function php_eval

Evaluates a string of PHP code.

This is a wrapper around PHP's eval(). It uses output buffering to capture both returned and printed text. Unlike eval(), we require code to be surrounded by <?php ?> tags; in other words, we evaluate the code as if it were a stand-alone PHP file.

Using this wrapper also ensures that the PHP code which is evaluated can not overwrite any variables in the calling code, unlike a regular eval() call.

This function is also used as an implementation of callback_filter_process().


$code: The code to evaluate.

Return value

A string containing the printed output of the code, followed by the returned output of the code.

See also


Related topics

1 call to php_eval()
block_block_list_alter in modules/block/block.module
Implements hook_block_list_alter().
1 string reference to 'php_eval'
php_filter_info in modules/php/php.module
Implements hook_filter_info().


modules/php/php.module, line 63


function php_eval($code) {
    global $theme_path, $theme_info, $conf;
    // Store current theme path.
    $old_theme_path = $theme_path;
    // Restore theme_path to the theme, as long as php_eval() executes,
    // so code evaluated will not see the caller module as the current theme.
    // If theme info is not initialized get the path from theme_default.
    if (!isset($theme_info)) {
        $theme_path = drupal_get_path('theme', $conf['theme_default']);
    else {
        $theme_path = dirname($theme_info->filename);
    print eval('?>' . $code);
    $output = ob_get_contents();
    // Recover original theme path.
    $theme_path = $old_theme_path;
    return $output;

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