function _claro_convert_link_to_action_link
Same name in other branches
- 9 core/themes/claro/claro.theme \_claro_convert_link_to_action_link()
- 8.9.x core/themes/claro/claro.theme \_claro_convert_link_to_action_link()
- 10 core/themes/claro/claro.theme \_claro_convert_link_to_action_link()
Converts a link render element to an action link.
This helper merges every attributes from $link['#attributes'], from $link['#options']['attributes'] and from the Url object's.
array $link: Link renderable array.
string|null $icon_name: The name of the needed icon. When specified, a CSS class will be added with the following pattern: 'action-link--icon-[icon_name]'. If the needed icon is not implemented in CSS, no icon will be added. Currently available icons are:
- checkmark,
- cog,
- ex,
- plus,
- trash.
string $size: Name of the small action link variant. Defaults to 'default'. Supported sizes are:
- default,
- small,
- extrasmall.
string $variant: Variant of the action link. Supported variants are 'default' and 'danger'. Defaults to 'default'.
Return value
array The link renderable converted to action link.
2 calls to _claro_convert_link_to_action_link()
- claro_form_alter in core/
themes/ claro/ claro.theme - Implements hook_form_alter().
- claro_preprocess_links in core/
themes/ claro/ claro.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for links.
themes/ claro/ claro.theme, line 599
function _claro_convert_link_to_action_link(array $link, $icon_name = NULL, $size = 'default', $variant = 'default') {
// Early opt-out if we cannot do anything.
if (empty($link['#type']) || $link['#type'] !== 'link' || empty($link['#url'])) {
return $link;
// \Drupal\Core\Render\Element\Link::preRenderLink adds $link['#attributes']
// to $link[#options]['attributes'] if it is not empty, but it does not merges
// the 'class' subkey deeply.
// Because of this, when $link[#options]['attributes']['class'] is set, the
// classes defined in $link['#attributes']['class'] are ignored.
// To keep this behavior we repeat this for action-link, which means that this
// conversion happens a bit earlier. We unset $link['#attributes'] to prevent
// Link::preRenderLink() doing the same, because for action-links, that would
// be needless.
$link += [
'#options' => [],
if (isset($link['#attributes'])) {
$link['#options'] += [
'attributes' => [],
$link['#options']['attributes'] += $link['#attributes'];
$link['#options'] += [
'attributes' => [],
$link['#options']['attributes'] += [
'class' => [],
// Determine the needed (type) variant.
$variants_supported = [
$variant = is_string($variant) && in_array($variant, $variants_supported) ? $variant : reset($variants_supported);
// Remove button, button modifier CSS classes and other unwanted ones.
$link['#options']['attributes']['class'] = array_diff($link['#options']['attributes']['class'], [
// Adding the needed CSS classes.
$link['#options']['attributes']['class'][] = 'action-link';
// Add the variant-modifier CSS class only if the variant is not the default.
if ($variant !== reset($variants_supported)) {
$link['#options']['attributes']['class'][] = Html::getClass("action-link--{$variant}");
// Add the icon modifier CSS class.
if (!empty($icon_name)) {
$link['#options']['attributes']['class'][] = Html::getClass("action-link--icon-{$icon_name}");
if ($size && in_array($size, [
])) {
$link['#options']['attributes']['class'][] = Html::getClass("action-link--{$size}");
// If the provided $link is an item of the 'links' theme function, then only
// the attributes of the Url object are processed during rendering.
$url_attributes = $link['#url']->getOption('attributes') ?: [];
$url_attributes = NestedArray::mergeDeep($url_attributes, $link['#options']['attributes']);
$link['#url']->setOption('attributes', $url_attributes);
return $link;
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