupal/BuildTests/Framework/BuildTestBase.php \Drupal\BuildTests\Framework\BuildTestBase::executeCommand()
Run a command.
string $command_line: A command line to run in an isolated process.
string $working_dir: (optional) A working directory relative to the workspace, within which to execute the command. Defaults to the workspace directory.
Return value
6 calls to BuildTestBase::executeCommand()
- BuildTestTest::testWorkspace in core/
tests/ Drupal/ BuildTests/ Framework/ Tests/ BuildTestTest.php - Ensure that workspaces work.
- ComposerProjectTemplatesTest::makeVendorPackage in core/
tests/ Drupal/ BuildTests/ Composer/ Template/ ComposerProjectTemplatesTest.php - Creates a test package that points to all the projects in vendor.
- ComposerProjectTemplatesTest::testTemplateCreateProject in core/
tests/ Drupal/ BuildTests/ Composer/ Template/ ComposerProjectTemplatesTest.php - @dataProvider provideTemplateCreateProject
- ComposerValidateTest::testValidateComposer in core/
tests/ Drupal/ BuildTests/ Composer/ ComposerValidateTest.php - @dataProvider provideComposerJson
- HtRouterTest::testHtRouter in core/
tests/ Drupal/ BuildTests/ Framework/ Tests/ HtRouterTest.php - @covers ::instantiateServer
tests/ Drupal/ BuildTests/ Framework/ BuildTestBase.php, line 321
- BuildTestBase
- Provides a workspace to test build processes.
public function executeCommand($command_line, $working_dir = NULL) {
$this->commandProcess = new Process($command_line);
return $this->commandProcess;
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