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tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Core/ Render/ BubbleableMetadataTest.php
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declare (strict_types=1);
namespace Drupal\Tests\Core\Render;
use Drupal\Core\Cache\Cache;
use Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheableMetadata;
use Drupal\Core\Render\BubbleableMetadata;
use Drupal\Tests\UnitTestCase;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
* @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\Core\Render\BubbleableMetadata
* @group Render
class BubbleableMetadataTest extends UnitTestCase {
* Tests merge().
* This only tests at a high level, because it reuses existing logic. Detailed
* tests exist for the existing logic:
* @see \Drupal\Tests\Core\Cache\CacheTest::testMergeTags()
* @see \Drupal\Tests\Core\Cache\CacheTest::testMergeMaxAges()
* @see \Drupal\Tests\Core\Cache\CacheContextsTest
* @see \Drupal\Tests\Core\Render\RendererPlaceholdersTest
* @see testMergeAttachmentsLibraryMerging()
* @see testMergeAttachmentsFeedMerging()
* @see testMergeAttachmentsHtmlHeadMerging()
* @see testMergeAttachmentsHtmlHeadLinkMerging()
* @see testMergeAttachmentsHttpHeaderMerging()
* @covers ::merge
* @dataProvider providerTestMerge
public function testMerge(BubbleableMetadata $a, CacheableMetadata $b, BubbleableMetadata $expected) : void {
// Verify that if the second operand is a CacheableMetadata object, not a
// BubbleableMetadata object, that BubbleableMetadata::merge() doesn't
// attempt to merge assets.
if (!$b instanceof BubbleableMetadata) {
$renderer = $this->getMockBuilder('Drupal\\Core\\Render\\Renderer')
else {
$renderer = $this->getMockBuilder('Drupal\\Core\\Render\\Renderer')
$cache_contexts_manager = $this->getMockBuilder('Drupal\\Core\\Cache\\Context\\CacheContextsManager')
$container = new ContainerBuilder();
$container->set('cache_contexts_manager', $cache_contexts_manager);
$container->set('renderer', $renderer);
$this->assertEqualsCanonicalizing($expected, $a->merge($b));
* Provides test data for testMerge().
* @return array
public static function providerTestMerge() {
return [
// Second operand is a BubbleableMetadata object.
// All empty.
new BubbleableMetadata(),
new BubbleableMetadata(),
new BubbleableMetadata(),
// Cache contexts.
(new BubbleableMetadata())->setCacheContexts([
(new BubbleableMetadata())->setCacheContexts([
(new BubbleableMetadata())->setCacheContexts([
// Cache tags.
(new BubbleableMetadata())->setCacheTags([
(new BubbleableMetadata())->setCacheTags([
(new BubbleableMetadata())->setCacheTags([
// Cache max-ages.
(new BubbleableMetadata())->setCacheMaxAge(60),
(new BubbleableMetadata())->setCacheMaxAge(Cache::PERMANENT),
(new BubbleableMetadata())->setCacheMaxAge(60),
// Assets.
(new BubbleableMetadata())->setAttachments([
'library' => [
(new BubbleableMetadata())->setAttachments([
'library' => [
(new BubbleableMetadata())->setAttachments([
'library' => [
// Placeholders.
(new BubbleableMetadata())->setAttachments([
'placeholders' => [
'<my-placeholder>' => [
(new BubbleableMetadata())->setAttachments([
'placeholders' => [
'<my-placeholder>' => [
(new BubbleableMetadata())->setAttachments([
'placeholders' => [
'<my-placeholder>' => [
// Second operand is a CacheableMetadata object.
// All empty.
new BubbleableMetadata(),
new CacheableMetadata(),
new BubbleableMetadata(),
// Cache contexts.
(new BubbleableMetadata())->setCacheContexts([
(new CacheableMetadata())->setCacheContexts([
(new BubbleableMetadata())->setCacheContexts([
// Cache tags.
(new BubbleableMetadata())->setCacheTags([
(new CacheableMetadata())->setCacheTags([
(new BubbleableMetadata())->setCacheTags([
// Cache max-ages.
(new BubbleableMetadata())->setCacheMaxAge(60),
(new CacheableMetadata())->setCacheMaxAge(Cache::PERMANENT),
(new BubbleableMetadata())->setCacheMaxAge(60),
* Tests addAttachments().
