Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 9 core/tests/Drupal/FunctionalJavascriptTests/Core/Form/JavascriptStatesTest.php \Drupal\FunctionalJavascriptTests\Core\Form\JavascriptStatesTest

Tests the state of elements based on another elements.

The form being tested is JavascriptStatesForm provided by the 'form_test' module under 'system' (core/modules/system/tests/module/form_test).

@group javascript


Expanded class hierarchy of JavascriptStatesTest

See also



core/tests/Drupal/FunctionalJavascriptTests/Core/Form/JavascriptStatesTest.php, line 20


View source
class JavascriptStatesTest extends WebDriverTestBase {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected $defaultTheme = 'stark';

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected static $modules = [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() : void {

    // Add text formats.
    $filtered_html_format = FilterFormat::create([
      'format' => 'filtered_html',
      'name' => 'Filtered HTML',
      'weight' => 0,
      'filters' => [],
    $full_html_format = FilterFormat::create([
      'format' => 'full_html',
      'name' => 'Full HTML',
      'weight' => 1,
      'filters' => [],
    $normal_user = $this
      'use text format filtered_html',
      'use text format full_html',

   * Tests the JavaScript #states functionality of form elements.
   * To avoid the large cost of a dataProvider in FunctionalJavascript tests,
   * this is a single public test method that invokes a series of protected
   * methods to do assertions on specific kinds of triggering elements.
  public function testJavascriptStates() {

   * Tests states of elements triggered by a checkbox element.
  protected function doCheckboxTriggerTests() {
    $page = $this

    // Find trigger and target elements.
    $trigger = $page
    $textfield_invisible_element = $page
    $textfield_required_element = $page
    $textfield_readonly_element = $page
    $textarea_readonly_element = $page
    $details = $this
      ->elementExists('css', '#edit-details-expanded-when-checkbox-trigger-checked');
    $textfield_in_details = $details
    $checkbox_checked_element = $page
    $checkbox_unchecked_element = $page
    $checkbox_visible_element = $page
    $text_format_invisible_value = $page
    $text_format_invisible_format = $page
    $link = $page
      ->findLink('Link states test');
    $checkboxes_all_checked_element_value1 = $page
    $checkboxes_all_checked_element_value2 = $page
    $checkboxes_all_checked_element_value3 = $page
    $checkboxes_some_checked_element_value1 = $page
    $checkboxes_some_checked_element_value2 = $page
    $checkboxes_some_checked_element_value3 = $page
    $checkboxes_all_disabled_element_value1 = $page
    $checkboxes_all_disabled_element_value2 = $page
    $checkboxes_all_disabled_element_value3 = $page
    $checkboxes_some_disabled_element_value1 = $page
    $checkboxes_some_disabled_element_value2 = $page
    $checkboxes_some_disabled_element_value3 = $page
    $radios_checked_element = $page

    // We want to select the specific radio buttons, not the whole radios field itself.
    $radios_all_disabled_value1 = $this
      ->xpath('//input[@name=:name][@value=:value]', [
      ':name' => 'radios_all_disabled_when_checkbox_trigger_checked',
      ':value' => 'value1',
      ->assertCount(1, $radios_all_disabled_value1);

    // We want to access the radio button directly for the rest of the test, so
    // take it out of the array we got back from xpath().
    $radios_all_disabled_value1 = reset($radios_all_disabled_value1);
    $radios_all_disabled_value2 = $this
      ->xpath('//input[@name=:name][@value=:value]', [
      ':name' => 'radios_all_disabled_when_checkbox_trigger_checked',
      ':value' => 'value2',
      ->assertCount(1, $radios_all_disabled_value2);
    $radios_all_disabled_value2 = reset($radios_all_disabled_value2);
    $radios_some_disabled_value1 = $this
      ->xpath('//input[@name=:name][@value=:value]', [
      ':name' => 'radios_some_disabled_when_checkbox_trigger_checked',
      ':value' => 'value1',
      ->assertCount(1, $radios_some_disabled_value1);
    $radios_some_disabled_value1 = reset($radios_some_disabled_value1);
    $radios_some_disabled_value2 = $this
      ->xpath('//input[@name=:name][@value=:value]', [
      ':name' => 'radios_some_disabled_when_checkbox_trigger_checked',
      ':value' => 'value2',
      ->assertCount(1, $radios_some_disabled_value2);
    $radios_some_disabled_value2 = reset($radios_some_disabled_value2);

    // Verify initial state.
      ->assertEquals(NULL, $radios_checked_element

    // Check if the link is visible.

    // Change state: check the checkbox.

