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tests/ Drupal/ BuildTests/ Composer/ Template/ ComposerProjectTemplatesTest.php
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namespace Drupal\BuildTests\Composer\Template;
use Composer\Json\JsonFile;
use Drupal\BuildTests\Framework\BuildTestBase;
use Drupal\Composer\Composer;
use Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder;
* Demonstrate that Composer project templates are buildable as patched.
* We have to use the packages.json fixture so that Composer will use the
* in-codebase version of the project template.
* We also have to add path repositories to the in-codebase project template or
* else Composer will try to use packagist to resolve dependencies we'd prefer
* it to find locally.
* This is because Composer only uses the packages.json file to resolve the
* project template and not any other dependencies.
* @group #slow
* @group Template
* @requires externalCommand composer
class ComposerProjectTemplatesTest extends BuildTestBase {
* Get Composer items that we want to be path repos, from within a directory.
* @param string $workspace_directory
* The full path to the workspace directory.
* @param string $subdir
* The subdirectory to search under composer/.
* @return string[]
* Array of paths, indexed by package name.
public function getPathReposForType($workspace_directory, $subdir) {
// Find the Composer items that we want to be path repos.
$path_repos = Finder::create()->files()
->in($workspace_directory . '/composer/' . $subdir);
$data = [];
/* @var $path_repo \SplFileInfo */
foreach ($path_repos as $path_repo) {
$json_file = new JsonFile($path_repo->getPathname());
$json = $json_file->read();
$data[$json['name']] = $path_repo->getPath();
return $data;
public function provideTemplateCreateProject() {
return [
'recommended-project' => [
'legacy-project' => [
* Make sure we've accounted for all the templates.
public function testVerifyTemplateTestProviderIsAccurate() {
$root = $this->getDrupalRoot();
$data = $this->provideTemplateCreateProject($root);
// Find all the templates.
$template_files = Finder::create()->files()
->in($root . '/composer/Template');
$this->assertEquals(count($template_files), count($data));
// We could have the same number of templates but different names.
$template_data = [];
foreach ($data as $data_name => $data_value) {
$template_data[$data_value[0]] = $data_name;
/* @var $file \SplFileInfo */
foreach ($template_files as $file) {
$json_file = new JsonFile($file->getPathname());
$json = $json_file->read();
$this->assertArrayHasKey('name', $json);
// Does provideTemplateCreateProject() give us this template name?
$this->assertArrayHasKey($json['name'], $template_data);
* @dataProvider provideTemplateCreateProject
public function testTemplateCreateProject($project, $package_dir, $docroot_dir) {
$composer_version_line = exec('composer --version');
if (strpos($composer_version_line, 'Composer version 2') !== FALSE) {
// @todo Remove in
$this->markTestSkipped("Composer 2 not supported for this test yet.");
// Make a working COMPOSER_HOME directory for setting global composer config
$composer_home = $this->getWorkspaceDirectory() . '/composer-home';
// Disable packagist globally (but only in our own custom COMPOSER_HOME).
// It is necessary to do this globally rather than in our SUT composer.json
// in order to ensure that Packagist is disabled during the
// `composer create-project` command.
$this->executeCommand("COMPOSER_HOME={$composer_home} composer config --no-interaction --global repo.packagist false");
// Get the Drupal core version branch. For instance, this should be
// 8.9.x-dev for the 8.9.x branch.
$core_version = Composer::drupalVersionBranch();
// Create a "Composer"-type repository containing one entry for every
// package in the vendor directory.
$vendor_packages_path = $this->getWorkspaceDirectory() . '/vendor_packages/packages.json';
// Make a copy of the code to alter.
// Remove the entry (and any other custom repository)
// from the SUT's repositories section. There is no way to do this via
// `composer config --unset`, so we read and rewrite composer.json.
$composer_json_path = $this->getWorkspaceDirectory() . "/{$package_dir}/composer.json";
$composer_json = json_decode(file_get_contents($composer_json_path), TRUE);
$json = json_encode($composer_json, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);
file_put_contents($composer_json_path, $json);
// Set up the template to use our path repos. Inclusion of metapackages is
// reported differently, so we load up a separate set for them.
$metapackage_path_repos = $this->getPathReposForType($this->getWorkspaceDirectory(), 'Metapackage');
$path_repos = array_merge($metapackage_path_repos, $this->getPathReposForType($this->getWorkspaceDirectory(), 'Plugin'));
// Always add drupal/core as a path repo.
