function dashboard_admin_blocks
Page callback: Builds the page for administering dashboard blocks.
This page reuses the Block module's administration form but limits editing to blocks that are available to appear on the dashboard.
See also
1 string reference to 'dashboard_admin_blocks'
- dashboard_menu in modules/
dashboard/ dashboard.module - Implements hook_menu().
dashboard/ dashboard.module, line 315
function dashboard_admin_blocks() {
global $theme_key;
module_load_include('inc', 'block', 'block.admin');
// Prepare the blocks for the current theme, and remove those that are
// currently displayed in non-dashboard regions.
// @todo This assumes the current page is being displayed using the same
// theme that the dashboard is displayed in.
$blocks = block_admin_display_prepare_blocks($theme_key);
$dashboard_regions = dashboard_region_descriptions();
$regions_to_remove = array_diff_key(system_region_list($theme_key, REGIONS_VISIBLE), $dashboard_regions);
foreach ($blocks as $id => $block) {
if (isset($regions_to_remove[$block['region']])) {
// Pass in the above blocks and dashboard regions to the form, so that only
// dashboard-related regions will be displayed.
return drupal_get_form('dashboard_admin_display_form', $blocks, $theme_key, $dashboard_regions);
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