function field_permission_example_field_access
Implements hook_field_access().
We want to make sure that fields aren't being seen or edited by those who shouldn't.
We have to build a permission string similar to those in hook_permission() in order to ask Drupal whether the user has that permission. Permission strings will end up being like 'view any fieldnote' or 'edit own fieldnote'.
The tricky thing here is that a field can be attached to any type of entity, so it's not always trivial to figure out whether $account 'owns' the entity. We'll support access restrictions for user and node entity types, and be permissive with others, since that's easy to demonstrate.
See also
Related topics
field_permission_example.module, line 125
function field_permission_example_field_access($op, $field, $entity_type, $entity, $account) {
// This hook will be invoked for every field type, so we have to
// check that it's the one we're interested in.
if ($field['type'] == 'field_permission_example_fieldnote') {
// First we'll check if the user has the 'superuser'
// permissions that node provides. This way administrators
// will be able to administer the content types.
if (user_access('bypass node access', $account)) {
drupal_set_message(t('User can bypass node access.'));
return TRUE;
if (user_access('administer content types', $account)) {
drupal_set_message(t('User can administer content types.'));
return TRUE;
// Now check for our own permissions.
// $context will end up being either 'any' or 'own.'
$context = 'any';
switch ($entity_type) {
case 'user':
case 'node':
// While administering the field itself, $entity will be
// NULL, so we have to check it.
if ($entity) {
if ($entity->uid == $account->uid) {
$context = 'own';
// Assemble a permission string, such as
// 'view any fieldnote'
$permission = $op . ' ' . $context . ' fieldnote';
// Finally, ask Drupal if this account has that permission.
$access = user_access($permission, $account);
$status = 'FALSE';
if ($access) {
$status = 'TRUE';
drupal_set_message($permission . ': ' . $status);
return $access;
// We have no opinion on field types other than our own.
return TRUE;