function action_example_action_info
Implements hook_action_info().
We call hook_action_info when we are defining the actions we provide. Actions are the actions fired by the associated triggers. In this example, we are registering our three new actions, providing the unique name (using Drupal's convention modulename_description_action), an easy to understand description of what the action does, the 'object' expected by this action (default options from core are node, user, comment and system, however other trigger modules may declare new object types), which are the triggers allowed to use these action, and if some customization is available. Please, note that the function name is not required to finish as _action to be declared as a Drupal action, and that only information provided by hook_trigger_info() will be considered for valid actions creation.
These are the actions being provided in hook_action_info()
- action_example_basic_action: this action is a dummy function which can be used by any trigger. The label describes that the action will do nothing, but is enough for a basic example. Type is set to system, so users will not be confused about the scope of this action (expecting a node, user, or any other object). This action is not configurable, and will appear as available in the list of action under the menu entry: 'admin/config/system/actions.
- action_example_unblock_user_action: Unblocks a user.
- action_example_node_sticky_action: This action is a complex action that is only available to Node type triggers, and can only be associated with the events node presave, node insert and node update. The action does not exist by default and it has to be created by user configuration. This makes it an "advanced action" in Drupal, so-called because it requires configuration or customization. In this example action, the action will promote nodes and make them sticky during presave, insert, or update, but only for particular users. As an advanced action, it first needs to be created in the actions management page (admin/config/system/actions). At the bottom of that page a selection list shows a list of advanced actions that will includes the option 'Promote to frontpage and sticky on top any content created by :' Selecting this option and clicking the 'Create' button, a configuration form will ask for an author name. When this action is associated to any of the possible Node trigger events, it will only be effective if the author of the content matches the author configured by the action.
We return an associative array of action descriptions. The keys of the array are the names of the action functions, and each corresponding value is an associative array with the following key-value pairs:
- 'type': The type of object this action acts upon. Core actions have types 'node', 'user', 'comment', and 'system', but additional types can be used, as long as the trigger and action agree on them.
- 'label': The human-readable name of the action, which should be passed through the t() function for translation.
- 'configurable': If FALSE, then the action doesn't require any extra configuration. If TRUE, then your module must define a form function with the same name as the action function with '_form' appended (e.g., the form for 'node_assign_owner_action' is 'node_assign_owner_action_form'.) This function takes $context as its only parameter, and is paired with the usual _submit function, and possibly an _validate function.
- 'triggers': An array of the triggers that can trigger this action. For example: array('node_insert', 'user_update'). You can also declare support for any trigger by returning array('any') for this value.
- 'behavior': (optional) A machine-readable array of behaviors of this
action, used to signal additionally required actions that may need to be
triggered. Currently recognized behaviors by Trigger module:
- 'changes_property': If an action with this behavior is assigned to a trigger other than a "presave" hook, any save actions also assigned to this trigger are moved later in the list. If no save action is present, one will be added. Modules that are processing actions (like Trigger module) should take special care in the "presave" hook, in which case a dependent "save" action should NOT be invoked.
See also
Related topics
action_example.module, line 144
function action_example_action_info() {
return array(
'action_example_basic_action' => array(
'label' => t('Action Example: A basic example action that does nothing'),
'type' => 'system',
'configurable' => FALSE,
'triggers' => array(
'action_example_unblock_user_action' => array(
'label' => t('Action Example: Unblock a user'),
'type' => 'user',
'configurable' => FALSE,
'triggers' => array(
'action_example_node_sticky_action' => array(
'type' => 'node',
'label' => t('Action Example: Promote to frontpage and sticky on top any content created by :'),
'configurable' => TRUE,
'behavior' => array(
'triggers' => array(