Language Negotiation API.

See also



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 * @file
 * Language Negotiation API.
 * @see

 * No language negotiation. The default language is used.
define('LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_DEFAULT', 'language-default');

 * @defgroup language_negotiation Language Negotiation API functionality
 * @{
 * Functions to customize the language types and the negotiation process.
 * The language negotiation API is based on two major concepts:
 * - Language types: types of translatable data (the types of data that a user
 *   can view or request).
 * - Language negotiation providers: functions for determining which language to
 *   use to present a particular piece of data to the user.
 * Both language types and language negotiation providers are customizable.
 * Drupal defines three built-in language types:
 * - Interface language: The page's main language, used to present translated
 *   user interface elements such as titles, labels, help text, and messages.
 * - Content language: The language used to present content that is available
 *   in more than one language (see
 *   @link field_language Field Language API @endlink for details).
 * - URL language: The language associated with URLs. When generating a URL,
 *   this value will be used by url() as a default if no explicit preference is
 *   provided.
 * Modules can define additional language types through
 * hook_language_types_info(), and alter existing language type definitions
 * through hook_language_types_info_alter().
 * Language types may be configurable or fixed. The language negotiation
 * providers associated with a configurable language type can be explicitly
 * set through the user interface. A fixed language type has predetermined
 * (module-defined) language negotiation settings and, thus, does not appear in
 * the configuration page. Here is a code snippet that makes the content
 * language (which by default inherits the interface language's values)
 * configurable:
 * @code
 * function mymodule_language_types_info_alter(&$language_types) {
 *   unset($language_types[LANGUAGE_TYPE_CONTENT]['fixed']);
 * }
 * @endcode
 * Every language type can have a different set of language negotiation
 * providers assigned to it. Different language types often share the same
 * language negotiation settings, but they can have independent settings if
 * needed. If two language types are configured the same way, their language
 * switcher configuration will be functionally identical and the same settings
 * will act on both language types.
 * Drupal defines the following built-in language negotiation providers:
 * - URL: Determine the language from the URL (path prefix or domain).
 * - Session: Determine the language from a request/session parameter.
 * - User: Follow the user's language preference.
 * - Browser: Determine the language from the browser's language settings.
 * - Default language: Use the default site language.
 * Language negotiation providers are simple callback functions that implement a
 * particular logic to return a language code. For instance, the URL provider
 * searches for a valid path prefix or domain name in the current request URL.
 * If a language negotiation provider does not return a valid language code, the
 * next provider associated to the language type (based on provider weight) is
 * invoked.
 * Modules can define additional language negotiation providers through
 * hook_language_negotiation_info(), and alter existing providers through
 * hook_language_negotiation_info_alter(). Here is an example snippet that lets
 * path prefixes be ignored for administrative paths:
 * @code
 * function mymodule_language_negotiation_info_alter(&$negotiation_info) {
 *   // Replace the core function with our own function.
 *   module_load_include('language', 'inc', 'language.negotiation');
 *   $negotiation_info[LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_URL]['callbacks']['language'] = 'mymodule_from_url';
 *   $negotiation_info[LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_URL]['file'] = drupal_get_path('module', 'mymodule') . '/mymodule.module';
 * }
 * function mymodule_from_url($languages) {
 *   // Use the core URL language negotiation provider to get a valid language
 *   // code.
 *   module_load_include('language', 'inc', 'language.negotiation');
 *   $langcode = language_from_url($languages);
 *   // If we are on an administrative path, override with the default language.
 *   if (isset($_GET['q']) && strtok($_GET['q'], '/') == 'admin') {
 *     return language_default()->langcode;
 *   }
 *   return $langcode;
 * }
 * @endcode
 * For more information, see
 * @link Language Negotiation API @endlink

 * Returns all the defined language types.
 * @return
 *   An array of language type names. The name will be used as the global
 *   variable name the language value will be stored in.
function language_types_info() {
    $language_types =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
    if (!isset($language_types)) {
        $language_types = module_invoke_all('language_types_info');
        // Let other modules alter the list of language types.
        drupal_alter('language_types_info', $language_types);
    return $language_types;