* This only tests at a high level, because it reuses existing logic. Detailed
* tests exist for the existing logic:
* @see testMergeAttachmentsLibraryMerging()
* @see testMergeAttachmentsFeedMerging()
* @see testMergeAttachmentsHtmlHeadMerging()
* @see testMergeAttachmentsHtmlHeadLinkMerging()
* @see testMergeAttachmentsHttpHeaderMerging()
* @covers ::addAttachments
* @covers ::setAttachments
* @dataProvider providerTestAddAttachments
public function testAddAttachments(BubbleableMetadata $initial, $attachments, BubbleableMetadata $expected) : void {
$test = $initial;
$this->assertEquals($expected, $test);
* Provides test data for testAddAttachments().
public static function providerTestAddAttachments() {
return [
new BubbleableMetadata(),
new BubbleableMetadata(),
new BubbleableMetadata(),
'library' => [
(new BubbleableMetadata())->setAttachments([
'library' => [
(new BubbleableMetadata())->setAttachments([
'library' => [
'library' => [
(new BubbleableMetadata())->setAttachments([
'library' => [
* @covers ::applyTo
* @dataProvider providerTestApplyTo
public function testApplyTo(BubbleableMetadata $metadata, array $render_array, array $expected) : void {
$this->assertEquals($expected, $render_array);
* Provides test data for testApplyTo().
* @return array
public static function providerTestApplyTo() {
$data = [];
$empty_metadata = new BubbleableMetadata();
$nonempty_metadata = new BubbleableMetadata();
'settings' => [
'foo' => 'bar',
$empty_render_array = [];
$nonempty_render_array = [
'#cache' => [
'contexts' => [
'tags' => [
'max-age' => Cache::PERMANENT,
'#attached' => [
'library' => [
$expected_when_empty_metadata = [
'#cache' => [
'contexts' => [],
'tags' => [],
'max-age' => Cache::PERMANENT,
'#attached' => [],
$data[] = [
$data[] = [
$expected_when_nonempty_metadata = [
'#cache' => [
'contexts' => [
'tags' => [
'max-age' => Cache::PERMANENT,
'#attached' => [
'settings' => [
'foo' => 'bar',
$data[] = [
$data[] = [
return $data;
* @covers ::createFromRenderArray
* @dataProvider providerTestCreateFromRenderArray
public function testCreateFromRenderArray(array $render_array, BubbleableMetadata $expected) : void {
$this->assertEquals($expected, BubbleableMetadata::createFromRenderArray($render_array));
* Provides test data for createFromRenderArray().
* @return array
public static function providerTestCreateFromRenderArray() {
$data = [];
$empty_metadata = new BubbleableMetadata();
$nonempty_metadata = new BubbleableMetadata();
'settings' => [
'foo' => 'bar',
$empty_render_array = [];
$nonempty_render_array = [
'#cache' => [
'contexts' => [
'tags' => [
'max-age' => Cache::PERMANENT,
'#attached' => [
'settings' => [
'foo' => 'bar',
$data[] = [
$data[] = [
return $data;
* Tests library asset merging.
* @covers ::mergeAttachments
public function testMergeAttachmentsLibraryMerging() : void {
$a['#attached'] = [
'library' => [
'drupalSettings' => [
'foo' => [
$b['#attached'] = [
'library' => [
'drupalSettings' => [
'bar' => [
$expected['#attached'] = [
'library' => [
'drupalSettings' => [
'foo' => [
'bar' => [
$this->assertSame($expected['#attached'], BubbleableMetadata::mergeAttachments($a['#attached'], $b['#attached']), 'Attachments merged correctly.');
// Merging in the opposite direction yields the opposite library order.
$expected['#attached'] = [
'library' => [
'drupalSettings' => [
'bar' => [
'foo' => [
$this->assertSame($expected['#attached'], BubbleableMetadata::mergeAttachments($b['#attached'], $a['#attached']), 'Attachments merged correctly; opposite merging yields opposite order.');
// Merging with duplicates: duplicates are simply retained, it's up to the
// rest of the system to handle duplicates.
$b['#attached']['library'][] = 'core/drupalSettings';
$expected['#attached'] = [
'library' => [
'drupalSettings' => [
'foo' => [
'bar' => [
$this->assertSame($expected['#attached'], BubbleableMetadata::mergeAttachments($a['#attached'], $b['#attached']), 'Attachments merged correctly; duplicates are retained.');
// Merging with duplicates (simple case).
