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tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ PerformanceTestTrait.php
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declare (strict_types=1);
namespace Drupal\Tests;
use Drupal\Core\Database\Event\DatabaseEvent;
use Drupal\performance_test\Cache\CacheTagOperation;
use OpenTelemetry\API\Trace\SpanKind;
use OpenTelemetry\Contrib\Otlp\OtlpHttpTransportFactory;
use OpenTelemetry\Contrib\Otlp\SpanExporter;
use OpenTelemetry\SDK\Trace\SpanProcessor\SimpleSpanProcessor;
use OpenTelemetry\SDK\Trace\TracerProvider;
use OpenTelemetry\SDK\Resource\ResourceInfo;
use OpenTelemetry\SDK\Resource\ResourceInfoFactory;
use OpenTelemetry\SDK\Common\Attribute\Attributes;
use OpenTelemetry\SemConv\ResourceAttributes;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface;
* Provides various methods to aid in collecting performance data during tests.
* @ingroup testing
trait PerformanceTestTrait {
* Helper for ::setUp().
* Resets configuration to be closer to production settings.
* @see \Drupal\Tests\BrowserTestBase::setUp()
private function doSetUpTasks() : void {
->set('css.preprocess', TRUE)
->set('js.preprocess', TRUE)
* Helper for ::installModulesFromClassProperty().
* To use this, override BrowserTestBase::installModulesFromClassProperty()
* and call this helper.
* @see \Drupal\Tests\BrowserTestBase::installModulesFromClassProperty()
private function doInstallModulesFromClassProperty(ContainerInterface $container) {
// Bypass everything that WebDriverTestBase does here to get closer to
// a production configuration.
* Helper for ::getMinkDriverArgs().
* To use this, override BrowserTestBase::getMinkDriverArgs() and call this
* helper.
* @return string
* The JSON encoded driver args with performance logging preferences added.
* @see \Drupal\Tests\BrowserTestBase::getMinkDriverArgs()
private function doGetMinkDriverArgs() : string {
// Add performance logging preferences to the existing driver arguments to
// avoid clobbering anything set via environment variables.
// @see
$parent_driver_args = parent::getMinkDriverArgs();
$driver_args = json_decode($parent_driver_args, TRUE);
$driver_args[1]['goog:loggingPrefs'] = [
'browser' => 'ALL',
'performance' => 'ALL',
'performanceTimeline' => 'ALL',
// Support legacy key.
$driver_args[1]['goog:chromeOptions']['perfLoggingPrefs'] = [
'traceCategories' => 'timeline,devtools.timeline,browser',
return json_encode($driver_args);
* Executes a callable and collects performance data.
* @param callable $callable
* A callable, for example ::drupalGet().
* @param string|null $service_name
* An optional human readable identifier to enable sending traces to an Open
* Telemetry endpoint (if configured).
* @return \Drupal\Tests\PerformanceData
* A PerformanceData value object.
public function collectPerformanceData(callable $callable, ?string $service_name = NULL) : PerformanceData {
// Clear all existing performance logs before collecting new data. This is
// necessary because responses are returned back to tests prior to image
// and asset responses are returning to the browser, and before
// post-response tasks are guaranteed to have run. Assume that if there is
// no performance data logged by the child request within one second, that
// this means everything has finished.
$collection = \Drupal::keyValue('performance_test');
while ($collection->get('performance_test_data')) {
$session = $this->getSession();
$return = $callable();
$performance_data = $this->processChromeDriverPerformanceLogs($service_name);
if (isset($return)) {
$performance_test_data = $collection->get('performance_test_data');
if ($performance_test_data) {
// This property is set by \Drupal\Core\Test\TestSetupTrait and is needed.
if (!isset($this->databasePrefix)) {
throw new \Exception('Cannot log queries without knowing the database prefix.');
// Separate queries into two buckets, one for queries from the cache
// backend, and one for everything else (including those for cache tags).
