class IconFinderTest

@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\Core\Theme\Icon\IconFinder

@group icon


Expanded class hierarchy of IconFinderTest


core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Core/Theme/Icon/IconFinderTest.php, line 18


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class IconFinderTest extends UnitTestCase {
    private const TEST_ICONS_PATH = 'core/modules/system/tests/modules/icon_test';
    private const TEST_RELATIVE_URL = 'foo/bar';
     * The file url generator instance.
     * @var \Drupal\Core\File\FileUrlGeneratorInterface|\PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject
    private FileUrlGeneratorInterface $fileUrlGenerator;
     * The logger service instance.
     * @var \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface|\PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject
    private LoggerInterface $logger;
     * The IconFinder instance.
     * @var \Drupal\Core\Theme\Icon\IconFinder
    private IconFinder $iconFinder;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function setUp() : void {
        $this->fileUrlGenerator = $this->getMockBuilder('Drupal\\Core\\File\\FileUrlGeneratorInterface')
        $this->logger = $this->createMock(LoggerInterface::class);
        $this->iconFinder = new IconFinder($this->fileUrlGenerator, $this->logger, DRUPAL_ROOT);
     * Data provider for ::testGetFilesFromSourcesUrl().
     * @return \Generator
     *   The test cases, with expected result as icon_id.
    public static function providerGetFilesFromSourcesUrl() : iterable {
        (yield 'empty sources' => [
        (yield 'url valid' => [
                'foo' => '',
                'bar' => '',
                'FoO! BaR=(1) iCo-n' => '',
        (yield 'url encoded' => [
                'FoO! BaR=(1) iCo-n' => '',
        (yield 'url not encoded' => [
                ' folder ù/FoO_Ba,R=(1) iCo-n.png?test=fOO#bAz',
                'FoO_Ba,R=(1) iCo-n' => ' folder ù/FoO_Ba,R=(1) iCo-n.png?test=fOO#bAz',
        (yield 'url valid with duplicate' => [
                'foo' => '',
                'bar' => '',
        (yield 'url no extension' => [
                ' folder ù/FoO BaR=(1) iCo-n?test=fOO#bAz',
                'foo' => '',
                'FoO BaR=(1) iCo-n' => ' folder ù/FoO BaR=(1) iCo-n?test=fOO#bAz',
        (yield 'url valid with special filename' => [
                ' (è$ù5 6*$^ _ ù48 \'Bar\']=-n!.png',
                'foo (è$ù5 6*$^ _ ù48 \'Bar\']=-n!' => ' (è$ù5 6*$^ _ ù48 \'Bar\']=-n!.png',
        // Test invalid scheme and empty path.
        (yield 'url not supported scheme or path is invalid' => [
     * Test the IconFinder::getFilesFromSources method with urls.
     * @param array<string> $sources
     *   The list of remote.
     * @param array<string, string> $expected
     *   The expected result.
     * @dataProvider providerGetFilesFromSourcesUrl
    public function testGetFilesFromSourcesUrl(array $sources, array $expected = []) : void {
        $result = $this->iconFinder
            ->getFilesFromSources($sources, '');
        // Prepare result array matching getFileFromHttpUrl() to minimize test data.
        $expected_result = [];
        foreach ($expected as $expected_icon_id => $expected_source) {
            $expected_result[$expected_icon_id] = [
                'icon_id' => $expected_icon_id,
                'source' => $expected_source,
                'absolute_path' => $expected_source,
        $this->assertEquals($expected_result, $result);
     * Data provider for ::testGetFilesFromSourcesPath().
     * @return \Generator
     *   The test cases, to minimize test data, result expected is an array with:
     *   - icon_id: the expected id
     *   - path: expected path found relative to TEST_ICONS_PATH
     *   - group: The group name if any
    public static function providerGetFilesFromSourcesPath() : iterable {
        (yield 'path empty' => [
        (yield 'direct file without path' => [
        (yield 'direct file without extension' => [
        (yield 'direct file without extension wildcard' => [
        (yield 'direct file with wildcard and extension' => [
        (yield 'direct file with wildcard only' => [
        (yield 'direct file with wildcards' => [
        (yield 'path valid' => [
        (yield 'absolute path valid' => [
                '/' . self::TEST_ICONS_PATH . '/icons/flat/foo.png',
        (yield 'path not allowed extension' => [
                // File exist but not valid extension.
                // Non existent file.
        (yield 'path without extension' => [
        (yield 'path wildcard extension' => [
        (yield 'path wildcard filename' => [
        (yield 'path wildcard increment filename' => [
        (yield 'path wildcard filename with extension' => [
        (yield 'path wildcard' => [
        (yield 'mix wildcard and extensions' => [
        (yield 'path group no result' => [
        (yield 'path with folder wildcard' => [
        (yield 'path sub group wildcard' => [
        (yield 'path sub group wildcard partial and filename' => [
        (yield 'path sub group multiple wildcard folder and filename' => [
        // Start tests for the {group} placeholder.
        (yield 'path with {group} extracted' => [
        (yield 'test group extracted wildcard after' => [
        (yield 'test group extracted wildcard before' => [
        (yield 'test group extracted wildcard both' => [
        (yield 'test group same name' => [
        // Start tests for the {icon_id} placeholder.
        (yield 'direct file with icon_id' => [
        (yield 'direct file with icon_id and extension' => [
        (yield 'direct file with icon_id and extension wildcard' => [
        (yield 'direct file with icon_id and wildcard after' => [
        (yield 'direct file with icon_id and wildcard before' => [
        (yield 'direct file with icon_id and wildcard around' => [
        (yield 'direct file with icon_id and wildcard around and prefix' => [
        (yield 'direct file with icon_id and wildcard around and suffix' => [
        (yield 'direct file with icon_id and wildcard around and prefix and suffix' => [
        (yield 'test icon_id extracted' => [
        (yield 'test icon_id extracted prefix' => [
        (yield 'test icon_id extracted suffix' => [
        (yield 'test icon_id extracted both' => [
