
Same filename in other branches
  1. 9 core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Composer/Plugin/Scaffold/Functional/ScaffoldTest.php
  2. 8.9.x core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Composer/Plugin/Scaffold/Functional/ScaffoldTest.php
  3. 10 core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Composer/Plugin/Scaffold/Functional/ScaffoldTest.php





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declare (strict_types=1);
namespace Drupal\Tests\Composer\Plugin\Scaffold\Functional;

use Composer\Util\Filesystem;
use Drupal\Tests\Composer\Plugin\Scaffold\AssertUtilsTrait;
use Drupal\Tests\Composer\Plugin\Scaffold\Fixtures;
use Drupal\Tests\Composer\Plugin\Scaffold\ScaffoldTestResult;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;

 * Tests Composer Scaffold.
 * The purpose of this test file is to exercise all of the different kinds of
 * scaffold operations: copy, symlinks, skips and so on.
 * @group Scaffold
class ScaffoldTest extends TestCase {
    use AssertUtilsTrait;
     * The root of this project.
     * Used to substitute this project's base directory into composer.json files
     * so Composer can find it.
     * @var string
    protected $projectRoot;
     * Directory to perform the tests in.
     * @var string
    protected $fixturesDir;
     * The Symfony FileSystem component.
     * @var \Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Filesystem
    protected $fileSystem;
     * The Fixtures object.
     * @var \Drupal\Tests\Composer\Plugin\Scaffold\Fixtures
    protected $fixtures;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function setUp() : void {
        $this->fileSystem = new Filesystem();
        $this->fixtures = new Fixtures();
        $this->projectRoot = $this->fixtures
        // The directory used for creating composer projects to test can be
        // configured using the SCAFFOLD_FIXTURE_DIR environment variable. Otherwise
        // a directory will be created in the system's temporary directory.
        $this->fixturesDir = getenv('SCAFFOLD_FIXTURE_DIR');
        if (!$this->fixturesDir) {
            $this->fixturesDir = $this->fixtures
     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function tearDown() : void {
        // Remove any temporary directories et. al. that were created.
     * Creates the System-Under-Test.
     * @param string $fixture_name
     *   The name of the fixture to use from
     *   core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Component/Scaffold/fixtures.
     * @param array $replacements
     *   Key : value mappings for placeholders to replace in composer.json
     *   templates.
     * @return string
     *   The path to the created System-Under-Test.
    protected function createSut($fixture_name, array $replacements = []) : string {
        $sut = $this->fixturesDir . '/' . $fixture_name;
        // Erase just our sut, to ensure it is clean. Recopy all of the fixtures.
        $replacements += [
            'PROJECT_ROOT' => $this->projectRoot,
            ->cloneFixtureProjects($this->fixturesDir, $replacements);
        return $sut;
     * Creates the system-under-test and runs a scaffold operation on it.
     * @param string $fixture_name
     *   The name of the fixture to use from
     *   core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Component/Scaffold/fixtures.
     * @param bool $is_link
     *   Whether to use symlinks for 'replace' operations.
     * @param bool $relocated_docroot
     *   Whether the named fixture has a relocated document root.
    public function scaffoldSut($fixture_name, $is_link = FALSE, $relocated_docroot = TRUE) {
        $sut = $this->createSut($fixture_name, [
            'SYMLINK' => $is_link ? 'true' : 'false',
        // Run composer install to get the dependencies we need to test.
            ->runComposer("install --no-ansi --no-scripts --no-plugins", $sut);
        // Test drupal:scaffold.
        $scaffoldOutput = $this->fixtures
        // Calculate the docroot directory and assert that our fixture layout
        // matches what was stipulated in $relocated_docroot. Fail fast if
        // the caller provided the wrong value.
        $docroot = $sut;
        if ($relocated_docroot) {
            $docroot .= '/docroot';
        else {
            $this->assertFileDoesNotExist($sut . '/docroot');
        return new ScaffoldTestResult($docroot, $scaffoldOutput);
     * Data provider for testScaffoldWithExpectedException.
    public static function scaffoldExpectedExceptionTestValues() {
        return [
                'Scaffold file assets/missing-robots-default.txt not found in package fixtures/drupal-drupal-missing-scaffold-file.',
                'No scaffold file path given for [web-root]/my-error in package fixtures/project-with-empty-scaffold-path',
                'Scaffold file assets in package fixtures/project-with-illegal-dir-scaffold is a directory; only files may be scaffolded',
     * Tests that scaffold files throw when they have bad values.
     * @param string $fixture_name
     *   The name of the fixture to use from
     *   core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Component/Scaffold/fixtures.
     * @param string $expected_exception_message
     *   The expected exception message.
     * @param bool $is_link
     *   Whether or not symlinking should be used.
     * @dataProvider scaffoldExpectedExceptionTestValues
    public function testScaffoldWithExpectedException($fixture_name, $expected_exception_message, $is_link) : void {
        // Test scaffold. Expect an error.
        $this->scaffoldSut($fixture_name, $is_link);
     * Try to scaffold a project that does not scaffold anything.
    public function testEmptyProject() : void {
        $fixture_name = 'empty-fixture';
        $result = $this->scaffoldSut($fixture_name, FALSE, FALSE);
        $this->assertStringContainsString('Nothing scaffolded because no packages are allowed in the top-level composer.json file', $result->scaffoldOutput());
     * Try to scaffold a project that allows a project with no scaffold files.
    public function testProjectThatScaffoldsEmptyProject() : void {
        $fixture_name = 'project-allowing-empty-fixture';
        $result = $this->scaffoldSut($fixture_name, FALSE, FALSE);
        $this->assertStringContainsString('The allowed package fixtures/empty-fixture does not provide a file mapping for Composer Scaffold', $result->scaffoldOutput());
        $this->assertCommonDrupalAssetsWereScaffolded($result->docroot(), FALSE);
    public static function scaffoldOverridingSettingsExcludingHtaccessValues() {
        return [
     * Asserts that the drupal/assets scaffold files correct for sut.
     * @param string $fixture_name
     *   The name of the fixture to use from
     *   core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Component/Scaffold/fixtures.
     * @param bool $is_link
     *   Whether to use symlinks for 'replace' operations.
     * @param bool $relocated_docroot
     *   Whether the named fixture has a relocated document root.
     * @dataProvider scaffoldOverridingSettingsExcludingHtaccessValues
    public function testScaffoldOverridingSettingsExcludingHtaccess($fixture_name, $is_link, $relocated_docroot) : void {
        $result = $this->scaffoldSut($fixture_name, $is_link, $relocated_docroot);
        $this->assertCommonDrupalAssetsWereScaffolded($result->docroot(), $is_link);
        $this->assertAutoloadFileCorrect($result->docroot(), $relocated_docroot);
        $this->assertDefaultSettingsFromScaffoldOverride($result->docroot(), $is_link);
     * Asserts that the appropriate file was replaced.
     * Check the drupal/drupal-based project to confirm that the expected file was
     * replaced, and that files that were not supposed to be replaced remain
     * unchanged.
    public function testDrupalDrupalFileWasReplaced() : void {
        $fixture_name = 'drupal-drupal-test-overwrite';
        $result = $this->scaffoldSut($fixture_name, FALSE, FALSE);
        $this->assertScaffoldedFile($result->docroot() . '/replace-me.txt', FALSE, 'from assets that replaces file');
        $this->assertScaffoldedFile($result->docroot() . '/keep-me.txt', FALSE, 'File in drupal-drupal-test-overwrite that is not replaced');
        $this->assertScaffoldedFile($result->docroot() . '/make-me.txt', FALSE, 'from assets that replaces file');
        $this->assertCommonDrupalAssetsWereScaffolded($result->docroot(), FALSE);
        $this->assertScaffoldedFile($result->docroot() . '/robots.txt', FALSE, $fixture_name);
     * Provides test values for testDrupalDrupalFileWasAppended.
    public static function scaffoldAppendTestValues() : array {
        return array_merge(static::scaffoldAppendTestValuesToPermute(FALSE), static::scaffoldAppendTestValuesToPermute(TRUE), [