$cache_get_count = 0;
$cache_set_count = 0;
$cache_delete_count = 0;
$cache_tag_is_valid_count = 0;
$cache_tag_invalidation_count = 0;
$cache_tag_checksum_count = 0;
$cache_tag_lookup_query_args = [];
foreach ($performance_test_data['database_events'] as $event) {
$normalized_query = static::normalizeQuery($event->queryString, $this->databasePrefix);
// Don't log queries from the database cache backend because they're
// logged separately as cache operations.
if (!static::isDatabaseCache($event)) {
static::logQuery($performance_data, $normalized_query, $event->args);
elseif (str_starts_with($normalized_query, 'SELECT "tag", "invalidations" FROM "cachetags"')) {
$cache_tag_lookup_query_args[] = array_values($event->args);
$cache_operations = [];
foreach ($performance_test_data['cache_operations'] as $operation) {
if (in_array($operation['operation'], [
], TRUE)) {
if (!isset($cache_operations['get'][$operation['bin']])) {
$cache_operations['get'][$operation['bin']] = [];
$cache_operations['get'][$operation['bin']][] = $operation['cids'];
elseif (in_array($operation['operation'], [
], TRUE)) {
if (!isset($cache_operations['get'][$operation['bin']])) {
$cache_operations['set'][$operation['bin']] = [];
$cache_operations['set'][$operation['bin']][] = $operation['cids'];
elseif (in_array($operation['operation'], [
], TRUE)) {
if (!isset($cache_operations['delete'][$operation['bin']])) {
$cache_operations['delete'][$operation['bin']] = [];
$cache_operations['delete'][$operation['bin']][] = $operation['cids'];
foreach ($performance_test_data['cache_tag_operations'] as $operation) {
match ($operation['operation']) { CacheTagOperation::GetCurrentChecksum => $cache_tag_checksum_count++,
CacheTagOperation::IsValid => $cache_tag_is_valid_count++,
CacheTagOperation::InvalidateTags => $cache_tag_invalidation_count++,
return $performance_data;
* Logs a query in the performance data.
* @param \Drupal\Tests\PerformanceData $performance_data
* The performance data object to log the query on.
* @param string $query
* The raw query.
* @param array $args
* The query arguments.
protected static function logQuery(PerformanceData $performance_data, string $query, array $args) : void {
// Make queries with random variables invariable.
if (str_starts_with($query, 'INSERT INTO "semaphore"')) {
$args[':db_insert_placeholder_1'] = 'LOCK_ID';
$args[':db_insert_placeholder_2'] = 'EXPIRE';
elseif (str_starts_with($query, 'DELETE FROM "semaphore"')) {
$args[':db_condition_placeholder_1'] = 'LOCK_ID';
elseif (str_starts_with($query, 'SELECT "base_table"."uid" AS "uid", "base_table"."uid" AS "base_table_uid" FROM "users"')) {
$args[':db_condition_placeholder_0'] = 'ACCOUNT_NAME';
elseif (str_starts_with($query, 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS "expression" FROM (SELECT 1 AS "expression" FROM "flood" "f"')) {
$args[':db_condition_placeholder_1'] = 'CLIENT_IP';
$args[':db_condition_placeholder_2'] = 'TIMESTAMP';
elseif (str_starts_with($query, 'UPDATE "users_field_data" SET "login"')) {
$args[':db_update_placeholder_0'] = 'TIMESTAMP';
elseif (str_starts_with($query, 'INSERT INTO "sessions"')) {
$args[':db_insert_placeholder_0'] = 'SESSION_ID';
$args[':db_insert_placeholder_2'] = 'CLIENT_IP';
$args[':db_insert_placeholder_3'] = 'SESSION_DATA';
$args[':db_insert_placeholder_4'] = 'TIMESTAMP';
elseif (str_starts_with($query, 'SELECT "session" FROM "sessions"')) {
$args[':sid'] = 'SESSION_ID';
elseif (str_starts_with($query, 'SELECT 1 AS "expression" FROM "sessions"')) {
$args[':db_condition_placeholder_0'] = 'SESSION_ID';
elseif (str_starts_with($query, 'DELETE FROM "sessions"')) {
$args[':db_condition_placeholder_0'] = 'TIMESTAMP';
elseif (str_starts_with($query, 'INSERT INTO "watchdog"')) {
$args[':db_insert_placeholder_3'] = 'WATCHDOG_DATA';
$args[':db_insert_placeholder_6'] = 'LOCATION';
$args[':db_insert_placeholder_7'] = 'REFERER';
$args[':db_insert_placeholder_8'] = 'CLIENT_IP';
$args[':db_insert_placeholder_9'] = 'TIMESTAMP';