        (yield 'test icon_id extracted with group' => [
        (yield 'test icon_id extracted with group and wildcard' => [
        (yield 'path {icon_id} partial extracted wildcard extension' => [
     * Test the IconFinder::getFilesFromSources method with paths.
     * @param array<string> $sources
     *   The list of remote.
     * @param array<string, string> $expected
     *   The expected result.
     * @dataProvider providerGetFilesFromSourcesPath
    public function testGetFilesFromSourcesPath(array $sources, array $expected = []) : void {
            ->willReturnCallback(function ($uri) {
            return self::TEST_RELATIVE_URL . $uri;
        $result = $this->iconFinder
            ->getFilesFromSources($sources, self::TEST_ICONS_PATH);
        // Prepare result array matching processFoundFiles() to minimize test data.
        $expected_result = [];
        foreach ($expected as $key => $expected_value) {
            $icon_id = $expected[$key][0];
            $filename = $expected[$key][1];
            $group = $expected[$key][2] ?? NULL;
            $expected_result[$icon_id] = [
                'icon_id' => $icon_id,
                'source' => self::TEST_RELATIVE_URL . '/' . self::TEST_ICONS_PATH . '/' . $filename,
                'absolute_path' => DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . self::TEST_ICONS_PATH . '/' . $filename,
                'group' => $group,
        $this->assertEqualsCanonicalizing($expected_result, $result);
     * Test the IconFinder::getFilesFromPath method with warning.
    public function testGetFilesFromPathEmptyWarning() : void {
        $method = new \ReflectionMethod(IconFinder::class, 'getFilesFromPath');
            ->with('Invalid icon path extension @filename.@extension in source: @source');
        $method->invoke($this->iconFinder, self::TEST_ICONS_PATH . '/icons/flat/foo.webp', '');
     * Test the IconFinder::getFilesFromPath method with warning.
    public function testGetFilesFromPathInvalidExtensionWarning() : void {
        $method = new \ReflectionMethod(IconFinder::class, 'getFilesFromPath');
        $method->invoke($this->iconFinder, self::TEST_ICONS_PATH . '/icons/empty/*.svg', '');
     * Test the IconFinder::getFileFromUrl method with warning.
    public function testGetFileFromUrlWarning() : void {
        $method = new \ReflectionMethod(IconFinder::class, 'getFileFromUrl');
            ->with('Invalid icon source: @source');
        $method->invoke($this->iconFinder, 'invalid_scheme', '', '');
     * Test the IconFinder::findFiles method with warning with invalid path.
    public function testFindFilesWarning() : void {
        $method = new \ReflectionMethod(IconFinder::class, 'findFiles');
            ->with('Invalid icon path in source: @source');
        $method->invoke($this->iconFinder, 'invalid_path', '*');
     * Test the IconFinder::findFiles method with warning when no icons found.
    public function testFindFilesEmptyWarning() : void {
        $method = new \ReflectionMethod(IconFinder::class, 'findFiles');
        $method->invoke($this->iconFinder, self::TEST_ICONS_PATH . '/icons/empty', '*.svg');
     * Data provider for ::testExtractIconIdFromFilename().
     * @return \Generator
     *   The test cases.
    public static function providerExtractIconIdFromFilename() : iterable {
        (yield 'no pattern' => [
            'foo bar baz',
            'foo bar baz',
        (yield 'no pattern and wildcard' => [
        (yield 'simple pattern' => [
            'foo bar baz',
            'foo {icon_id} baz',
        (yield 'simple pattern and wildcard included' => [
        (yield 'wrong pattern' => [
            'foo bar baz',
            'foo {ico_id} baz',
            'foo bar baz',
        (yield 'pattern with special chars' => [
            'foO1o,-O 5 (B,ar)_b-az',
            'O1o,-O 5 (B,ar)_b-',
     * Test the IconFinder::extractIconIdFromFilename method.
     * @param string $filename
     *   The filename found to match against.
     * @param string $filename_pattern
     *   The path with {icon_id}.
     * @param string $expected
     *   The expected result.
     * @dataProvider providerExtractIconIdFromFilename
    public function testExtractIconIdFromFilename(string $filename, string $filename_pattern, string $expected) : void {
        $method = new \ReflectionMethod(IconFinder::class, 'extractIconIdFromFilename');
        $this->assertEquals($expected, $method->invoke($this->iconFinder, $filename, $filename_pattern));
     * Test the IconFinder::extractIconIdFromFilename method with failing pattern.
    public function testExtractIconIdFromFilenameWarning() : void {
        $method = new \ReflectionMethod(IconFinder::class, 'extractIconIdFromFilename');
        // PHPUnit 10 cannot expect warnings, so we have to catch them ourselves.
        // Thanks to: Drupal\Tests\Component\PhpStorage\FileStorageTest.
        $messages = [];
        set_error_handler(function (int $errno, string $errstr) use (&$messages) : void {
            $messages[] = [
        $method->invoke($this->iconFinder, 'foo*bar*baz', 'foo*{icon_id}*baz');
        $this->assertCount(1, $messages);
        $this->assertSame(E_WARNING, $messages[0][0]);
        $this->assertSame('preg_match(): Compilation failed: quantifier does not follow a repeatable item at offset 19', $messages[0][1]);
     * Data provider for ::testGetFileContents().
     * @return array
     *   The test cases as uri and expected valid.
    public static function providerGetFileContents() : array {
        return [
            'valid local file' => [
                DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . self::TEST_ICONS_PATH . '/icons/flat/foo.svg',
            'do not exist' => [
                DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . self::TEST_ICONS_PATH . '/icons/do/not/exist.svg',
     * Test the IconFinder::getFileContents method.
     * @param string $uri
     *   The uri to test result.
     * @param bool $expected
     *   The result of the file content is expected or not.
     * @dataProvider providerGetFileContents
    public function testGetFileContents(string $uri, bool $expected) : void {
        if ($expected) {
            $result = $this->iconFinder
            $this->assertEquals(file_get_contents($uri), $result);