 * Returns only the configurable language types.
 * A language type maybe configurable or fixed. A fixed language type is a type
 * whose language negotiation providers are module-defined and not altered
 * through the user interface.
 * @param $stored
 *   Optional. By default retrieves values from the 'language_types' variable to
 *   avoid unnecessary hook invocations.
 *   If set to FALSE retrieves values from the actual language type definitions.
 *   This allows to react to alterations performed on the definitions by modules
 *   installed after the 'language_types' variable is set.
 * @return
 *   An array of language type names.
function language_types_configurable($stored = TRUE) {
    $configurable =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
    if ($stored && !isset($configurable)) {
        $types = variable_get('language_types', drupal_language_types());
        $configurable = array_keys(array_filter($types));
    if (!$stored) {
        $result = array();
        foreach (language_types_info() as $type => $info) {
            if (!isset($info['fixed'])) {
                $result[] = $type;
        return $result;
    return $configurable;

 * Disables the given language types.
 * @param $types
 *   An array of language types.
function language_types_disable($types) {
    $enabled_types = variable_get('language_types', drupal_language_types());
    foreach ($types as $type) {
    variable_set('language_types', $enabled_types);

 * Updates the language type configuration.
function language_types_set() {
    // Ensure that we are getting the defined language negotiation information. An
    // invocation of module_enable() or module_disable() could outdate the cached
    // information.
    // Determine which language types are configurable and which not by checking
    // whether the 'fixed' key is defined. Non-configurable (fixed) language types
    // have their language negotiation settings stored there.
    $defined_providers = language_negotiation_info();
    foreach (language_types_info() as $type => $info) {
        if (isset($info['fixed'])) {
            $language_types[$type] = FALSE;
            $negotiation = array();
            foreach ($info['fixed'] as $weight => $id) {
                if (isset($defined_providers[$id])) {
                    $negotiation[$id] = $weight;
            language_negotiation_set($type, $negotiation);
        else {
            $language_types[$type] = TRUE;
    // Save language types.
    variable_set('language_types', $language_types);
    // Ensure that subsequent calls of language_types_configurable() return the
    // updated language type information.

 * Checks whether a language negotiation provider is enabled for a language type.
 * This has two possible behaviors:
 *  - If $provider_id is given return its ID if enabled, FALSE otherwise.
 *  - If no ID is passed the first enabled language negotiation provider is
 *    returned.
 * @param $type
 *   The language negotiation provider type.
 * @param $provider_id
 *   The language negotiation provider ID.
 * @return
 *   The provider ID if it is enabled, FALSE otherwise.
function language_negotiation_get($type, $provider_id = NULL) {
    $negotiation = variable_get("language_negotiation_{$type}", array());
    if (empty($negotiation)) {
        return empty($provider_id) ? LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_DEFAULT : FALSE;
    if (empty($provider_id)) {
        return key($negotiation);
    if (isset($negotiation[$provider_id])) {
        return $provider_id;
    return FALSE;

 * Checks if the language negotiation provider is enabled for any language type.
 * @param $provider_id
 *   The language negotiation provider ID.
 * @return
 *   TRUE if there is at least one language type for which the given language
 *   provider is enabled, FALSE otherwise.
function language_negotiation_get_any($provider_id) {
    foreach (language_types_configurable() as $type) {
        if (language_negotiation_get($type, $provider_id)) {
            return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

 * Returns the language switch links for the given language.
 * @param $type
 *   The language negotiation type.
 * @param $path
 *   The internal path the switch links will be relative to.
 * @return
 *   A keyed array of links ready to be themed.
function language_negotiation_get_switch_links($type, $path) {
    $links = FALSE;
    $negotiation = variable_get("language_negotiation_{$type}", array());
    // Only get the languages if we have more than one.
    if (count(language_list()) >= 2) {
        $language = language_initialize($type);
    foreach ($negotiation as $id => $provider) {
        if (isset($provider['callbacks']['switcher'])) {
            if (isset($provider['file'])) {
                require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $provider['file'];
            $callback = $provider['callbacks']['switcher'];
            $result = $callback($type, $path);
            // Add support for WCAG 2.0's Language of Parts to add language identifiers.
            foreach ($result as $langcode => $link) {
                $result[$langcode]['attributes']['xml:lang'] = $langcode;
            if (!empty($result)) {
                // Allow modules to provide translations for specific links.
                drupal_alter('language_switch_links', $result, $type, $path);
                $links = (object) array(
                    'links' => $result,
                    'provider' => $id,
    return $links;