    // Verify triggered state.
      ->assertEquals('required', $textfield_required_element

    // All 3 of the other set should be checked.

    // Value 1 and 3 should now be checked.

    // Only value 2 should remain unchecked.

    // All 3 of these should be disabled.

    // Only values 1 and 3 should be disabled, 2 should still be enabled.
      ->assertEquals('value1', $radios_checked_element

    // Both of these should now be disabled.

    // Only value1 should be disabled, value 2 should remain enabled.

    // The link shouldn't be visible.

    // Change state: uncheck the checkbox.

    // Verify triggered state, which should match the initial state.
      ->assertEquals(NULL, $radios_checked_element

    // Check if the link is turned back to visible state.

   * Tests states of elements triggered by a checkboxes element.
  protected function doCheckboxesTriggerTests() {
    $page = $this

    // Find trigger and target elements.
    $trigger_value1 = $page
    $trigger_value2 = $page
    $trigger_value3 = $page
    $textfield_visible_value2 = $page
    $textfield_visible_value3 = $page

    // Verify initial state.

    // Change state: check the 'Value 1' checkbox.

    // Change state: check the 'Value 2' checkbox.

    // Change state: check the 'Value 3' checkbox.

    // Change state: uncheck the 'Value 2' checkbox.

   * Tests states of elements triggered by a textfield element.
  protected function doTextfieldTriggerTests() {
    $page = $this

    // Find trigger and target elements.
    $trigger = $page
    $checkbox_checked_target = $page
    $checkbox_unchecked_target = $page
    $select_invisible_target = $page
    $select_visible_target = $page
    $textfield_required_target = $page
    $details = $this
      ->elementExists('css', '#edit-details-expanded-when-textfield-trigger-filled');
    $textfield_in_details = $details

    // Verify initial state.

    // Change state: fill the textfield.

    // Verify triggered state.
      ->assertEquals('required', $textfield_required_target

   * Tests states of elements triggered by a radios element.
  protected function doRadiosTriggerTests() {
    $page = $this

    // Find trigger and target elements.
    $trigger = $page
    $fieldset_visible_when_value2 = $this
      ->elementExists('css', '#edit-fieldset-visible-when-radios-trigger-has-value2');
    $textfield_in_fieldset = $fieldset_visible_when_value2
    $checkbox_checked_target = $page
    $checkbox_unchecked_target = $page
    $textfield_invisible_target = $page
    $select_required_target = $page
    $details = $this
      ->elementExists('css', '#edit-details-expanded-when-radios-trigger-has-value3');
    $textfield_in_details = $details

    // Verify initial state, both the fieldset and something inside it.

    // Change state: select the value2 radios option.

    // Verify triggered state.

    // Checkboxes and details should not have changed state, yet.

    // Change state: select the value3 radios option.

    // Fieldset and contents should re-disappear.

    // Textfield and select should revert to initial state.

    // Checkbox states should now change.

    // Details should now be expanded.

   * Tests states of elements triggered by a select element.
  protected function doSelectTriggerTests() {
    $page = $this

    // Find trigger and target elements.
    $trigger = $page
    $item_visible_value2 = $this
      ->elementExists('css', '#edit-item-visible-when-select-trigger-has-value2');
    $textfield_visible_value3 = $page
    $textfield_visible_value2_or_value3 = $page

    // Verify initial state.

    // Change state: select the 'Value 2' option.

    // Change state: select the 'Value 3' option.

   * Tests states of elements triggered by a multiple select element.
  protected function doMultipleSelectTriggerTests() {
    $page = $this

    // Find trigger and target elements.
    $trigger = $page
    $item_visible_value2 = $this
      ->elementExists('css', '#edit-item-visible-when-multiple-select-trigger-has-value2');
    $item_visible_no_value = $this
      ->elementExists('css', '#edit-item-visible-when-multiple-select-trigger-has-no-value');
    $textfield_visible_value3 = $page
    $textfield_visible_value2_or_value3 = $page
    $textfield_visible_value2_and_value3 = $page

    // Verify initial state.

    // Change state: select the 'Value 2' option.

    // Change state: select the 'Value 3' option.

    // Change state: select 'Value2' and 'Value 3' options.

    // Restore initial trigger state (clear the values).

    // Make sure the initial element states are restored.

    // @todo These last two look to be correct, but the assertion is failing.
    // @see
    // $this->assertTrue($item_visible_no_value->isVisible());
    // $this->assertFalse($textfield_visible_value2_and_value3->isVisible());

   * Tests states of elements triggered by multiple elements.
  protected function doMultipleTriggerTests() {
    $page = $this

    // Find trigger and target elements.
    $select_trigger = $page
    $textfield_trigger = $page
    $item_visible_value2_and_textfield = $this
      ->elementExists('css', '#edit-item-visible-when-select-trigger-has-value2-and-textfield-trigger-filled');

    // Verify initial state.