elseif (str_starts_with($query, 'SELECT "name", "route", "fit" FROM "router"')) {
if (preg_match('@/sites/simpletest/(\\d{8})/files/css/(.*)@', $args[':patterns__0'], $matches)) {
$search = [
$replace = [
foreach ($args as $name => $arg) {
if (!is_string($arg)) {
$args[$name] = str_replace($search, $replace, $arg);
elseif (str_starts_with($query, 'SELECT "base_table"."id" AS "id", "base_table"."path" AS "path", "base_table"."alias" AS "alias", "base_table"."langcode" AS "langcode" FROM "path_alias" "base_table"')) {
if (str_contains($args[':db_condition_placeholder_1'], 'files/css')) {
$args[':db_condition_placeholder_1'] = 'CSS_FILE';
elseif (str_starts_with($query, 'SELECT "name", "value" FROM "key_value_expire" WHERE "expire" >')) {
$args[':now'] = 'NOW';
$args[':keys__0'] = 'KEY';
// Inline query arguments and log the query.
$query = str_replace(array_keys($args), array_values(static::quoteQueryArgs($args)), $query);
* Wraps query arguments in double quotes if they're a string.
* @param array $args
* The raw query arguments.
* @return array
* The conditionally quoted query arguments.
protected static function quoteQueryArgs(array $args) : array {
$conditionalQuote = function ($arg) {
return is_int($arg) || is_float($arg) ? $arg : '"' . $arg . '"';
return array_map($conditionalQuote, $args);
* Gets the chromedriver performance log and extracts metrics from it.
* The performance log is cumulative, and is emptied each time it is
* collected. If the log grows to the point it will overflow, it may also be
* emptied resulting in lost messages. There is no specific
* LargestContentfulPaint event, instead there are
* largestContentfulPaint::Candidate events which may be superseded by later
* events. From manual testing none of the core pages result in more than
* two largestContentfulPaint::Candidate events, so we keep looking until
* either two have been sent, or until 30 seconds has passed.
* @todo
* @param string|null $service_name
* An optional human readable identifier so that traces can be grouped
* together.
* @return \Drupal\Tests\PerformanceData
* An instance of the performance data value object.
protected function processChromeDriverPerformanceLogs(?string $service_name) : PerformanceData {
$attempts = 0;
$lcp_count = 0;
$request_count = 0;
$response_count = 0;
$messages = [];
$session = $this->getSession();
while ($attempts <= 30) {
$performance_log = $session->getDriver()
foreach ($performance_log as $entry) {
$decoded = json_decode($entry['message'], TRUE);
$message = $decoded['message'];
if ($message['method'] === 'Tracing.dataCollected' && $message['params']['name'] === 'largestContentfulPaint::Candidate') {
if ($message['method'] === 'Network.requestWillBeSent') {
if ($message['method'] === 'Network.responseReceived') {
$messages[] = $message;
// Performance entries are logged indeterminately since page loading
// varies by request. Chrome returns a response as soon as the HTML page
// has returned to the browser, but CSS, JavaScript, image and AJAX
// requests may all occur after this, and in turn trigger further requests
// and page rendering events, and there is no performance log event for
// the page loading 'finishing' since this is cannot be detected as such.
// Therefore, continue collecting performance data until all of the
// following are true, or until 30 seconds has passed:
// - a largestContentfulPaint::candidate event has been fired
// - all network requests have received a response
// - no new performance log events have been recorded since the last
// iteration.
if ($lcp_count && empty($performance_log) && $request_count === $response_count) {
$performance_data = new PerformanceData();
$this->collectNetworkData($messages, $performance_data);
if (isset($service_name)) {
$this->openTelemetryTracing($messages, $service_name);
return $performance_data;
* Prepares data for assertions.
* @param array $messages
* The chromedriver performance log messages.
