Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().


modules/user/tests/user_form_test.module, line 87
Dummy module implementing a form to test user password validation


function user_form_test_form_user_pass_reset_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {

  // An unaltered form has no form values; the uid/timestmap/"confirm" are in
  // the URL arguments. (If for some reason a form_alter method needs the
  // hash, it can be retrieved from $form['#action'].)
  if (!is_numeric(arg(2)) || !is_numeric(arg(3)) || !is_string(arg(4)) || arg(4) !== 'confirm') {
    throw new Exception("Something unexpected changed in the user_pass_reset form; we are not getting the UID/timestamp/'confirm' passed anymore.");

  // Use the variable system to communicate to the test code, since we don't
  // share a session with it.
  variable_set('user_test_pass_reset_form_build_' . arg(2), TRUE);
  $form['#submit'][] = 'user_form_test_form_user_pass_reset_submit';

  // We must cache the form to ensure the form builder (user_pass_reset()) is
  // skipped when processing the submitted form, otherwise we get redirected
  // already during form build.
  $form_state['cache'] = TRUE;