 * Removes any unused language negotiation providers from the configuration.
function language_negotiation_purge() {
    // Ensure that we are getting the defined language negotiation information. An
    // invocation of module_enable() or module_disable() could outdate the cached
    // information.
    $defined_providers = language_negotiation_info();
    foreach (language_types_info() as $type => $type_info) {
        $weight = 0;
        $negotiation = array();
        foreach (variable_get("language_negotiation_{$type}", array()) as $id => $provider) {
            if (isset($defined_providers[$id])) {
                $negotiation[$id] = $weight++;
        language_negotiation_set($type, $negotiation);

 * Saves a list of language negotiation providers.
 * @param $type
 *   The language negotiation type.
 * @param $language_providers
 *   An array of language negotiation provider weights keyed by provider ID.
 *   @see language_provider_weight()
function language_negotiation_set($type, $language_providers) {
    // Save only the necessary fields.
    $provider_fields = array(
    $negotiation = array();
    $providers_weight = array();
    $defined_providers = language_negotiation_info();
    $default_types = language_types_configurable(FALSE);
    // Initialize the providers weight list.
    foreach ($language_providers as $id => $provider) {
        $providers_weight[$id] = language_provider_weight($provider);
    // Order providers list by weight.
    foreach ($providers_weight as $id => $weight) {
        if (isset($defined_providers[$id])) {
            $provider = $defined_providers[$id];
            // If the provider does not express any preference about types, make it
            // available for any configurable type.
            $types = array_flip(isset($provider['types']) ? $provider['types'] : $default_types);
            // Check whether the provider is defined and has the right type.
            if (isset($types[$type])) {
                $provider_data = array();
                foreach ($provider_fields as $field) {
                    if (isset($provider[$field])) {
                        $provider_data[$field] = $provider[$field];
                $negotiation[$id] = $provider_data;
    variable_set("language_negotiation_{$type}", $negotiation);

 * Returns all the defined language negotiation providers.
 * @return
 *   An array of language negotiation providers.
function language_negotiation_info() {
    $language_providers =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
    if (!isset($language_providers)) {
        // Collect all the module-defined language negotiation providers.
        $language_providers = module_invoke_all('language_negotiation_info');
        // Add the default language negotiation provider.
        $language_providers[LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_DEFAULT] = array(
            'callbacks' => array(
                'language' => 'language_from_default',
            'weight' => 10,
            'name' => t('Default'),
            'description' => t('Use the default site language (@language_name).', array(
                '@language_name' => language_default()->native,
        // Let other modules alter the list of language negotiation providers.
        drupal_alter('language_negotiation_info', $language_providers);
    return $language_providers;

 * Helper function used to cache the language negotiation providers results.
 * @param $provider_id
 *   The language negotiation provider's identifier.
 * @param $provider
 *   (optional) An associative array of information about the provider to be
 *   invoked (see hook_language_negotiation_info() for details). If not passed
 *   in, it will be loaded through language_negotiation_info().
 * @return
 *   A language object representing the language chosen by the provider.
function language_provider_invoke($provider_id, $provider = NULL) {
    $results =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
    if (!isset($results[$provider_id])) {
        global $user;
        // Get languages grouped by status and select only the enabled ones.
        $languages = language_list('enabled');
        $languages = $languages[1];
        if (!isset($provider)) {
            $providers = language_negotiation_info();
            $provider = $providers[$provider_id];
        if (isset($provider['file'])) {
            require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $provider['file'];
        // If the language negotiation provider has no cache preference or this is
        // satisfied we can execute the callback.
        $cache = !isset($provider['cache']) || $user->uid || $provider['cache'] == variable_get('cache', 0);
        $callback = isset($provider['callbacks']['language']) ? $provider['callbacks']['language'] : FALSE;
        $langcode = $cache && function_exists($callback) ? $callback($languages) : FALSE;
        $results[$provider_id] = isset($languages[$langcode]) ? $languages[$langcode] : FALSE;
    // Since objects are resources, we need to return a clone to prevent the
    // language negotiation provider cache from being unintentionally altered. The
    // same providers might be used with different language types based on
    // configuration.
    return !empty($results[$provider_id]) ? clone $results[$provider_id] : $results[$provider_id];