$b['#attached']['drupalSettings']['foo'] = [
$expected['#attached'] = [
'library' => [
'drupalSettings' => [
'foo' => [
'bar' => [
$this->assertSame($expected['#attached'], BubbleableMetadata::mergeAttachments($a['#attached'], $b['#attached']));
// Merging with duplicates (simple case) in the opposite direction yields
// the opposite JS setting asset order, but also opposite overriding order.
$expected['#attached'] = [
'library' => [
'drupalSettings' => [
'bar' => [
'foo' => [
$this->assertSame($expected['#attached'], BubbleableMetadata::mergeAttachments($b['#attached'], $a['#attached']));
// Merging with duplicates: complex case.
// Only the second of these two entries should appear in drupalSettings.
$build = [];
$build['a']['#attached']['drupalSettings']['commonTest'] = 'firstValue';
$build['b']['#attached']['drupalSettings']['commonTest'] = 'secondValue';
// Only the second of these entries should appear in drupalSettings.
$build['a']['#attached']['drupalSettings']['commonTestJsArrayLiteral'] = [
$build['b']['#attached']['drupalSettings']['commonTestJsArrayLiteral'] = [
// Only the second of these two entries should appear in drupalSettings.
$build['a']['#attached']['drupalSettings']['commonTestJsObjectLiteral'] = [
'key' => 'firstValue',
$build['b']['#attached']['drupalSettings']['commonTestJsObjectLiteral'] = [
'key' => 'secondValue',
// Real world test case: multiple elements in a render array are adding the
// same (or nearly the same) JavaScript settings. When merged, they should
// contain all settings and not duplicate some settings.
$settings_one = [
'moduleName' => [
'ui' => [
'button A',
'button B',
'magical flag' => 3.14159265359,
$build['a']['#attached']['drupalSettings']['commonTestRealWorldIdentical'] = $settings_one;
$build['b']['#attached']['drupalSettings']['commonTestRealWorldIdentical'] = $settings_one;
$settings_two_a = [
'moduleName' => [
'ui' => [
'button A',
'button B',
'button C',
'magical flag' => 3.14159265359,
'thingiesOnPage' => [
'id1' => [],
$build['a']['#attached']['drupalSettings']['commonTestRealWorldAlmostIdentical'] = $settings_two_a;
$settings_two_b = [
'moduleName' => [
'ui' => [
'button D',
'button E',
'magical flag' => 3.14,
'thingiesOnPage' => [
'id2' => [],
$build['b']['#attached']['drupalSettings']['commonTestRealWorldAlmostIdentical'] = $settings_two_b;
$merged = BubbleableMetadata::mergeAttachments($build['a']['#attached'], $build['b']['#attached']);
// Test whether #attached can be used to override a previous setting.
$this->assertSame('secondValue', $merged['drupalSettings']['commonTest']);
// Test whether #attached can be used to add and override a JavaScript
// array literal (an indexed PHP array) values.
$this->assertSame('secondValue', $merged['drupalSettings']['commonTestJsArrayLiteral'][0]);
// Test whether #attached can be used to add and override a JavaScript
// object literal (an associate PHP array) values.
$this->assertSame('secondValue', $merged['drupalSettings']['commonTestJsObjectLiteral']['key']);
// Test whether the two real world cases are handled correctly: the first
// adds the exact same settings twice and hence tests idempotency, the
// second adds *almost* the same settings twice: the second time, some
// values are altered, and some key-value pairs are added.
$this->assertSame($settings_one, $merged['drupalSettings']['commonTestRealWorldIdentical']);
$expected_settings_two = $settings_two_a;
$expected_settings_two['moduleName']['thingiesOnPage']['id1'] = [];
$expected_settings_two['moduleName']['ui'][0] = 'button D';
$expected_settings_two['moduleName']['ui'][1] = 'button E';
$expected_settings_two['moduleName']['ui'][2] = 'button C';
$expected_settings_two['moduleName']['magical flag'] = 3.14;
$expected_settings_two['moduleName']['thingiesOnPage']['id2'] = [];
$this->assertSame($expected_settings_two, $merged['drupalSettings']['commonTestRealWorldAlmostIdentical']);
* Tests html_head asset merging.
* @covers ::mergeAttachments
* @dataProvider providerTestMergeAttachmentsHtmlHeadMerging
public function testMergeAttachmentsHtmlHeadMerging($a, $b, $expected) : void {
$this->assertSame($expected, BubbleableMetadata::mergeAttachments($a, $b));
* Data provider for testMergeAttachmentsHtmlHeadMerging.
