function IconFinderTest::providerGetFilesFromSourcesPath

Data provider for ::testGetFilesFromSourcesPath().

Return value

\Generator The test cases, to minimize test data, result expected is an array with:

  • icon_id: the expected id
  • path: expected path found relative to TEST_ICONS_PATH
  • group: The group name if any


core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Core/Theme/Icon/IconFinderTest.php, line 190


@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\Core\Theme\Icon\IconFinder




public static function providerGetFilesFromSourcesPath() : iterable {
    (yield 'path empty' => [
    (yield 'direct file without path' => [
    (yield 'direct file without extension' => [
    (yield 'direct file without extension wildcard' => [
    (yield 'direct file with wildcard and extension' => [
    (yield 'direct file with wildcard only' => [
    (yield 'direct file with wildcards' => [
    (yield 'path valid' => [
    (yield 'absolute path valid' => [
            '/' . self::TEST_ICONS_PATH . '/icons/flat/foo.png',
    (yield 'path not allowed extension' => [
            // File exist but not valid extension.
            // Non existent file.
    (yield 'path without extension' => [
    (yield 'path wildcard extension' => [
    (yield 'path wildcard filename' => [
    (yield 'path wildcard increment filename' => [
    (yield 'path wildcard filename with extension' => [
    (yield 'path wildcard' => [
    (yield 'mix wildcard and extensions' => [
    (yield 'path group no result' => [
    (yield 'path with folder wildcard' => [
    (yield 'path sub group wildcard' => [
    (yield 'path sub group wildcard partial and filename' => [
    (yield 'path sub group multiple wildcard folder and filename' => [
    // Start tests for the {group} placeholder.
    (yield 'path with {group} extracted' => [
    (yield 'test group extracted wildcard after' => [
    (yield 'test group extracted wildcard before' => [
    (yield 'test group extracted wildcard both' => [
    (yield 'test group same name' => [
    // Start tests for the {icon_id} placeholder.
    (yield 'direct file with icon_id' => [
    (yield 'direct file with icon_id and extension' => [
    (yield 'direct file with icon_id and extension wildcard' => [
    (yield 'direct file with icon_id and wildcard after' => [
    (yield 'direct file with icon_id and wildcard before' => [
    (yield 'direct file with icon_id and wildcard around' => [
    (yield 'direct file with icon_id and wildcard around and prefix' => [
    (yield 'direct file with icon_id and wildcard around and suffix' => [
    (yield 'direct file with icon_id and wildcard around and prefix and suffix' => [
    (yield 'test icon_id extracted' => [
    (yield 'test icon_id extracted prefix' => [
    (yield 'test icon_id extracted suffix' => [
    (yield 'test icon_id extracted both' => [
    (yield 'test icon_id extracted with group' => [
    (yield 'test icon_id extracted with group and wildcard' => [
    (yield 'path {icon_id} partial extracted wildcard extension' => [

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