Example modules
- Creating actions
- Using AJAX forms
- Using the batch API
- Defining blocks
- Demonstrate Drupal caching
- Defining contextual links
- Using hook_cron() and hook_cron_queue_info()
- Database examples (DBTNG)
- Sending e-mail
- Creating and managing a custom entity
- Defining fields in the field API
- Demonstrates file handling
- Defining an input filter
- Form API examples, including multistep forms
- Demonstrates image handling with styles and effects
- Javascript examples
- Menu API examples
- Node API demonstrations showing how a separate module can change the behavior of a node
- Define custom node access fules using node access hooks
- Creating custom node types, with fields
- Creating a custom page
- Using a table with a pager
- Using the Queue API
- Implementing RDF in Drupal
- Demonstrates the render API
- Writing tests for Drupal
- Use a render array to present a table with automatic sorting
- Demonstrates tabledrag forms
- Demonstrate how modules shoule use theme functions and provide tpl.php files
- Using tokens
- Implementing triggers and actions
- Using vertical tabs
- XML-RPC example
View source
* @file
* Example modules
* - @link action_example.module Creating actions @endlink
* - @link ajax_example.module Using AJAX forms @endlink
* - @link batch_example.module Using the batch API @endlink
* - @link block_example.module Defining blocks @endlink
* - @link cache_example.module Demonstrate Drupal caching @endlink
* - @link contextual_links_example.module Defining contextual links @endlink
* - @link cron_example.module Using hook_cron() and hook_cron_queue_info() @endlink
* - @link dbtng_example.module Database examples (DBTNG) @endlink
* - @link email_example.module Sending e-mail @endlink
* - @link entity_example.module Creating and managing a custom entity @endlink
* - @link field_example.module Defining fields in the field API @endlink
* - @link file_example.module Demonstrates file handling @endlink
* - @link filter_example.module Defining an input filter @endlink
* - @link form_example.module Form API examples, including multistep forms @endlink
* - @link image_example.module Demonstrates image handling with styles and effects @endlink
* - @link js_example.module Javascript examples @endlink
* - @link menu_example.module Menu API examples @endlink
* - @link nodeapi_example.module Node API demonstrations showing how a separate module can change the behavior of a node @endlink
* - @link node_access_example.module Define custom node access fules using node access hooks @endlink
* - @link node_example.module Creating custom node types, with fields @endlink
* - @link page_example.module Creating a custom page @endlink
* - @link pager_example.module Using a table with a pager @endlink
* - @link queue_example.module Using the Queue API @endlink
* - @link rdf_example.module Implementing RDF in Drupal @endlink
* - @link render_example.module Demonstrates the render API @endlink
* - @link simpletest_example.module Writing tests for Drupal @endlink
* - @link tablesort_example.module Use a render array to present a table with automatic sorting @endlink
* - @link tabledrag_example.module Demonstrates tabledrag forms @endlink
* - @link theming_example.module Demonstrate how modules shoule use theme functions and provide tpl.php files @endlink
* - @link token_example.module Using tokens @endlink
* - @link trigger_example.module Implementing triggers and actions @endlink
* - @link vertical_tabs_example.module Using vertical tabs @endlink
* - @link xmlrpc_example.module XML-RPC example @endlink