function batch_example_batch_1

Batch 1 definition: Load the node with the lowest nid 1000 times.

This creates an operations array defining what batch 1 should do, including what it should do when it's finished. In this case, each operation is the same and by chance even has the same $nid to operate on, but we could have a mix of different types of operations in the operations array.

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batch_example/batch_example.module, line 106


function batch_example_batch_1() {
    $nid = batch_example_lowest_nid();
    $num_operations = 1000;
    drupal_set_message(t('Creating an array of @num operations', array(
        '@num' => $num_operations,
    $operations = array();
    // Set up an operations array with 1000 elements, each doing function
    // batch_example_op_1.
    // Each operation in the operations array means at least one new HTTP request,
    // running Drupal from scratch to accomplish the operation. If the operation
    // returns with $context['finished'] != TRUE, then it will be called again.
    // In this example, $context['finished'] is always TRUE.
    for ($i = 0; $i < $num_operations; $i++) {
        // Each operation is an array consisting of
        // - The function to call.
        // - An array of arguments to that function.
        $operations[] = array(
                t('(Operation @operation)', array(
                    '@operation' => $i,
    $batch = array(
        'operations' => $operations,
        'finished' => 'batch_example_finished',
    return $batch;