* @param \Drupal\Tests\PerformanceData $performance_data
* An instance of the performance data value object.
private function collectNetworkData(array $messages, PerformanceData $performance_data) : void {
$stylesheet_count = 0;
$script_count = 0;
$stylesheet_bytes = 0;
$script_bytes = 0;
$stylesheet_urls = [];
$script_urls = [];
// Collect the CSS and JavaScript responses from the network log build an
// associative array so that if multiple page or AJAX requests have
// requested styles and scripts, only unique files will be counted.
foreach ($messages as $message) {
if ($message['method'] === 'Network.responseReceived') {
if ($message['params']['type'] === 'Stylesheet') {
$url = $message['params']['response']['url'];
$stylesheet_urls[$url] = $url;
if ($message['params']['type'] === 'Script') {
$url = $message['params']['response']['url'];
$script_urls[$url] = $url;
// Get the actual files from disk when calculating filesize, to ensure
// consistency between testing environments. The performance log has
// 'encodedDataLength' for network requests, however in the case that the
// file has already been requested by the browser, this will be the length
// of a HEAD response for 304 not modified or similar. Additionally, core's
// aggregation adds the base path to CSS aggregates, resulting in slightly
// different file sizes depending on whether tests run in a subdirectory or
// not.
foreach ($stylesheet_urls as $url) {
if ($GLOBALS['base_path'] === '/') {
$filename = ltrim(parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH), '/');
$stylesheet_bytes += strlen(file_get_contents($filename));
else {
$filename = str_replace($GLOBALS['base_path'], '', parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH));
// Strip the base path from the contents of the file so that tests
// running in a subdirectory get the same results.
$stylesheet_bytes += strlen(str_replace($GLOBALS['base_path'], '/', file_get_contents($filename)));
foreach ($script_urls as $url) {
if ($GLOBALS['base_path'] === '/') {
$filename = ltrim(parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH), '/');
else {
$filename = str_replace($GLOBALS['base_path'], '', parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH));
$script_bytes += strlen(file_get_contents($filename));
* Sends metrics to OpenTelemetry.
* @param array $messages
* The ChromeDriver performance log messages.
* @param string $service_name
* A human readable identifier so that traces can be grouped together.
* @see
private function openTelemetryTracing(array $messages, string $service_name) : void {
// Open telemetry timestamps are always in nanoseconds.
// @todo Consider moving these to trait constants once we require PHP 8.2.
$nanoseconds_per_second = 1000000000;
$nanoseconds_per_millisecond = 1000000;
$nanoseconds_per_microsecond = 1000;
$collector = getenv('OTEL_COLLECTOR');
if (!$collector) {
$first_request_timestamp = NULL;
$first_response_timestamp = NULL;
$request_wall_time = NULL;
$response_wall_time = NULL;
$url = NULL;
foreach ($messages as $message) {
// Since chrome timestamps are since OS start, we take the first network
// request and response, determine the wall times of each, then calculate
// offsets from those for everything else.
if ($message['method'] === 'Tracing.dataCollected' && isset($message['params']['name']) && $message['params']['name'] === 'ResourceReceiveResponse') {
$first_response_timestamp = (int) ($message['params']['ts'] * $nanoseconds_per_microsecond);
// Get the actual timestamp of the response which is a millisecond unix
// epoch timestamp. The log doesn't provide this for the request.
$response_wall_time = (int) ($message['params']['args']['data']['responseTime'] * $nanoseconds_per_millisecond);
// 'requestTime' is in the format 'seconds since OS boot with
// microsecond precision'.
$first_request_timestamp = (int) ($message['params']['args']['data']['timing']['requestTime'] * $nanoseconds_per_second);
// By subtracting the request timestamp from the response wall time we
// get the request wall time.
$request_wall_time = $response_wall_time - ($first_response_timestamp - $first_request_timestamp);
if ($first_response_timestamp === NULL) {
// If the $first_response_timestamp is null, this means we got an
// incomplete log from chromedriver, mark the test as skipped.
$this->markTestSkipped('Incomplete log from chromedriver, giving up.');
// @todo Get commit hash from an environment variable and add this as an
// additional attribute.