    // Change state: select the 'Value 2' option.

    // Change state: fill the textfield.

   * Tests states of radios element triggered by other radios element.
  protected function doNestedTriggerTests() {
    $page = $this

    // Find trigger and target elements.
    $radios_opposite1 = $page
    $radios_opposite2 = $page

    // Verify initial state.
      ->assertEquals('0', $radios_opposite1
      ->assertEquals('1', $radios_opposite2

    // Set $radios_opposite2 value to 0, $radios_opposite1 value should be 1.
      ->assertEquals('1', $radios_opposite1

    // Set $radios_opposite1 value to 1, $radios_opposite2 value should be 0.
      ->assertEquals('1', $radios_opposite2

   * Tests the submit button, select and textarea disabled states.
   * The element should be disabled when visit the form
   * then they should enable when trigger by a checkbox.
  public function doElementsDisabledStateTests() : void {
    $session = $this

    // The submit button should be disabled when visit the form.
    $button = $session
      ->elementExists('css', 'input[value="Submit button disabled when checkbox not checked"]');

    // The submit button should be enabled when the checkbox is checked.
      ->elementExists('css', 'input[name="checkbox_enable_submit_button"]')

    // The text field should be disabled when visit the form.
    $textfield = $session
      ->elementExists('css', 'input[name="input_textfield"]');

    // The text field should be enabled when the checkbox is checked.
      ->elementExists('css', 'input[name="checkbox_enable_input_textfield"]')

    // The select should be disabled when visit the form.
    $select = $session
      ->elementExists('css', 'select[name="test_select_disabled"]');

    // The select should be enabled when the checkbox is checked.
      ->elementExists('css', 'input[name="checkbox_enable_select"]')

    // The textarea should be disabled when visit the form.
    $textarea = $session
      ->elementExists('css', 'textarea[name="test_textarea_disabled"]');

    // The textarea should be enabled when the checkbox is checked.
      ->elementExists('css', 'input[name="checkbox_enable_textarea"]')



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
JavascriptStatesTest::$defaultTheme protected property
JavascriptStatesTest::$modules protected static property
JavascriptStatesTest::doCheckboxesTriggerTests protected function Tests states of elements triggered by a checkboxes element.
JavascriptStatesTest::doCheckboxTriggerTests protected function Tests states of elements triggered by a checkbox element.
JavascriptStatesTest::doElementsDisabledStateTests public function Tests the submit button, select and textarea disabled states.
JavascriptStatesTest::doMultipleSelectTriggerTests protected function Tests states of elements triggered by a multiple select element.
JavascriptStatesTest::doMultipleTriggerTests protected function Tests states of elements triggered by multiple elements.
JavascriptStatesTest::doNestedTriggerTests protected function Tests states of radios element triggered by other radios element.
JavascriptStatesTest::doRadiosTriggerTests protected function Tests states of elements triggered by a radios element.
JavascriptStatesTest::doSelectTriggerTests protected function Tests states of elements triggered by a select element.
JavascriptStatesTest::doTextfieldTriggerTests protected function Tests states of elements triggered by a textfield element.
JavascriptStatesTest::setUp protected function
JavascriptStatesTest::testJavascriptStates public function Tests the JavaScript #states functionality of form elements.
WebDriverTestBase::$disableCssAnimations protected property Disables CSS animations in tests for more reliable testing.
WebDriverTestBase::$failOnJavascriptConsoleErrors protected property Determines if a test should fail on JavaScript console errors. 2
WebDriverTestBase::$minkDefaultDriverClass protected property
WebDriverTestBase::assertJsCondition protected function Waits for the given time or until the given JS condition becomes TRUE.
WebDriverTestBase::assertSession public function
WebDriverTestBase::createScreenshot protected function Creates a screenshot.
WebDriverTestBase::failOnJavaScriptErrors protected function Triggers a test failure if a JavaScript error was encountered.
WebDriverTestBase::getDrupalSettings protected function Gets the current Drupal javascript settings and parses into an array.
WebDriverTestBase::getHtmlOutputHeaders protected function
WebDriverTestBase::getMinkDriverArgs protected function 1
WebDriverTestBase::initFrontPage protected function
WebDriverTestBase::initMink protected function
WebDriverTestBase::installModulesFromClassProperty protected function 1
WebDriverTestBase::tearDown protected function 1