function _menu_example_mappings

Utility function to provide mappings from integers to some strings.

This would normally be some database lookup to get an object or array from a key.


int $id: The integer key.

Return value

string The string to which the integer key mapped, or NULL if it did not map.

Related topics

2 calls to _menu_example_mappings()
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menu_example_id_load in menu_example/menu_example.module
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menu_example/menu_example.module, line 396


function _menu_example_mappings($id) {
    $mapped_value = NULL;
    static $mappings = array(
        1 => 'one',
        2 => 'two',
        3 => 'three',
        99 => 'jackpot! default',
    if (isset($mappings[$id])) {
        $mapped_value = $mappings[$id];
    return $mapped_value;