* @return array
public static function providerTestMergeAttachmentsHtmlHeadMerging() {
$meta = [
'#tag' => 'meta',
'#attributes' => [
'charset' => 'utf-8',
'#weight' => -1000,
$html_tag = [
'#type' => 'html_tag',
'#tag' => 'meta',
'#attributes' => [
'name' => 'Generator',
'content' => 'Kitten 1.0 (https://www.drupal.org/project/kitten)',
$a = [
'html_head' => [
$b = [
'html_head' => [
$expected_a = [
'html_head' => [
// Merging in the opposite direction yields the opposite library order.
$expected_b = [
'html_head' => [
return [
* Tests html_head_link asset merging.
* @covers ::mergeAttachments
* @dataProvider providerTestMergeAttachmentsHtmlHeadLinkMerging
public function testMergeAttachmentsHtmlHeadLinkMerging($a, $b, $expected) : void {
$this->assertSame($expected, BubbleableMetadata::mergeAttachments($a, $b));
* Data provider for testMergeAttachmentsHtmlHeadLinkMerging.
* @return array
public static function providerTestMergeAttachmentsHtmlHeadLinkMerging() {
$rel = [
'rel' => 'rel',
'href' => 'http://rel.example.com',
$shortlink = [
'rel' => 'shortlink',
'href' => 'http://shortlink.example.com',
$a = [
'html_head_link' => [
$b = [
'html_head_link' => [
$expected_a = [
'html_head_link' => [
// Merging in the opposite direction yields the opposite library order.
$expected_b = [
'html_head_link' => [
return [
* Tests http_header asset merging.
* @covers ::mergeAttachments
* @dataProvider providerTestMergeAttachmentsHttpHeaderMerging
public function testMergeAttachmentsHttpHeaderMerging($a, $b, $expected) : void {
$this->assertSame($expected, BubbleableMetadata::mergeAttachments($a, $b));
* Data provider for testMergeAttachmentsHttpHeaderMerging.
* @return array
public static function providerTestMergeAttachmentsHttpHeaderMerging() {
$content_type = [
'application/rss+xml; charset=utf-8',
$expires = [
'Sun, 19 Nov 1978 05:00:00 GMT',
$a = [
'http_header' => [
$b = [
'http_header' => [
$expected_a = [
'http_header' => [
// Merging in the opposite direction yields the opposite library order.
$expected_b = [
'http_header' => [
return [
* Tests addCacheableDependency().
* This only tests at a high level, because it reuses existing logic. Detailed
* tests exist for the existing logic:
* @see \Drupal\Tests\Core\Cache\CacheTest::testMergeTags()
* @see \Drupal\Tests\Core\Cache\CacheTest::testMergeMaxAges()
* @see \Drupal\Tests\Core\Cache\CacheContextsTest
* @covers ::addCacheableDependency
* @dataProvider providerTestMerge
public function testAddCacheableDependency(BubbleableMetadata $a, $b, BubbleableMetadata $expected) : void {
$cache_contexts_manager = $this->getMockBuilder('Drupal\\Core\\Cache\\Context\\CacheContextsManager')
$container = new ContainerBuilder();
$container->set('cache_contexts_manager', $cache_contexts_manager);
$this->assertEqualsCanonicalizing($expected, $a->addCacheableDependency($b));
* Provides test data for testMerge().
* @return array
public function providerTestAddCacheableDependency() {
return [
// Merge in a cacheable metadata.
'merge-cacheable-metadata' => [
(new BubbleableMetadata())->setCacheContexts([
(new CacheableMetadata())->setCacheContexts([
(new BubbleableMetadata())->setCacheContexts([
'merge-bubbleable-metadata' => [
(new BubbleableMetadata())->setCacheContexts([
'foo' => [],
(new BubbleableMetadata())->setCacheContexts([
'bar' => [],
(new BubbleableMetadata())->setCacheContexts([
'foo' => [],
'bar' => [],
'merge-attachments-metadata' => [
(new BubbleableMetadata())->setAttachments([
'foo' => [],
(new BubbleableMetadata())->setAttachments([
'bar' => [],
(new BubbleableMetadata())->setAttachments([
'foo' => [],
'bar' => [],
Title | Deprecated | Summary |
BubbleableMetadataTest | @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\Core\Render\BubbleableMetadata @group Render |
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