// @see
$resource = ResourceInfoFactory::defaultResource();
$resource = $resource->merge(ResourceInfo::create(Attributes::create([
ResourceAttributes::SERVICE_NAMESPACE => 'Drupal',
ResourceAttributes::SERVICE_NAME => $service_name,
ResourceAttributes::SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID => 1,
ResourceAttributes::SERVICE_VERSION => \Drupal::VERSION,
ResourceAttributes::DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT_NAME => 'local',
$otel_collector_headers = getenv('OTEL_COLLECTOR_HEADERS') ?: [];
if ($otel_collector_headers) {
$otel_collector_headers = json_decode($otel_collector_headers, TRUE);
$transport = (new OtlpHttpTransportFactory())->create($collector, 'application/x-protobuf', $otel_collector_headers);
$exporter = new SpanExporter($transport);
$tracerProvider = new TracerProvider(new SimpleSpanProcessor($exporter), NULL, $resource);
$tracer = $tracerProvider->getTracer('Drupal');
$span = $tracer->spanBuilder('main')
->setAttribute('http.method', 'GET')
->setAttribute('http.url', $url)
$last_timestamp = $response_wall_time;
try {
$scope = $span->activate();
$first_byte_span = $tracer->spanBuilder('firstByte')
->setAttribute('http.url', $url)
$collection = \Drupal::keyValue('performance_test');
$performance_test_data = $collection->get('performance_test_data');
$query_events = $performance_test_data['database_events'] ?? [];
foreach ($query_events as $event) {
if (static::isDatabaseCache($event)) {
// Use the first part of the database query for the span name.
$query_span = $tracer->spanBuilder(substr($event->queryString, 0, 64))
->setStartTimestamp((int) ($event->startTime * $nanoseconds_per_second))
->setAttribute('query.string', $event->queryString)
->setAttribute('query.args', var_export($event->args, TRUE))
->setAttribute('query.caller', var_export($event->caller, TRUE))
$query_span->end((int) ($event->time * $nanoseconds_per_second));
$cache_operations = $performance_test_data['cache_operations'] ?? [];
foreach ($cache_operations as $operation) {
$cache_span = $tracer->spanBuilder('cache ' . $operation['operation'] . ' ' . $operation['bin'])
->setStartTimestamp((int) ($operation['start'] * $nanoseconds_per_second))
->setAttribute('cache.operation', $operation['operation'])
->setAttribute('cache.cids', $operation['cids'])
->setAttribute('cache.bin', $operation['bin'])
$cache_span->end((int) ($operation['stop'] * $nanoseconds_per_second));
$cache_tag_operations = $performance_test_data['cache_tag_operations'] ?? [];
foreach ($cache_tag_operations as $operation) {
$cache_tag_span = $tracer->spanBuilder('cache_tag ' . $operation['operation']->name . ' ' . $operation['tags'])
->setStartTimestamp((int) ($operation['start'] * $nanoseconds_per_second))
->setAttribute('cache_tag.operation', $operation['operation']->name)
->setAttribute('cache_tag.tags', $operation['tags'])
$cache_tag_span->end((int) ($operation['stop'] * $nanoseconds_per_second));
$lcp_timestamp = NULL;
$fcp_timestamp = NULL;
$lcp_size = 0;
foreach ($messages as $message) {
if ($message['method'] === 'Tracing.dataCollected' && $message['params']['name'] === 'firstContentfulPaint') {
if (!isset($fcp_timestamp)) {
// Tracing timestamps are microseconds since OS boot.
$fcp_timestamp = $message['params']['ts'] * $nanoseconds_per_microsecond;
$fcp_span = $tracer->spanBuilder('firstContentfulPaint')
->setAttribute('http.url', $url)
$last_timestamp = $first_contentful_paint_wall_time = (int) ($request_wall_time + ($fcp_timestamp - $first_request_timestamp));
// There can be multiple largestContentfulPaint candidates, remember
// the largest one.