$path_repos['drupal/core'] = $this->getWorkspaceDirectory() . '/core';
foreach ($path_repos as $name => $path) {
$this->executeCommand("composer config --no-interaction repositories.{$name} path {$path}", $package_dir);
$this->executeCommand("composer config --no-interaction repositories.local composer file://" . $vendor_packages_path, $package_dir);
$repository_path = $this->getWorkspaceDirectory() . '/test_repository/packages.json';
$this->makeTestPackage($repository_path, $core_version);
$autoloader = $this->getWorkspaceDirectory() . '/testproject' . $docroot_dir . '/autoload.php';
$this->executeCommand("COMPOSER_HOME={$composer_home} COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION={$core_version} composer create-project --no-ansi {$project} testproject {$core_version} -s dev -vv --repository {$repository_path}");
// Ensure we used the project from our codebase.
$this->assertErrorOutputContains("Installing {$project} ({$core_version}): Symlinking from {$package_dir}");
// Ensure that we used drupal/core from our codebase. This probably means
// that drupal/core-recommended was added successfully by the project.
$this->assertErrorOutputContains("Installing drupal/core ({$core_version}): Symlinking from");
// Verify that there is an autoloader. This is written by the scaffold
// plugin, so its existence assures us that scaffolding happened.
// In order to verify that Composer used the path repos for our project, we
// have to get the requirements from the project composer.json so we can
// reconcile our expectations.
$template_json_file = $this->getWorkspaceDirectory() . '/' . $package_dir . '/composer.json';
$json_file = new JsonFile($template_json_file);
$template_json = $json_file->read();
// Get the require and require-dev information, and ensure that our
// requirements are not erroneously empty.
$this->assertNotEmpty($require = array_merge($template_json['require'] ?? [], $template_json['require-dev'] ?? []));
// Verify that path repo packages were installed.
$path_repos = array_keys($path_repos);
foreach (array_keys($require) as $package_name) {
if (in_array($package_name, $path_repos)) {
// Metapackages do not report that they were installed as symlinks, but
// we still must check that their installed version matches
if (array_key_exists($package_name, $metapackage_path_repos)) {
$this->assertErrorOutputContains("Installing {$package_name} ({$core_version})");
else {
$this->assertErrorOutputContains("Installing {$package_name} ({$core_version}): Symlinking from");
* Creates a test package that points to the templates.
* @param string $repository_path
* The path where to create the test package.
* @param string $version
* The version under test.
protected function makeTestPackage($repository_path, $version) {
$json = <<<JSON
"packages": {
"drupal/recommended-project": {
"{<span class="php-variable">$version</span>}": {
"name": "drupal/recommended-project",
"dist": {
"type": "path",
"url": "composer/Template/RecommendedProject"
"type": "project",
"version": "{<span class="php-variable">$version</span>}"
"drupal/legacy-project": {
"{<span class="php-variable">$version</span>}": {
"name": "drupal/legacy-project",
"dist": {
"type": "path",
"url": "composer/Template/LegacyProject"
"type": "project",
"version": "{<span class="php-variable">$version</span>}"
file_put_contents($repository_path, $json);
* Creates a test package that points to all the projects in vendor.
* @param string $repository_path
* The path where to create the test package.
protected function makeVendorPackage($repository_path) {
$root = $this->getDrupalRoot();
$process = $this->executeCommand("composer --working-dir={$root} info --format=json");
$installed = json_decode($process->getOutput(), TRUE);
// Build out package definitions for everything installed in
// the vendor directory.
$packages = [];
foreach ($installed['installed'] as $project) {
$name = $project['name'];
$version = $project['version'];
$path = "vendor/{$name}";
$full_path = "{$root}/{$path}";
// We are building a set of path repositories to projects in the vendor
// directory, so we will skip any project that does not exist in vendor.
if (is_dir($full_path)) {
$packages['packages'][$name] = [
$version => [
"name" => $name,
"dist" => [
"type" => "path",
"url" => $path,
"version" => $version,
$json = json_encode($packages, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);
file_put_contents($repository_path, $json);
Title | Deprecated | Summary |
ComposerProjectTemplatesTest | Demonstrate that Composer project templates are buildable as patched. |
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