// Default settings.php contents

include __DIR__ . "/settings-custom-additions.php";',
                'NOTICE Creating a new file at [web-root]/sites/default/settings.php. Examine the contents and ensure that it came out correctly.',
     * Tests values to run both with $is_link FALSE and $is_link TRUE.
     * @param bool $is_link
     *   Whether or not symlinking should be used.
    protected static function scaffoldAppendTestValuesToPermute($is_link) : array {
        return [
                '# robots.txt fixture scaffolded from "file-mappings" in drupal-drupal-test-append composer.json fixture.
# This content is prepended to the top of the existing robots.txt fixture.
# ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

# Test version of robots.txt from drupal/core.

# ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
# This content is appended to the bottom of the existing robots.txt fixture.
# robots.txt fixture scaffolded from "file-mappings" in drupal-drupal-test-append composer.json fixture.
                'Prepend to [web-root]/robots.txt from assets/prepend-to-robots.txt',
                '# robots.txt fixture scaffolded from "file-mappings" in drupal-drupal-append-to-append composer.json fixture.
# This content is prepended to the top of the existing robots.txt fixture.
# ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

# Test version of robots.txt from drupal/core.

# ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
# This content is appended to the bottom of the existing robots.txt fixture.
# robots.txt fixture scaffolded from "file-mappings" in profile-with-append composer.json fixture.

# ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
# This content is appended to the bottom of the existing robots.txt fixture.
# robots.txt fixture scaffolded from "file-mappings" in drupal-drupal-append-to-append composer.json fixture.',
                'Append to [web-root]/robots.txt from assets/append-to-robots.txt',
     * Tests a fixture where the robots.txt file is prepended / appended to.
     * @param string $fixture_name
     *   The name of the fixture to use from
     *   core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Component/Scaffold/fixtures.
     * @param bool $is_link
     *   Whether or not symlinking should be used.
     * @param string $scaffold_file_path
     *   Relative path to the scaffold file target we are testing.
     * @param string $scaffold_file_contents
     *   A string expected to be contained inside the scaffold file we are
     *   testing.
     * @param string $scaffoldOutputContains
     *   A string expected to be contained in the scaffold command output.
     * @dataProvider scaffoldAppendTestValues
    public function testDrupalDrupalFileWasAppended(string $fixture_name, bool $is_link, string $scaffold_file_path, string $scaffold_file_contents, string $scaffoldOutputContains) : void {
        $result = $this->scaffoldSut($fixture_name, $is_link, FALSE);
        $this->assertStringContainsString($scaffoldOutputContains, $result->scaffoldOutput());
        $this->assertScaffoldedFile($result->docroot() . '/' . $scaffold_file_path, FALSE, $scaffold_file_contents);
        $this->assertCommonDrupalAssetsWereScaffolded($result->docroot(), $is_link);
     * Asserts that the default settings file was overridden by the test.
     * @param string $docroot
     *   The path to the System-under-Test's docroot.
     * @param bool $is_link
     *   Whether or not symlinking is used.
     * @internal
    protected function assertDefaultSettingsFromScaffoldOverride(string $docroot, bool $is_link) : void {
        $this->assertScaffoldedFile($docroot . '/sites/default/default.settings.php', $is_link, 'scaffolded from the scaffold-override-fixture');
     * Asserts that the .htaccess file was excluded by the test.
     * @param string $docroot
     *   The path to the System-under-Test's docroot.
     * @internal
    protected function assertHtaccessExcluded(string $docroot) : void {
        // Ensure that the .htaccess.txt file was not written, as our
        // top-level composer.json excludes it from the files to scaffold.
        $this->assertFileDoesNotExist($docroot . '/.htaccess');
     * Asserts that the scaffold files from drupal/assets are placed as expected.
     * This tests that all assets from drupal/assets were scaffolded, save
     * for .htaccess, robots.txt and default.settings.php, which are scaffolded
     * in different ways in different tests.
     * @param string $docroot
     *   The path to the System-under-Test's docroot.
     * @param bool $is_link
     *   Whether or not symlinking is used.
     * @internal
    protected function assertCommonDrupalAssetsWereScaffolded(string $docroot, bool $is_link) : void {
        // Assert scaffold files are written in the correct locations.
        $this->assertScaffoldedFile($docroot . '/.csslintrc', $is_link, 'Test version of .csslintrc from drupal/core.');
        $this->assertScaffoldedFile($docroot . '/.editorconfig', $is_link, 'Test version of .editorconfig from drupal/core.');
        $this->assertScaffoldedFile($docroot . '/.eslintignore', $is_link, 'Test version of .eslintignore from drupal/core.');
        $this->assertScaffoldedFile($docroot . '/.eslintrc.json', $is_link, 'Test version of .eslintrc.json from drupal/core.');
        $this->assertScaffoldedFile($docroot . '/.gitattributes', $is_link, 'Test version of .gitattributes from drupal/core.');
        $this->assertScaffoldedFile($docroot . '/.ht.router.php', $is_link, 'Test version of .ht.router.php from drupal/core.');
        $this->assertScaffoldedFile($docroot . '/sites/default/', $is_link, 'Test version of from drupal/core.');
        $this->assertScaffoldedFile($docroot . '/sites/example.settings.local.php', $is_link, 'Test version of example.settings.local.php from drupal/core.');
        $this->assertScaffoldedFile($docroot . '/sites/example.sites.php', $is_link, 'Test version of example.sites.php from drupal/core.');
        $this->assertScaffoldedFile($docroot . '/index.php', $is_link, 'Test version of index.php from drupal/core.');
        $this->assertScaffoldedFile($docroot . '/update.php', $is_link, 'Test version of update.php from drupal/core.');
     * Assert that the autoload file was scaffolded and contains correct path.
     * @param string $docroot
     *   Location of the doc root, where autoload.php should be written.
     * @param bool $relocated_docroot
     *   Whether the document root is relocated or now.
     * @internal
    protected function assertAutoloadFileCorrect(string $docroot, bool $relocated_docroot = FALSE) : void {
        $autoload_path = $docroot . '/autoload.php';
        // Ensure that the autoload.php file was written.
        $contents = file_get_contents($autoload_path);
        $expected = "return require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';";
        if ($relocated_docroot) {
            $expected = "return require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';";
        $this->assertStringContainsString($expected, $contents);



Title Deprecated Summary
ScaffoldTest Tests Composer Scaffold.

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