Title Sort descending Modifiers Object type Summary Overriden Title
ExpectDeprecationTrait::expectDeprecation public function Adds an expected deprecation.
ExpectDeprecationTrait::getCallableName private static function Returns a callable as a string suitable for inclusion in a message.
ExpectDeprecationTrait::setUpErrorHandler public function Sets up the test error handler.
ExpectDeprecationTrait::tearDownErrorHandler public function Tears down the test error handler.
IconFinderTest::$fileUrlGenerator private property The file url generator instance.
IconFinderTest::$iconFinder private property The IconFinder instance.
IconFinderTest::$logger private property The logger service instance.
IconFinderTest::providerExtractIconIdFromFilename public static function Data provider for ::testExtractIconIdFromFilename().
IconFinderTest::providerGetFileContents public static function Data provider for ::testGetFileContents().
IconFinderTest::providerGetFilesFromSourcesPath public static function Data provider for ::testGetFilesFromSourcesPath().
IconFinderTest::providerGetFilesFromSourcesUrl public static function Data provider for ::testGetFilesFromSourcesUrl().
IconFinderTest::setUp protected function Overrides UnitTestCase::setUp
IconFinderTest::testExtractIconIdFromFilename public function Test the IconFinder::extractIconIdFromFilename method.
IconFinderTest::testExtractIconIdFromFilenameWarning public function Test the IconFinder::extractIconIdFromFilename method with failing pattern.
IconFinderTest::testFindFilesEmptyWarning public function Test the IconFinder::findFiles method with warning when no icons found.
IconFinderTest::testFindFilesWarning public function Test the IconFinder::findFiles method with warning with invalid path.
IconFinderTest::testGetFileContents public function Test the IconFinder::getFileContents method.
IconFinderTest::testGetFileFromUrlWarning public function Test the IconFinder::getFileFromUrl method with warning.
IconFinderTest::testGetFilesFromPathEmptyWarning public function Test the IconFinder::getFilesFromPath method with warning.
IconFinderTest::testGetFilesFromPathInvalidExtensionWarning public function Test the IconFinder::getFilesFromPath method with warning.
IconFinderTest::testGetFilesFromSourcesPath public function Test the IconFinder::getFilesFromSources method with paths.
IconFinderTest::testGetFilesFromSourcesUrl public function Test the IconFinder::getFilesFromSources method with urls.
IconFinderTest::TEST_ICONS_PATH private constant
IconFinderTest::TEST_RELATIVE_URL private constant
RandomGeneratorTrait::getRandomGenerator protected function Gets the random generator for the utility methods.
RandomGeneratorTrait::randomMachineName protected function Generates a unique random string containing letters and numbers.
RandomGeneratorTrait::randomObject public function Generates a random PHP object.
RandomGeneratorTrait::randomString public function Generates a pseudo-random string of ASCII characters of codes 32 to 126.
UnitTestCase::$root protected property The app root.
UnitTestCase::getClassResolverStub protected function Returns a stub class resolver.
UnitTestCase::getConfigFactoryStub public function Returns a stub config factory that behaves according to the passed array.
UnitTestCase::getContainerWithCacheTagsInvalidator protected function Sets up a container with a cache tags invalidator.
UnitTestCase::getStringTranslationStub public function Returns a stub translation manager that just returns the passed string.
UnitTestCase::setUpBeforeClass public static function

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