Checks whether a language negotiation provider is enabled for a language type.

This has two possible behaviors:

  • If $provider_id is given return its ID if enabled, FALSE otherwise.
  • If no ID is passed the first enabled language negotiation provider is returned.


$type: The language negotiation provider type.

$provider_id: The language negotiation provider ID.

Return value

The provider ID if it is enabled, FALSE otherwise.

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includes/, line 230
Language Negotiation API.


function language_negotiation_get($type, $provider_id = NULL) {
  $negotiation = variable_get("language_negotiation_{$type}", array());
  if (empty($negotiation)) {
    return empty($provider_id) ? LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_DEFAULT : FALSE;
  if (empty($provider_id)) {
    return key($negotiation);
  if (isset($negotiation[$provider_id])) {
    return $provider_id;
  return FALSE;