 * Returns the passed language negotiation provider weight or a default value.
 * @param $provider
 *   A language negotiation provider data structure.
 * @return
 *   A numeric weight.
function language_provider_weight($provider) {
    $default = is_numeric($provider) ? $provider : 0;
    return isset($provider['weight']) && is_numeric($provider['weight']) ? $provider['weight'] : $default;

 * Chooses a language based on language negotiation provider settings.
 * @param $type
 *   The language type key to find the language for.
 * @return
 *   The negotiated language object.
function language_initialize($type) {
    // Execute the language negotiation providers in the order they were set up and return the
    // first valid language found.
    $negotiation = variable_get("language_negotiation_{$type}", array());
    foreach ($negotiation as $provider_id => $provider) {
        $language = language_provider_invoke($provider_id, $provider);
        if ($language) {
            $language->provider = $provider_id;
            return $language;
    // If no other language was found use the default one.
    $language = language_default();
    $language->provider = LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_DEFAULT;
    return $language;

 * Returns the default language negotiation provider.
 * @return
 *   The default language code.
function language_from_default() {
    return language_default()->language;

 * Splits the given path into prefix and actual path.
 * Parse the given path and return the language object identified by the prefix
 * and the actual path.
 * @param $path
 *   The path to split.
 * @param $languages
 *   An array of valid languages.
 * @return
 *   An array composed of:
 *    - A language object corresponding to the identified prefix on success,
 *      FALSE otherwise.
 *    - The path without the prefix on success, the given path otherwise.
function language_url_split_prefix($path, $languages) {
    $args = empty($path) ? array() : explode('/', $path);
    $prefix = array_shift($args);
    // Search prefix within enabled languages.
    foreach ($languages as $language) {
        if (!empty($language->prefix) && $language->prefix == $prefix) {
            // Rebuild $path with the language removed.
            return array(
                implode('/', $args),
    return array(

 * Returns the possible fallback languages ordered by language weight.
 * @param
 *   (optional) The language type. Defaults to LANGUAGE_TYPE_CONTENT.
 * @return
 *   An array of language codes.
function language_fallback_get_candidates($type = LANGUAGE_TYPE_CONTENT) {
    $fallback_candidates =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
    if (!isset($fallback_candidates)) {
        $fallback_candidates = array();
        // Get languages ordered by weight.
        // Use array keys to avoid duplicated entries.
        foreach (language_list('weight') as $languages) {
            foreach ($languages as $language) {
                $fallback_candidates[$language->language] = NULL;
        $fallback_candidates = array_keys($fallback_candidates);
        $fallback_candidates[] = LANGUAGE_NONE;
        // Let other modules hook in and add/change candidates.
        drupal_alter('language_fallback_candidates', $fallback_candidates);
    return $fallback_candidates;

 * @} End of "language_negotiation"


Title Deprecated Summary
language_fallback_get_candidates Returns the possible fallback languages ordered by language weight.
language_from_default Returns the default language negotiation provider.
language_initialize Chooses a language based on language negotiation provider settings.
language_negotiation_get Checks whether a language negotiation provider is enabled for a language type.
language_negotiation_get_any Checks if the language negotiation provider is enabled for any language type.
language_negotiation_get_switch_links Returns the language switch links for the given language.
language_negotiation_info Returns all the defined language negotiation providers.
language_negotiation_purge Removes any unused language negotiation providers from the configuration.
language_negotiation_set Saves a list of language negotiation providers.
language_provider_invoke Helper function used to cache the language negotiation providers results.
language_provider_weight Returns the passed language negotiation provider weight or a default value.
language_types_configurable Returns only the configurable language types.
language_types_disable Disables the given language types.
language_types_info Returns all the defined language types.
language_types_set Updates the language type configuration.
language_url_split_prefix Splits the given path into prefix and actual path.


Title Deprecated Summary
LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_DEFAULT No language negotiation. The default language is used.

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