if ($message['method'] === 'Tracing.dataCollected' && $message['params']['name'] === 'largestContentfulPaint::Candidate' && $message['params']['args']['data']['size'] > $lcp_size) {
$lcp_timestamp = $message['params']['ts'] * $nanoseconds_per_microsecond;
$lcp_size = $message['params']['args']['data']['size'];
if (isset($lcp_timestamp)) {
$lcp_span = $tracer->spanBuilder('largestContentfulPaint')
->setAttribute('http.url', $url)
$last_timestamp = $largest_contentful_paint_wall_time = (int) ($request_wall_time + ($lcp_timestamp - $first_request_timestamp));
$lcp_span->setAttribute('lcp.size', $lcp_size);
} finally {
// The scope must be detached before the span is ended, because it's
// created from the span.
if (isset($scope)) {
* Asserts that a count is between a min and max inclusively.
* @param int $min
* Minimum value.
* @param int $max
* Maximum value.
* @param int $actual
* The number to assert against.
* @param string $message
* The message to display.
* @return void
* @throws \PHPUnit\Framework\ExpectationFailedException
protected function assertCountBetween(int $min, int $max, int $actual, string $message = '') {
if (!empty($message)) {
$message .= " ";
static::assertThat($actual, static::logicalAnd(static::greaterThanOrEqual($min), static::lessThanOrEqual($max)), "{$message}{$actual} is greater or equal to {$min} and is smaller or equal to {$max}");
* Checks whether a database event is from the database cache implementation.
* @param Drupal\Core\Database\Event\DatabaseEvent $event
* The database event.
* @return bool
* Whether the event was triggered by the database cache implementation.
protected static function isDatabaseCache(DatabaseEvent $event) : bool {
// If there is no class, then this is called from a procedural function.
if (isset($event->caller['class'])) {
$class = str_replace('\\\\', '\\', $event->caller['class']);
return is_a($class, '\\Drupal\\Core\\Cache\\DatabaseBackend', TRUE) || is_a($class, '\\Drupal\\Core\\Cache\\DatabaseCacheTagsChecksum', TRUE);
return FALSE;
* Assert metrics from a performance data value object.
* @param array $expected
* The expected metrics.
* @param \Drupal\Tests\PerformanceData $performance_data
* An instance of the performance data value object.
* @return void
protected function assertMetrics(array $expected, PerformanceData $performance_data) : void {
// Allow those metrics to have a range of +/- 500 bytes, so small changes
// are not significant enough to break tests.
$assertRange = [
$values = [];
foreach ($expected as $name => $metric) {
if (in_array($name, $assertRange)) {
$this->assertCountBetween($metric - 500, $metric + 500, $performance_data->{"get{$name}"}(), "Asserting {$name}");
else {
$values[$name] = $performance_data->{"get{$name}"}();
$this->assertSame($expected, $values);
* Get metrics from a performance data value object.
* @param \Drupal\Tests\PerformanceData $performance_data
* An instance of the performance data value object.
* @return array
* An array of metrics.
protected function getMetrics(PerformanceData $performance_data) : array {
return [
'StylesheetCount' => $performance_data->getStylesheetCount(),
'ScriptCount' => $performance_data->getScriptCount(),
'StylesheetBytes' => $performance_data->getStylesheetBytes(),
'ScriptBytes' => $performance_data->getScriptBytes(),
'QueryCount' => $performance_data->getQueryCount(),
'CacheGetCount' => $performance_data->getCacheGetCount(),
'CacheSetCount' => $performance_data->getCacheSetCount(),
'CacheDeleteCount' => $performance_data->getCacheDeleteCount(),
'CacheTagChecksumCount' => $performance_data->getCacheTagChecksumCount(),
'CacheTagIsValidCount' => $performance_data->getCacheTagIsValidCount(),
'CacheTagInvalidationCount' => $performance_data->getCacheTagInvalidationCount(),
* Normalizes a query by removing the database prefix and newlines.
* @param string $query_string
* The query string to normalize.
* @param string $database_prefix
* The database prefix to remove from the query.
* @return string
* The normalized query string.
protected static function normalizeQuery(string $query_string, string $database_prefix) : string {
return str_replace([
], [
' ',
' ',
' ',
], $query_string);
Title | Deprecated | Summary |
PerformanceTestTrait | Provides various methods to aid in collecting performance data during tests. |
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