Topics - 11.x - drupal
Title | Summary |
Ajax API | Overview for Drupal's Ajax API. |
Annotations | Annotations for class discovery and metadata description. |
Authorized operations | Functions to run operations with elevated privileges via authorize.php. |
Batch operations | Creates and processes batch operations. |
Best practices for developers | Overview of standards and best practices for developers |
Block API | Information about the classes and interfaces that make up the Block API. |
Cache API | Information about the Drupal Cache API |
Callbacks | Callback function signatures. |
CKEditor 5 architecture | Overview The CKEditor 5 module integrates CKEditor 5 with Drupal's filtering and text editor APIs. |
Config Action API | Information about the classes and interfaces that make up the Config Action API. |
Configuration API | Information about the Configuration API. |
Services and Dependency Injection Container | Overview of the Dependency Injection Container and Services. |
Content markers | Markers used by mark.html.twig and node_mark() to designate content. |
Content Moderation Workflow Type Plugin | The Workflow Type plugin implemented by Content Moderation links revisionable entities to workflows. |
Database abstraction layer | Allow the use of different database servers using the same code base. |
Entity API | Describes how to define and manipulate content and configuration entities. |
Entity CRUD, editing, and view hooks | Hooks used in various entity operations. |
Entity type characteristics | Describes how to enhance entity types with additional functionality. |
Events | Overview of event dispatch and subscribing |
Extending and altering Drupal | Overview of extensions and alteration methods for Drupal. |
Field API | Attaches custom data fields to Drupal entities. |
Field Formatter API | Define Field API formatter types. |
Field API bulk data deletion | Cleans up after Field API bulk deletion operations. |
Field Types API | Defines field, widget, display formatter, and storage types. |
Field Widget API | Define Field API widget types. |
File interface | Common file handling functions. |
Form generation | Describes how to generate and manipulate forms and process form submissions. |
Help and documentation | Documenting modules, themes, and install profiles |
Hooks | Define functions that alter the behavior of Drupal core. |
Internationalization | Internationalization and translation |
Image toolkits | Functions for image file manipulations. |
Information types | Types of information in Drupal. |
Interface translation properties | .info.yml file properties for interface translation settings. |
JSON:API Architecture | Overview The JSON:API module is a Drupal-centric implementation of the JSON:API specification. By its own definition, the JSON:API specification "is a specification for how a client should request that resources be fetched or modified, and how a… |
Layout Builder access | In determining access rights for the Layout Builder UI, \Drupal\layout_builder\Access\LayoutBuilderAccessCheck checks if the specified section storage plugin (an implementation of \Drupal\layout_builder\SectionStorageInterface) grants access. |
Lazy Services | Lazy services overview |
Page header for Classes page | Introduction to classes |
Page header for Elements page | Introduction to form and render elements |
Page header for Namespaces page | Introduction to namespaces |
Page header for Services page | Introduction to services |
Locking mechanisms | Functions to coordinate long operations across requests. |
Logging severity levels | Logging severity levels as defined in RFC 5424. |
Media Library Architecture | Media Library is a UI for the core Media module. It provides a visual interface for users to manage media in their site, and it allows authors to visually select media for use in entity reference and text fields, using a modal dialog. |
Menu system | Define the navigation menus, local actions and tasks, and contextual links. |
Migrate API | Overview of the Migrate API, which migrates data into Drupal. |
Node access rights | The node access system determines who can do what to which nodes. |
Objected-oriented programming conventions | PSR-4, namespaces, class naming, and other conventions. |
PHP Runtime Assert Statements | Use of the assert() statement in Drupal. |
PHP wrapper functions | Functions that are wrappers or custom implementations of PHP functions. |
Plugin API | Using the Plugin API |
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